4.10 Conditions

Shu XinYi obviously didn't hear this cry. He was busy looking over 2 dumb pairs. First one was, A very confused and embarrassed Mira and a very flirtatious Ariya.

They had collected 55% of the list and were now walking along a rare, very rare, barren path. There were no trees surrounding the area. Only sand filled dessert. They must have traveled far west to reach the only dessert on the planet. Since both of them could fly, it wasn't a surprise that they had already reached faraway locations. What a convenience.

Shu XinYi was bored traveling with Hector. He couldn't even play with his little pet, Xiao B. So he was looking at this love drama for entertainment. He had also allowed Xiao B to watch this drama since he too had rights. He also didn't appear in front of Hector as Shu XinYi had instructed, so he can have some rights.

The dessert looked beautiful and horrifying at the same time. The Red moon had started to set, so the horizon was filled with red hues. Like a distant fire. It was good that they were together, or this scenery would evoke serious nightmares for the both of them.

Mira was drinking water from a bottle, Shu XinYi had conveniently made for them. There was only one bottle though. Ariya too drank from the same bottle saying with a smug look on her face "We kissed again hehe."

Mira looked done at this point saying "You have said that 3 times now. Is that all you got?"

Ariya closed in and bit Mira's lips, licked off the access water on it. Then she naturally moved away saying in a calm tone "How's this for a flirt? Are you sold yet?"

A very red faced Mira kept walking forward, without looking back, she said "Let's rest for 2 hours. There is a cave ahead. I'll go check in."

Ariya walked closer saying in a serious tone "Let's go together, I am not leaving you again."

This time Mira carefully looked at Ariya. She looked at the determined eyes on the innocent face and thought, having these eyes look at me for my remaining life is ... not that bad.

The inside of the cave was clear, leaving off a few small beasts that both of them easily cleared out with their combat ability. Ariya really was good at handling a spear, she did so in an elegant manner like she was dancing instead of ruthlessly killing.

Mira complimented as she tried to light a fire on the pile of wood "You did good. With that kind of combat ability, you might just survive. Unless you encounter someone like those people who kidnapped you."

Ariya smiled saying "I am glad I got kidnapped by them. I got to meet you because of them."

Mira didn't look at Ariya and focused on cooking as she said "I am just glad you are alive and well. No one knows what will happen in the next second. Any of us could die. If boss didn't find me I would probably be dead. You would probably be dead. Ariya I-"

Ariya cut in calmly "All you ever think about is dying. Aren't you alive right now? Aren't I having a conversation with you right now? Alive and well. We don't know what will happen in the next second of our lives. But we can't just miss the world of now, worrying about what comes next."

Mira was too emotionally involved in this conversation at this point without even knowing, "You.. for me.. you.. what do you feel? Why? .. What if I die tommorow? What if you die? I .."

Ariya didn't miss the insecurity, Mira held. She just said one sentence with pure determination and calmness "If there comes such a day ... then let's just die together."

Mira looked back to carefully scrutinize Ariya. She had never in her life seen someone so calmly make life altering decisions. She talked about dying together like, they she was talking about making dinner together. Hearing that sentence, Mira was compelled to question some things about her life. Never could Mira be brave enough to die together with someone. Mira would die herself, to let the other person live. It was not because she didn't want to live. But because she didn't want to be the one left behind. The one who would have to live and suffer alone. It was scary.

Ariya didn't stop here she moved closer to Mira and continued to say "I fell in love with you Mira. I won't leave you behind. Ever."

At these words Mira just stared wide eyed at Ariya, as if all the flirting from before didn't already made this apparent.

Mira stammered "Y-you ... I ... We.."

Ariya closed in further as she almost whispered "Yes, everything. Now just please." The last word was said in an almost begging tone.

After that Mira didn't have room for reluctance as she was swept away.

Shu XinYi ended this drama session and secretly whispered to Xiao B "Should I make a strap for them? Like here, would they know what they would use? They might end up hurting themselves."

Snow replied instead of Xiao B "Mira is around 700 years old and Ariya is around 600. Although their consciousness takes a lot more time to fully develop then normal humans, they still have lived long enough to experience different things. So they would know what is and what is not harmful for them. Even so, if they need something then Ariya is bold enough to just ask you."

Xiao B changed it's temperature to show his agreement with Snow.

Shu XinYi then dropped the matter. What Snow said made more sense.

There was also an other pair that Shu XinYi had kept on his live TV, for entertainment. But all they did was trash talk to each other and trash talk about others. Talk about killing Xuval. A lot of talks about killing Xuval. Boring. Shu XinYi thought in an irritated mode.

Shu XinYi was continuously traveling north all this while. Although the red moon was still out, the temperatures were dropping as they walked forward.

Shu XinYi tactically avoided all the beasts, avoiding to fight them. He did make a bow for the purpose of combat, but Shu XinYi wasn't a fan of unnecessary killing. Moreover, the beasts were the original residents of this planet. Humans shouldn't have come here at all. The beasts of this planet, don't have a fully developed consciousness. Attacking an unknown, that had invaded their territory wasn't wrong of them.

It would be good if all the beasts or atleast the lower level beasts could fall back to slumber, Shu XinYi thought. Then only high level beasts would be left to deal with. The high level beasts could almost do proper thinking. So most of them would keep to their business, in their own caves. Shu XinYi wouldn't feel reluctant to fight back those who made the decision to attack, even after knowing the consequences. In any case, if an unnecessary fight can be avoided then it should be avoided.

"There may be a way." Hector said out of nowhere, as they were walking on a steep path.

Shu XinYi looked back in a questioning way, asking "Way for what?"

Hector said in a nonchalant tone "There should be a way to make the beasts go into hibernation."

Shu XinYi looked at Hector, contemplating whether Hector was a mind reader or a psychic. Shu XinYi hadn't said a word of his thoughts but Hector accurately responded.

Hector didn't miss this reaction, so he explained "You avoid fighting. You don't want unnecessary deaths. Then I thought, what if we can send the beasts into an early hibernation period? The evolved beasts won't go into hibernation. But low level beasts can be forced into one. If only we could trigger it somehow, then you can avoid unnecessary deaths to some extent."

Shu XinYi thought about it, asking "Is it even possible to do a forced slumber?"

Hector rubbed his temples saying "I.. don't know. There should be a way." Hector had stopped in his tracks and kept rubbing his temples, saying in an unnatural way as if he was arguing with himself "Hibernation.. Hibernation... Slumber. The beasts could technically be assigned the role of animals. Yeah but we still don't know a possible trigger. What would make you want to go hide into slumber? A possible threat. A big enough threat. What can be a big enough threat for these beasts? Hmm.hmm.. if there is nothing then create something. Create a threat? Yes. Something big enough. Scary enough."

Shu XinYi was baffled looking at this scene, he didn't dare to disturb Hector's "session" instead he conversed with Snow "Um.. What is this?"

Snow said "It's not a mental condition. Hector developed forms of soul. It basically let's you divide your soul. Not body. Only the soul. Or more accurately consciousness. Mind. For example, you can divide the negative part of your mind away from you to not be affected by it. Right now Hector has divided his mind into two, logic and critical thinking. This way he can discuss ideas with himself and accurately wave off any biases or illogical ideas."

Wow convenient, Shu XinYi thought. He said to Snow "Ask Xuval if he is able to send at least the low level beasts into slumber. He can be a big enough threat right?"

Snow did as it was told. Soon enough Xiao B turned hotter then he usually does, when agreeing with Shu XinYi. Shu XinYi whispered close to his wrist "Okay, okay. Don't be angry. I was just confirming. You are definitely the strongest, without a doubt." His petty, amnesiac husband really is the strongest.

Shu XinYi cut in Hector, who was still arguing with himself "I have thought about it. If what you say is right, then I have a big enough scare for them. Just that we would have to wait until after the white moon." Hector decisively didn't question anything after this.

They continued to walk until the darkness settled, and the red moon was gone from the sky. The night turned very cold right after the sky darkened. Shu XinYi didn't find it difficult to adjust since Xiao B was with him. But Hector didn't have an all powerful, currently not so much but still enough to keep his wife warm, devoted amnesiac husband.

Shu XinYi found a random cave without any inhabitants and they both worked together to collect wood and light a warm enough fire. Shu XinYi didn't relax his vigilance, but he still sat to rest. Hector was doing the cooking this time.

Shu XinYi meanwhile checked up on Mira and Ariya. Since his forms were blocked, the protective layer over them would also render useless for the next 6 hours. If they get hurt in this time, they could only use natural supplements. They were doing well for now so Shu XinYi wasn't too worried. He ate his fill and went to sleep.

The next moon, Shu XinYi woke up with a start.

It was weird. The dream was very weird. In the dream, Shu XinYi felt like someone was calling him. It was a very painful cry. At first Shu XinYi saw versions of LiFeng crying out to him, but Shu XinYi could tell that this was all just an illusion. In his dream like state, Shu XinYi tried to break the illusion. Now instead of Xiang Li, there stood a women.

The women appeared as but a silhouette. Shu XinYi couldn't see clearly so he walked forward. He walked and walked but the women never became clear. The women kept screaming and crying all this time. Shu XinYi felt that he was obliged to feel sad for her, with her. He too should cry out. He too should scream. Thinking these bizzare thoughts, Shu XinYi kept walking forward. The "women" finally came into full view, and even in his dream like state, Shu XinYi was horrified.

The "Women" should be a women, but instead Shu XinYi just saw himself. Inlaid in a huge tree, Shu XinYi's body had become wood. The body was still apparent but fully become wood, inlaid in the huge tree.. The tree had no leaves, and the branches spread out towards the ceiling of the cave, like the tree was holding the cave up. No, it was like Shu XinYi was holding it up. At this Shu XinYi felt his mind go numb for a second.

"Thump!" Shu XinYi fell to his knees. Even though it was a dream, Shu XinYi felt the burden of a 1000 mountains on his shoulders. The piercing pain felt too real. Shu XinYi cried and screamed in his numb painful state. After a few minutes, he even begged for help. Finally, far ahead he saw a silhouette of a women. At an excruciatingly slow pace the women walked forward and finally came into Shu XinYi's painfully blurring view.

The women was carved out of wood and earth. Like a goddess. She was beautiful. Enchanting. She said in an equally enchanting tone "Is it painful? I can take your pain away. If you promise to take mine. Hmm. Promise me, you'll take my pain away."

When the women said this, Shu XinYi wanted to scream "YES YES YES PLEASE! JUST MAKE THIS STOP." Because it was becoming too painful for Shu XinYi. Just when he was about to give in Shu XinYi felt an eloping warmth on his wrist. He looked down at his branch like hand and saw a red hand, holding his palms. All the pain went away at once. Shu XinYi couldn't process anything, when the women screamed an ear piercing scream. Like the weight Shu XinYi had on him a second ago was transferred back to her. The women fell to her knees screaming "YOU HAVE TO HELP ME. I CAN'T EVEN DIE. PLEASE!!"

At this point Shu XinYi woke up sweating. Hector was still sleeping. Shu XinYi didn't bother to wake him up as he tested something. The bronze moon was out. The bronze form was... wood from. Shu XinYi used form energy and sure enough, his hands transformed into a tree branch. Shu XinYi transformed it back.

"Snow, tell me all you know about Shira."

Sniw diligently replied "Shira is an earth spirit. She resides deep in the northern peak. Luxin found Shira in the last year of residing on this planet. Shira tried to lure him in a trap but Eclipse saved him after much effort. Although Eclipse too didn't know her origin, he still was aware of Shira the earth spirit. This is it. There is no other information."

Seems like Shu XinYi would have to find out on his own. The dream just now wasn't simple. It most probably had something to do with the Bronze moon. The women he saw in the dream must be Shira. The earth spirit. In the dream, it seemed like Shu XinYi was almost lured in. If Shu XinYi had said Yes, to her offer, he would probably not wake up in the same cave he slept in.

Shira, an earth spirit. She is suffering from unbearable pain, much more then what Shu XinYi felt in the dream. It seemed like she is holding up a cave ceiling. Oh no. Shu XinYi thought. He asked Snow "Is the northern peak at the center of the planet?"

Snow answered "Yes."

Shira isn't holding up a cave ceiling. She is holding up the hole damn planet. She is Atlas. She needs a me, to hold up for her. Shu XinYi looked at Xiao B, who was resting like his usual self. If not for his amnesiac husband, he would've been lured in.

But why now? Why only when the bronze moon was out, did Shira decide to lure me? Specifically.

"Snow, the time when Shira lured Luxin, did Luxin go through any specific change?"

Snow said after 2 seconds "Yes master, Luxin was evolving all his moon forms one by one with the time he stayed in that mine. At that time he had just leveled up his Bronze moon form and could use it as well as you can currently."

Conditions, Shu XinYi thought. Shu XinYi may have triggered some conditions involuntarily. This would affect the timeline of events. Now, after a year the planet should self-destruct, like it did a year after Luxin was lured in by Shira. The planet had demolished by itself a week after Luxin left with the Esperance rescue team. Shu XinYi hadn't thought much about this, but now it seemed that it was Shira who was responsible for this. More like, she left the responsibility of holding the planet and let it all go.