Chapter 1

After so much unpaid bills due to reduction on the net pay,i was unable to find the ways and means to continue with my work. But they say a bird in the hand was better than a hundred in the sky.

I was feeling tired in the morning on a Monday due to heavy drinking last night to stop my brains from getting more stressed. I looked at the time on my phone, I was 25 minutes late from my normal waking up time. I switched on the kettle to make some tea and went to have a cold shower.

I looked in the mirror after taking a bath, my eyes were still red. I was asking myself how I was going to pass at the gate with liquor still in my blood? "How the hail did I find myself in this mess!!!?" I asked my self loudly.

My phone was ringing, I rushed out to pick it. It was my workmet the guy I shared the office with. For the twelve years we had shared the office, we had become like brother. "young man, ain't you coming today?" "the boss just walked in and was asking about you". I shivered a little, knowing trouble was awaiting me at the office. What the hail, I said to myself. To hail with him. I don't care anymore, he is getting enough and nothing has been reduced from his pay. "Boi, I over slept, I will be the office in about 10 minutes." "ok"he responded "I'll cover for you".