4. SnapDragons

Daisy POV:

Where is it! "Able help me find my tea leaves!" I look over to my Ogygoptynx Owl. She flys down and I follow her to the upper cabinets. "In here?" I open

It up and begin my search. "But this is where I keep my peppers!" I passed a jar misplaced to this side. "That's it!" I grab it and quickly close the cabinet. "This should be perfect for my lunch. Thank you Able." She flys forward and lands on one of the selling swings I made for her.

I make the small heated fire rocks flicker then balance my pot over it. Time for Jasmine tea! "Able do you want fish sticks for lunch or Berries." I hold up to a two sticks in my hand with with fish the other with berries. She glides down and takes the berries. "Fruit salad It it." I continue to make our lunch, as wind blows threw my comfy cottage. "I think I'll go check the new tress I am growing. Maybe even pick up some pig meat for tonight's stew!"

I poured out the hot water and added my tea leaves, stir it around a bit. I gathered up my lunch and Ables lunch and walk to the balcony. Some people would think I am crazy for living so deep in the forest but it's relaxing. The world can't touch me hear. The war can't touch me hear.

I made it to the balcony and it only took a glimpse of the bushes to see something was wrong. A deer ran out of the bushes, frightened obviously but by what. I whistle for Able to follow me as she flys to my shoulder. I open my door and walk to the deer petting it gently to calm its nerves. "What scared you poor thing?" I look to where my Dragon snap flower bushes if it's company they'll have to be careful. Either way I have to check it out.


Hopes POV:

We began the search early this morning. I told my parents I would be in the village for a week so we have a four more days to find Daisy. Wherever she is. When we where passing a wild bunch of thorn bushes Vixen shudders. It probably still scares her. We've been at it for a while now and she refuses to take a break.

"Vixen come on. At least sit down to drink watter! You look like you could faint." She turned to me and huffed,

"Fine! Well take a break!"

She sat down on the floor and went into her backpack, I laid down my orange picnic blanket down and sat in it, I opened up my satchel and took out my water container and took out a bag of chocolate berries. Vixen looked over to me and rolled her eyes. "What?" She leans back on her hand and laughed lightly. "Really Princess? A picnic blanket, oh and love the flats your wearing." I huffed out and took my shoes of, they where painful.

"Well it's the only pair I have that my father would think I was walking about a simple town. I am not aloud to have any army boots because then he gets mad!" I open my canister and all but Chug it, my anger getting the best of me. "He really makes you do that?" I slam down the half empty canister and rip open my bag, "yes!" I start popping the chocolate berries in my mouth, I look over to see Vixen eyeing me, did she not bring food?

"You want some?" She nods her head fast, I hand he the bag and she starts eating humming happily. "Did you know, that these where faiths favorite candies." I said almost in a whisper, I haven't talked about Faith in such a long time. I still can't help but blame myself for her death. Vixen stopped and looked to the grass, her exspression softer now, more like she's been here before.

"It was Tim's favorite too." I looked over and saw her with this soft sad smile, if it's hard for me loading my younger sister I don't want to even imagine what it's like losing a twin.

"How did your parents react to, Faiths, to the attack." She still looked to the grass, I can understand why. "They where broken, so was I. I slept in her old bed for two weeks before they took it out. She was my sister, I was supposed to look after her. But I failed." I felt a hand test on my shoulder and looked up, Vixen looked at me stern and strong. "It was not your fault. It's the fault of the striker kingdom. And we will take them down, one way or another this won't go on." I nod and wipe a few tears away I didn't really know had feel.

I stood up and packed up the picnic blanket and food. "Come on, let's keep going." Vixen nodded and stood up, "hey, If you want I have an extra pair of army boots in my bag, Casue the ones I have are known to rip sometimes. But you can have em." I smiled brightly, "yes please!"


Vixen kept leading the way until she stopped in front of some flowers. "Hey whats up, why Did we stop." She pointed to the colorful wild looking flower bushes all in a row, "Those are Snapdragon flowers, Earth Sages use thoses around their homes to keep away people, they pinch at your skin and spray pollen at you, the pollen can cause rashes or sometimes sickness. I think we found Daisy."

She made a hand motion for me to crawl down, I was right about to when I saw a deer right about to walk through one of the bushes, I quickly pushed the deer to the side as one of them went of, the deer ran of hoping over the other bushes as I felt myself being pinched all around. "Hope! Get down!" I drop to the floor and feel myself being pulled away, I wacth as the Snapdragons tried to spray us but Vixen and I where to far away. "Hat the hell where you thinking!"

She said dusting me of, "I saw a deer an-" she cut me off and poured some watter on my face. "A deer can jump over those things you idiot!" Ok now I feel stupid. "Well I was just trying to help."

"It didn't need your help, animals are smart creatures they defend for themselves all the time! Unlike this stupid kingdom." Now I am getting mad, "This Kingdom is strong! And my father rules it over as best he can-"

"Ya? Well he's doing a shit job." I felt my blood boiling. "He's doing his best!" "Well his best is getting hundreds of people killed!" I take deep breaths to calm myself down, rember Hope your better than this. "Oh so you think it's ok to help people who don't need it but you don't think to help people like us!" What?

"What do you mean people like us?" She clicks her tounge as if she where talking to a child, the proud little- "Your sending so many people over here but we're running out of room! Where running out of space for people to live in! My Mom and I share a Home with two other families. Your trying to save something that doesn't need your help but when people need you the most where are you!"

I feel my face fall and heart drop, I didn't even think about it that way. "That's why we need to find Daisy, she can help us, Vixen please listen. I understand why your angry. But I want things to change. I want a rebelión!" She froze and looked directly in my eyes, I know what she's looking for, a sign of lies. But this is the truth. She sighs and kicks the dirt underneath her.

"Well I think a Rebellion is just what Angelic needs!" We both turn around to see it, an owl swoops down past us, vines apear from the sides and out feet are tied to the ground. We look over to see her, wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and giant grown pants that go slimmer on her waist. Short frizzy brown hair and the signature green horns and eyes. Daisy.

"Wait, Vixen!" She slides down to us and flicked her wrist so the vines crawl away. "VIXEN!" She tackles her in a hug and Vixen is hugging back straight away. Their both talking fast and trying to get their words out Daisy much more energetic about it practically bouncing on her.

Speaking of bouncing, I look to the upper area, look to mine. And I feel small all of a sudden.

"Wait, I know I've missed you too but I brought someone with me. She's head to help." Daisy looks to the side and gasps. Eyes brighten and mouth in a wide smile.
