Chapter-5: The reason.

"Ahh!" I gasped

The plan backfired on me. One piece from the flower's top fell on my feet, though I wanted to fall on the ground. Are you taking revenge my flower?

The stinging pain that I am feeling right now is more than the stabbing of a knife.

"Are you all right?!"

"You are bleeding!" Someone said.

I looked up, and it was the teacher and Ray. Oh, I see. Someone actually cares about me.

"I am kind of fine. But, OUCH!" I gasped out of pain while standing up. It hurts. I want to cry but I won't cry, not at all because I am in front of people.

"Let me take you to the school infirmary. Help me, you new student."

"It's okay... Actually, I don't need help because you know it doesn't hurt that much for me to lean on someone and go to the infirmary." I stated with a neutral face. I don't want myself to lean on them... Because I am strong enough to not show them the pain that I am feeling right now. I was standing by the help of the wall to which I was giving my weight.

"Scarlett, be more responsible for yourself. How did the flower top fell from up, which is at least 5 inches?" The teacher asked, which made me chuckle.

"Because I am 5 inches!" I answered, chuckling with my bloody feet.

"This child... Let's go. Help me, you new student." He replied with a sign probably referring to Ray with the 'new student' name.

"You should have taken care of yourself." The nurse said while bandaging my fingers.

"I guess so."

Ray was sitting like a model on a chair and was staring at me with those eyes which had nothing showing on them.

"So, why did you save us from that troublesome teacher?"

"Don't you dare call him a troublesome teacher. Show him some respect." I replied to Ray's statement, which he gave after the nurse went away to do her 'work'. I mean, how can he say that to a teacher who helped me?

"Whatever. Now tell me that why did you save us from him."

"Um... actually, I don't have many reasons. People don't help someone just for some actual reason. I just saved it... Oh! By the way, where is Sam?"

"Why do you need my best friend?" He asked, twitching his eyebrows. So, Sam is his best friend?

"I just asked."

"Okay, I will go now take care of yourself." He said before he walked to me and patted my head lightly. D-D-DID HE JUST PAT MY HEAD AND WORRIED ABOUT ME! ME! I looked at him with a shocking face and he didn't give any reaction and went out of the room like nothing happened. WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED IN THE WORLD! I don't think I will ever put shampoo on my hair.

"AAAAAA" I shouted out of excitement and started waving my hand to see that it was real.

"Ouch!" My leg is hurting like hell! I bite my lip for stopping myself to cry, to be exact. But he really, really patted my head and said to take care of myself! I am going to die out of a heart attack!

Will you already stop making a teary eyes?

Oh, right, I was too overwhelmed with happiness.

No, you were not making teary eyes because of happiness you are just being hurt because of the cut that you caused on your beautiful little leg.

Oh, is it?


Oh, now that I think about it, it really hurt-

*CREAK* I looked at the door and my vision was a pretty blur because of my teary eyes and I saw Ray standing there. I glanced away from him and started wiping my eyes like something had gotten into my eye because of which I was wiping my eyes. No worries because I did this kind of thing like... million times?

"Why did you come here suddenly? Didn't you just got out of the room?" I asked Ray, who was trying to find something.

"Yeah, I actually think I dropped my wallet somewhere here."

"Oh." I looked around.

"Found it!" I said with a grin on my face, raising my hand, the wallet in the grasp of my palm. Why the hell am I behaving like I got the trophies of Olympic sports or something like that. I quickly got my hand down. It was hella awkward.

"H-Here... Sorry." I told with an embarrassed smile on my face, handing that black-colored wallet to him.


Did he just stutter? Suddenly? Why? Never mind, maybe he is just too happy to find his wallet back. He got away from the room.

" Did I forget to do something?" um... Oh shit! I totally forgot to call Mariana. I had to talk with her to listen if Eva got better.

Thanks, Lord! Eva is now better and they can join the school from the day after tomorrow. I skipped some classes because of my injured leg and now I will go home.

I put my feet on the floor, and it was stinging. Come on! It's only a cut and nothing else.

"What? Do I have to carry you?" Someone asked, and I got my head to the place where that sound was coming from and I saw none other than Rain. What the! HE WANT'S TO CARRY ME? I want to shout! Did he fall in love with me?

"Don't think that I have fallen in love with you, I just asked because you saved me. And yeah, another thing, stop making that face."

What the... What face? Did I make any kind of face? No, I guess not.

"No, no. You, of course, don't need to carry me. It's just a cut, after all."

How can I let him carry me? I am so much heavy. He will get dizzy if he carries me. I stood up. And it was hurting.

"Ouch! Damn, this isn't the thing that I wanted, of course!" I shouted after I fell because of my extreme pain.

"What?" I asked when Ray got in front of me and sat down, facing his back to me.

"What else? Get on your crush's back before I change my mind. You won't get this golden opportunity anytime else."

What?! Ah! This is really a golden opportunity, but how can I? I am so fat! It will get awkward for me to face everyone after this!

"Will you get on? It's tiring for me to sit like this"

"Okay! Hold on a moment!"

I placed my hands around his neck and got my legs around his waist, leaving my body leaning on his body. Aaa! If Labia knows, she will go crazy about this and will go on and on about her relationship tips! Thank Lord Omera's class was finished hours ago. I tried to give less weight to him and the feeling was really very uncomfortable as everyone was whispering things.

"Hey, the weight won't come less even if you try to give less. I already am feeling your weight and you are heavy."

You are heavy?! It is so much EMBARRASSING! But he is right, and I don't know if I can feel this feeling again and live this moment again. So. . . How about living this moment to my full? I got my legs tight on his waist and wrapped my hand as my legs. Butterflies, I can feel them on my stomach.

"Shit... I can't breathe..."

"Oh, shit... Sorry" I replied losing my arms a bit.

"By the way, you agreed that you have a crush on me, remember?"

"Yeah, I have a crush on you... So, what? Can't I have one?"

"Chill... You can have one, but. . . Stop it."


"Stop liking me because I don't like you."

That hurts. My heart is breaking, but I don't want to give up. Not now.

"Yes. I will, but. . . after your wedding." I answered with a smile.

"Whatever. You will regret it."

I guess so... But my name is Scarlett and the red color always stands out and only the empress can wear it..... I read it on a comic.

"Here. Get down."

"What? Um...How did we come here already!" I nearly screamed.

"Will you shut the heck up! You are going to make my eardrum burst." He also nearly shouted.

"O-Shit sorry," I said, feeling guilty and trying to get off from his back.

"Here. Let me help you." He said, holding me and getting me in his car.

"Wait. I can go on the bus." I said, stopping him.

"You hurt your leg because of me and I will take responsibility...But, don't think something weird because we are again strangers when your leg is okay." He said.

And I shut the heck up soon after he told me to.

"Your bag." He said keeping it on my lap and then shutting down the door of the car.

When did he get my bag? I completely forgot about it. It hurts because... I am just a nobody to him.

I opened the car door. The entire drive was silent. He was silent; I was silent, and the entire way was silent.

"Thanks for the drive." I slide down the bag on my shoulder, standing up holding the car.

"Let me help you go to your house."

"N-No! Thanks!"

"Okay, okay. You don't need to shout."

"Sorry." I said with an embarrassed smile and went in front of the door after I saw him go away with his car before we exchanged saying bye.

"Who was that boy? Your boyfriend?" Laiba started nagging me with a smirk hanging on her perfect face.

"Yeah. Why do you care?"

"Cause I am your sis. By the way, how did it happen? Why didn't you say to me? I have to investigate him. Finally, my little sister made a boyfriend!"

"Will you stop? By the way... He is not my boyfriend." I said the last words and shut my door off.

"Whatever. But will you seriously shut your door off when your sister is talking with you? By the way, congratulations." She said, from the other side of the door and soon, I heard footsteps. What does she mean by 'congratulation'? Why should I even care!

"What happened to your feet?"

"Nothing happened. One of the flower vase in school fell and a piece of it got in my feet. Thankfully, the nurse took it out." I answered my mom.

"Does it hurt?" She added, pointing my bandages with her eyes.

"No... not much." I lied.

There is no doubt that it doesn't hurt. Of course, it hurts. In every movement of the part of my feet, it hurts like hell.



"Can you give me my monthly allowance today? I need it."

"But didn't I gave you your previous month's a few days ago?"

"Yeah! But I actually want to buy some books. So can you give this month's allowance early?" I lied. I wanted to give the money to 'him' soon because I don't want to waste his time. I promise I will nag him from time to time, but it doesn't look good if I am indebted to him. Also, I dropped the plan of giving french fries. Why? It's because the plan was much lamer than me!

"Okay..." She said, and it bought a grin on my face.

"I will try." She added, which took the grin off from my face.

I mean, if she wants, she can seriously give it to me right now! Aa! Crying is the best thing in my life. Wait till I age 18 and grab a part-time job.

I got my blankets on my body. Now that I think about it... Who the heck broke Ray's car? I have to find it, but it's a sad thing that I don't have a detective's brain. It's easy for the detectives to just break inside of a house and then check their C.C.T. V camera. . . Wait! That's right! C.C.T. V camera! I can see who broke it by the help of that thing!

But there is one problem. I can't just break into the security room! They do not allow students there. Alas! Now... the question is, how can I check the security cameras where there is a guard sitting there till the school is closed? Okay... I will figure it out later. Right now, I have much more to do similar to sleeping!

"Hey, is your leg kind of okay now?" Ray asked.


"Be honest."


"I said to be honest."

"I am being honest. My leg is not okay, now."

"Oh, then that's fine. You should be happy because you are spending time with your crush."

"Yeah, fine. Look at me. I am happy." I said and hanged a grin on my face.

"Whatever. Move your bag." He said and pointed at my bag that was on his chair.

"Here you go."

"Thanks. By the way, after school finishes, please come to my car."


Finally, the school hour finished. And it is time for me to do the shitty thing! I made an outstanding plan for checking the C.C.T. V footage. Haha. Hope it works like wow.


"Hi Mr. Jack! Actually, I came here to say that a man is calling you near the school gate."

"Is someone?"


He went away, and I got to my work. . . What was the date again?! Fuck this shit! I forgot the date! My total lying act got in vain. Okay, calm down Scarlett, you don't want to mess this up and end into the detention room! Okay. . .I got into Instagram and checked my phone. Shit! I completely forgot that this Instagram here doesn't get you to see the date of the search history. I saw on the screens of the C.C.T. V camera and there was this man coming back again! Someone slap me! I quickly got out of the room.

"Hey, I guess you got me the wrong information." He said.

" it?... But I completely remember a man was saying to me he wanted to meet you...Maybe he just went away because he was running late." I lied like a professional.

"Oh, maybe. You should hurry to your home! Your leg is pretty damaged." He said, and I said a bye to him.

"Oh yes. An incident happened, and it turned out like this."

"Oh. Take care, dear." got I nearly got exposed if it wasn't for the C.C.T. V footage! Thanks, Lord! But I will soon find the real breaker! I meant the... car breaker.

"Hey! You are here. I looked for you all over the school." Mr. Rain said, coming out of nowhere.

"Oh yeah. I actually got here because of some issues."

"Thankfully, I waited or not, you were going to make my leg hurt," Aria said when we got to the car. Oh, she will be here too? It will be so much awkward. I got to the back seat, and they sat on the front.

"So, how did you get hurt?"

"Stop, Aria. I get distracted when someone talks while I drive."

"Oh sorry, I almost forgot. By the way, will you be my friend Scarlett?" Oh, my gosh! That was unexpected.

"Y-Yeah sure," I said grinning.

"Stop. Talking."

"Okay! Okay!"

"So how was school today?" My mother asked, opening the door.

"It was good like always," I answered, and she replied it with a smile.

After all the shits and stuff, I got to my room and started doing the homework.

"Hey! Wanna go to school together?" Aria asked as I got out of the home.


"We are going to walk to school together. Lalalalala."

She is actually really friendly, you can say.

"Where is Sam? I haven't seen him lately."

"Oh, my dumb brother? He is in a tour. He actually likes to take photos and so he went on a tour. He should be back on like 3-4 days."

"Oh, that's good."

"I know. By the way where are your friends?"

"They? One of them got sick so, the other one didn't come because she had to take care of her."

"Hope she is good by now."

"Yeah, she got good lately."

"You know I have a boyfriend and he is two years older than me. His name is Jack."

"O-Oh, that's good."

"Can I ask you a question?"