Probably not with demons still lost in the haze Brekk kept mentioning, but maybe it would work with Brekk. "When necromancers push too hard, draw too deep for too long, we get too cold to function. Tired, achy, even unable to move. It doesn't happen often because we're careful, but sometimes there comes a situation that just proves to be too much. Our energies get scattered, or bent out of shape. It takes another necromancer to remind the body how those energies should be. We call it being reminded, but it is a purification of sorts."
Brekk looked entirely unconvinced, but nodded. "I guess it cannot hurt to try. How do you do this reminding?"
"Uh" Koray flushed suddenly because he had completely forgotten the details of the process. "Um. Remove your tunic and all. It requires touching the major points."