Confronting a giant demonic beast

"Fuck! How come such a horrible monster is in Yewan forest?"

With his lightning fury, Wang Li Jie lept into the air as he tried to attack the giant flying demonic beast. But, its speed and agility was far beyond his expectation. Not only the beast easily avoided his attack, it almost cut his left arm with its sword-like wings. 

This was supposed to be a Qingting demonic beast. No, this really was a Qingting beast. But, it wasn't like any other normal demonic beasts they used to see in Yewan forest. Qingting demonic beasts were supposed to look like giant dragonflies. But this one in front of him was standing like a real human. Not only its power far exceeded that of a normal one but its agility and instincts were also a lot greater. Worse yet, it could even understand and also talk human language! If he had to give an example, this beast seemed like a cultivator who just made a breakthrough and got a lot stronger.