Chapter 61: At the Border

Fetching a bedroll from a pile that had been near the center of camp—where only a few currently remained— Koray returned to the fire and spread it out, then lay down and wrapped himself tightly in his robes and cloak. Though he was exhausted, his mind constantly repeated the confrontation with Sorin and Emel's words, all the while taunting him with a hope he did not dare indulge because he truly did not know what he would do if he never reconciled with Sorin. Sleep, when it finally came, was restless and full of nightmares.

He woke feeling worse than when he had gone to bed, but it was not the worst he had felt in a long life of travel and sleeping in uncomfortable places. Whatever his internal turmoil, at least he was not burdened with fresh wounds from a demon attack or the bruises of a particularly unpleasant villager.