Chapter 71: Blood of the Five

The smile faded as Rosta glanced again at the mutinous alchemists. "Why does the queen want you to do this?" The alchemists did not reply. "I can and will beat the answers out of you," Rosta said coldly. "You are still property of the crown and can—will—be treated accordingly." They sneered in reply and he stepped closer to them, fisting a hand in Issur's hair, twisting hard.

Sorin gestured for Rosta to back off. "Violence against them only justifies their actions in their minds, trust me. We need to purify them, or they'll just use the anger to fuel their growing hunger and we'll have two more demons on our hands. Given all the experiments they've performed, there is no telling what they'll be like as full demons. Brekk, help escort them to Cerant. If he's not still supervising the razing of the castle he'll be in his tent. He can purify them."

"What are you going to do?" Brekk asked curiously.

"Prepare the camp to receive a queen," Sorin said and strode off to do exactly that.