1.9 Fake tears

"I can arrange that without a problem but who do you want to go with?" Although he had no reason to ask, Mr.Arau still did and the anger he had for Akihiko worsened when he saw the boy turn red. Sure enough he wants to go with the one he loves so he said "Nevermind, who you go with is on you to decide, I just hope you know about what you deserve." He reached out his hand to touch his left ear but remembered the airplane incident moved to pat his head once.

His hair was really soft and smooth to touch and he had the urge to pet him but he pulled his hands back and looked out the window wondering if he should tell the boy about the truth. If I tell him the truth he will surely leave that unworthy bastard Akihiko and then I can .. I can what? If he does leave him what then? Would something change between us? What will? Mr.Arai was confused about the emotions he was feeling for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile Shu XinYi was thinking about the date he would go to with Mr.Arai in the Starlight restaurant. "heh should I propose him there? Will he finally realize my intentions then, huh Snow?" Snow was baffled by his Master's acting but unsurprised as it said : "Aren't you booking them for Akihiko?"

"Yes but they will eventually be used by us. Don't worry just eat melon seeds."

The shoot was over in 3 days and Mr.Arai had already given the passes to him. On the last day of shooting Mr.Arai said "Tomorrow you have a Half day practice, if you are doing nothing else should we go to that winery?"

"Sure let's go, Although I like fruits I have a very sensitive tongue so I will be a diligent taste tester. If your friend really is capable you will know for sure tomorrow." Shu XinYi beamed.

Shu XinYi practiced for half the time of his usual training since today was Sunday. He showered in the hotel and wore one of the clothes he had gotten from the designer. He got out of his room and waited in the lobby for Mr.Asahi to come. He had already told Akihiko like always that he will be going with Mr.Arai. The others had also gotten one or an other project to work on by their sponsors Even Akihiko and Ishida.

Mr.Arai arrived in 5 minutes and they set off in his private car. The ride to the winery took 30 minutes. Shu XinYi looked at the winery which looked more like a castle then a winery. The inside was very cozy with warm lighting. The host also matched the environment patiently taking them to tour around and telling them about the wine and it's making process. There were wine stands and barrels placed in every corner but it looked natural. The smell was really nice not making one hazy but also keeping them interested.

Mr.Arai watched as the boy went from stand to stand picking out bottles by himself and pouring it in a small cup and sipping it. The boy drank the apple wine, red grape wine, rose wine, blueberry wine, jujubee wine, apricot wine and many more one after an other in very little amounts. He gave a comment about every wine he drank describing it's taste. His eyes were starting to get dazed when Mr.Arai finally stopped him and advised him to go home. Shu XinYi agreed to Mr.Arai like a loyal puppy. Before going Mr.Arai took the host's number saying that he would contact him.

In the car Shu XinYi was making hearts with his fingers on the window after blowing his breath on it. "You Mr.Arai are a really good man, taking me to drink such good wine. Thankyou for today hehe look I even made these hearts to thank you." Mr.Arai looked at the boy who was drunk.

Shu XinYi was feeling very warm after drinking the wine and sitting beside Mr.Arai. So he unbuttoned his shirt a little. He still felt warm so he grabbed his water bottle, opened it and poured it on his head. The bottle was half filled and his whole upper body was drenched by the spill.

Mr.Arai was too shocked to react. The sky blue shirt was almost transparent and he could see those tough muscle lines with the little light from the streets they were passing by. He brought the bottle to his mouth but there was no more water left so the boy sucked the opening moving his tounge around the inside. He still couldn't quench his thirst but there was no water so he just gulped his own saliva 2 times.

Mr.Arai was no saint seeing such an obscene sight his lower half had reacted. When Mr.Arai realized his own situation he reprimanded himself. He took of his coat and covered the boy who was dozing off. When they reached the hotel it was already late at night. The boy was still fast asleep. He tried to wake up the boy but he was still barely conscious. He half dragged half carried the boy to his own penthouse, Mr.Asahi had already left. He put him down on his bed and took a deep breath.

Shu XinYi was really not in his senses he still felt really thirsty also really tired and as of now, really cold. His body was drenched and Mr.Arai's penthouse had central cooling system so when he entered, his body had slowly started shivering. Mr.Arai saw as the boy was slightly trembling as he posed himself as a cocoon trying to dispel off some cold. I should get him in some warm clothes He thought.

He carefully removed the boy's shirt and jeans consciously avoiding any direct contact with his skin. He didn't know why he did this but he felt that if he touched the boy he would taint him. Like a crack on a beautiful perfect sculpture. He also felt a little... scared ? He changed the boy into dry clothes that didn't fit him at all.

While he was changing his shirt he saw the crimson bead like mark on his left ear which had a gem like glow to it. Mr.Arai had stopped his actions and was just looking at his ear. His thoughts and feeling were unknown even to himself. At some point a single thought formulated in his head, Could I have some hope?

Hope? hope for what? Mr.Arai was questioning himself. He fully changed the boy into dry clothes and was starting to leave the room to let the boy sleep but as he was moving away from the bed he heard the boy say : " That cheating bastard"

Huh? He knows ? Mr.Arai thought. Does he know that Akihiko is cheating on him ? or is it just a speculation? Whatever it is this means that he knows a little bit about the truth or maybe he does have some doubts about Akihiko but has not confirmed it. Meanwhile Shu XinYi had a very weird image playing his mind where Mr.Arai was hugging his secretary for some reason, that cheating bastard he thought.

Mr.Arai decided to send the boy the SD card. It was no good to hide this from him any longer. If he already has some doubts about Akihiko then he would've been somewhat mentally prepared. If he keeps hiding from him and later Haruto finds out on his own It will effect his game in the championship. It will be hard pill to swallow but he can no longer hide it from the boy. What if he comes to hate me if he knows I lied to him and hid such an important truth. So he decided to send the SD card anonymously to the boy.

Mr.Arai bought some water for the boy to drink. Even when he was half sleeping, he drank the water finally comfortable after quenching his thirst. Mr.Arai went out of the room and called Mr.Asahi giving him some instructions for tomorrow then he slept on the sofa, no more like laid down for the whole night thinking about nothing but everything.

Shu XinYi woke up in an unfamiliar environment, his head hurt a lot he tried to find his phone to look at the time. It was already 10, The training! Shu XinYi hurriedly got out of the bed but he lost his balance and fell in a warm embrace. He hurriedly looked up to find Mr.Arai looking at him like he was about to reprimand him.

"Um good morning Mr.Arai I just woke up sorry to disturb you haha Ah can you let me go um I have training haha so I will take my leave okay?" Shu XinYi said while his face had turned beet red he was feeling all sorts of emotions when Mr.Arai held him firmly yet gentle with his hands. His morning vigor down below had hardened fully and he just wanted to get out of this awkward situation.

Mr.Arai saw the boys face turn red all the way to his ears, He subconsciously gulped and let go of the boy who awkwardly walked in all directions and then looked back at him asking "um where is the washroom Mr.Arai ha Ahem" Mr.Arai showed the boy the way to the washroom and the boy almost dashed inside closing the door and locking it. He had seen the dent in the boy's pants but he didn't want to make it awkward for the boy so he went away and continued making breakfast.

Shu XinYi remembered a little of his feat from last night and showered with cold water trying to cool himself down. He was way too embarrassed thinking he was so obscene in front of Mr.Arai, he should go and apologize to Mr.Arai. He got out of the washroom to find new clothes on the bed. He changed into them and got out of the room to find the smell of honey pancakes, scrambled eggs and coffee. Shu XinYi took in deep breaths of this heaven. He had wanted to say Bye to Mr.Arai and go to training but seeing Mr.Arai wearing an apron setting up a table for two, Who looked even more enticing than the meal on the table, he changed his mind.

He walked up to the table and opened: "I am sorry about my yesterday's behavior. I hope I wasn't too much of a nuisance to you." Shu XinYi looked as he eyed Mr.Arai with a hungry look on his face. Mr.Arai looked at the boy and lightly smiled saying: "It was not a problem, I have already contacted the winery and organized investments for them, They will launch under JJ group's name officially in a few months thanks to your cooperation. Have some breakfast I have already talked to the coach so you don't have to go to the training today and don't worry about the sugar levels, I have used natural sweet juices so it won't affect your health."

Shu XinYi thanked him for the meal and started eating without any pretense, he really was hungry. He almost gulped down the food. While eating Mr.Arai very naturally asked "Do you always get easily drunk?"

Haruto: "I have just started drinking after I came of age so my tolerance will naturally be low."

Mr.Arai: "Have you gotten drunk in front of someone else like maybe, Akihiko?" he asked this because after he saw the boy in his drunk state last night he imagined him being in the same state in front of someone else, so vulnerable so obscene. If he was in front of Akihiko making those expressions... Mr.Arai really wanted to.. to what? Gouge Akihiko's eyes out. Even having such dangerous thoughts he kept a straight face, Since he met the boy his thoughts and feelings were messed up, so suddenly having this thought was not out of the norm for him.

Shu XinYi looked at Mr.Arai wondering if he was jealous then he smiled lightly and questioned him back: "Have you cooked such a delicious meal for someone else like maybe your other sponsors?" Was this a battle between who can be more jealous Snow thought in the background.

The both of them looked at each other formulating there own meanings Mr.Arai thought that he was prying into the boy's private life so the boy tries to question him with an equally private question. He smiled and answered truthfully this time, beacuse he wanted to open up a little to this boy: "No I don't personally overlook any of my sponsors, Nor have I ever cooked for anyone other than myself but I have also never had someone staying over at my house so making breakfast is the simplest courtesy."

Shu XinYi heard him honestly answer his question so he answered as well: "No I don't usually drink alot when I am with other people and I know my limits but last night I had to be a diligent taste tester so I did my best and ended up drunk." The both of them smiled at this little opening they had created for each other to enter their worlds.

After breakfast Shu XinYi headed back to his own room, before he entered, a bell boy gave him a parcel saying it had his name on it. Shu XinYi thanked him and went inside with the little box parcel. He carefully opened it to find an SD card inside the box. He huh'ed and opened the SD card in the computer and looked at the many pictures of Ishida with Akihiko in many obscene positions, who knows how Nomura managed to get these he even had ones from the hotel they were currently at with Akihiko pushing Ishida against the wall and roughly kissing him.

Shu XinYi had already decided to get Snow to send him some pictures of Akihiko and Ishida so he could break up with Akihiko, he also thought that he would say he got those pictures from an anonymous mail, but now he really did get the pictures from an anonymous person.

"Nomura?" Shu XinYi asked

"Mr.Arai." Snow answered

"Finally decided to tell me the truth huh why didn't he do it himself though?" Shu XinYi asked

"He is still only just your sponsor, So what sort of relationship you have should be none of his concern so he can't just pry into your life." Snow answered

"Do you believe now that he does care for me or maybe he is even jealous wanting me to breakup with Akihiko." Shu XinYi said gleefully.

"Master, I will advice you to not have a lot of expectations, the more you expect the more dejected you will be facing a different reality then you imagined. What feelings Mr.Arai may have for you I don't know but I do know that he has sent you this only now beacuse he had a change of heart. He is good man, but is he capable of reciprocating your love is something none of us can control. " Snow replied

"Okay okay, tell me these things when I am to confront Akihiko so I can cry for real making the situation more tragic. I already said If it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't. I am also only just attracted to him After these four months there will be a world full of treats no? haha and Mr.Arai is only just some shut in CEO how can I even love him hmm?" At this point Shu XinYi's throat was getting hoarse and his throat also hurt a little as if he was trying to hold back tears.

He waved of his difficult mood and got dressed in his most pitiful looking attire and printed some of the pictures, copied the SD card on his phone and brought the SD card, the pictures and himself to Akihiko's apartment. He sat right outside the door and got into his role. While he was trying to cry fake tears, somehow he had already started crying real tears. He thought of him and Mr.Arai parting after these four months. He thought please don't leave me alone I am scared so don't leave me again. Again?

Shu XinYi was trying to dispel off his thoughts trying to stay in character and finally he prepared as he heard from Snow that Akihiko and Ishida were approaching. Akihiko and Ishida saw Haruto sitting by the door. He was hugging his bag while his eyes were red. Like he was really grieving something. He saw both of them and hurriedly wiped his eyes trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

Akihiko: "What happened why are you crying, you didn't come to practice today. Is it beacuse of this?"

Haruto: "Ishida can you leave us alone for a while I want to talk to Akihiko."

Ishida and Akihiko nodded at each other and Ishida left. Akihiko and Haruto enter the room one after the other and closed the door behind.

Haruto confronted without any pretense, "I know you and Ishida are together and I know you have been cheating on me for a while."