A Lot Has Changed

What the hell is going on? Is this supposed to be my status right now?'

Karan thought silently as his eyes glanced through the rows of information on the system window.

There were many strange things in this world, but this one in particular was unheard of. He was sure that the information displayed on the system belonged to him because of some obvious details, like the fact that he was injured which was highlighted boldly.

But how did he come to see such a thing? Was this some sort of severe delusion, or had he developed a special power?

Karan's eyes widened as he seemed to have realized something. It seems he had gained a new power, but how was that possible when he didn't absorb any dungeon crystal?

In the past, several awakeners after absorbing dungeon crystals were able to gain new special abilities. This was because the dungeon crystals contain the principles of another world which integrates with the awakeners body. It wasn't something new. But there was never a case where an awakener would suddenly gain a special ability out of thin air.

This special ability of his seemed different from other heaven-piercing or earth-shattering abilities all awakeners craved for. It seems it was meant to display his condition…

Karan's brows creased into a frown as he examined the numerous stats displayed. Even if he didn't know the standard measurement, they appeared too low for his liking and he felt a sense of shame. It was obviously because he had lost his status as an awakener and he was also injured. He estimated that his stats would be much higher if his core wasn't damaged.

Just why did he get this kind of ability at this time when he was passing through a predicament? Was this a method used by the world's will to remind him of how useless he had become?

He would have appreciated this ability if he were still in his prime. It would have allowed him to keep track of his rate of development as he rose to greater heights. But, now, what was the point of it all? To be reminded of how he descended from grace to grass?

Numerous awakeners have died during dungeon raids, and their bodies were either eaten up by monsters or vaporized by the world's will to re-solidify its principles. But there was a mystery that he still failed to comprehend. How did he escape from the dungeon after being devoured by a swarm of monsters?

According to Amon and Darvyn, he was found unconscious a few meters from the dungeon's gate. Was it possible that he was saved by someone just before he was completely torn to pieces by the monsters? This was very unlikely. Even the entire raid team wouldn't be able to fight off that huge number of monsters at once. But how come…

Just at that moment, a sudden realization came to Karan's mind. He couldn't help glancing suspiciously at the system window.

He remembered that there was a notification saying 'Exporting Fragment.' Could it be that this thing was responsible for saving him? If that was the case, it meant that this new ability of his was not as simple as he thought.

Being able to send someone immediately out of a dungeon when they were in danger was beyond anything he had ever seen or heard of. He had to take some time to carefully study this ability.

Amon and Darvyn were busy observing his constantly changing expression From the side. Sometimes there was shock on his face, and the next moment he would frown and have a sudden realization with a touch of suspicion. They found it quite strange how someone's expression could change severally within a short period. They could only attribute it to his current predicament.

He was entering a state of depression!

They had to do something to cheer him up lest he commits suicide. There was a determined expression on their faces as they thought.

"Ahem." Among gave a light cough, drawing Karan's attention.

"It's quite a miracle that you were able to survive. Your condition when you were discovered was too severe, and the doctor said you had a very slim chance of survival, but your body was able to recover to this extent within three months. There's always a ray of hope in every situation. Who knows? maybe your damaged core might be able to recover too." He said encouragingly while Darvyn nodded in tacit agreement.

'This fools.'

Karan could only sneer inwardly. His situation was so pitiful that they decided to shed him some words of encouragement. How many damaged cores have recovered in the past hundred years?

Although there were tales of awakeners who got their cores damaged and we're able to recover, those were all written ancient records and at least several thousand years ago. There was no way to prove the authenticity.

Why were they trying to give him false hope?

Karan's brows creased into a frown as he thought. He glanced at them and asked, "How is the team? Where are the rest members?"

He knew a lot should have happened during his three-month coma. The only thing that could make him feel better right now was to get a report on the progress they made within this period.

Amon and Darvyn both wore gloomy expressions on their faces as they heard his question.

Amon sighed and said, "The Front Liners Guild is no more."

"No more?" Karan stared at him blankly and asked.

"I mean, it has been disbanded. While you were in comma, a lot of things happened."

"What the heck happened! Why would you guys disband the guild?" Karan asked in an aggrieved tone as he failed to hide his boiling rage.

"The guild master received an invitation from Poagrouis."

'Poagrouis!' Karan's eyes couldn't help but widen.

Although Poagrouis couldn't be counted as one of the most prosperous cities in Scroll continent, it was ranked more than average. Being able to produce B rank awakeners, the resources and standard of living were countless times better than Regan's.

Of course, there were dungeons with greater ranks, up to B-rank.

Wasn't it the dream of every awakener to become stronger and surpass their previous limit? Karan initially planned to move to Poagrouis when he became a D-ranker which was the limit of Regan. Who knew, though, that the guild master would be invited personally. Regardless, he deserved it after years of hard effort.

Karan didn't know why he suddenly felt strange. In his heart, there was a tinge of despair. Was this a case of jealousy?

No, that wasn't the case at all. What was the point of being jealous when he had lost his ability as an awakener?

"What about Igor and Lilia? Don't tell me they also followed the guild master to Poagrouis." Karan couldn't help asking.

"No, they didn't. They were scooted by other guilds" Amon said with a trace of disappointment.

"What the heck is going on?" How could they be so quick to abandon the guild after a little setback? Have they forgotten how hard we worked to form the Front Liners guild? Why would they let our efforts go to waste?"

Karan felt a surge of bitterness. Life as an awakener was so uneventful for him when he newly unlocked his powers. Everything changed when he was approached by the guild master who told him of his plans to establish a guild of talented awakeners.

After being accepted into the guild, he found love and companionship with his guild members. This further motivated him on his journey as an awakener. Despite the fact that they had several misunderstandings with one another owing to their strong competitive spirit, they were like one family.

He had great plans for the guild. He hoped they could rise and dominate Regan someday. That fantasy had now come to an end.