6.0 Mutation project

Once Shu XinYi was back in the black space, he didn't communicate with Snow. Instead he went straight to meditation. Right now he wanted to settle his state of mind along with his spritual state. The orange ball had become full of vitality, indicating that it had reached it's peak. Shu XinYi was in this state for many hours. Only when he felt calm, did Shu XinYi wake up.

"So we should be in a trial level to enter the D class worlds now, right?" Shu XinYi asked.

Snow, "Yes. In this trial level all the worlds have 6 potential protagonists, In a world most suitable for us to enter, I have identified 2 protagonists so this should be easy."

Shu XinYi couldn't agree, "There is no say. But how can you identify the number of humans a world has before entering?"

Snow, "I have located and loaded the world we want to enter, to find openings. In the loading process, I can see that there are only 2 humans yet there are 4 more closed slots present where the human source codes could've settled in. Before you ask, this is all I can see. There is no more information."

Shu XinYi wasn't going to ask that but he didn't say anything and just allowed Snow to enter a world.

Snow obliged as he transfered Shu XinYi into the selected world. Shu XinYi found himself sitting in a lab. In front of him was a microscope. On the plate was a drop of blood that Shu XinYi was supposed to investigate. Shu XinYi looked around the room and found that he was alone. He was about to ask Snow to tell him about this world when the door of the lab was knocked on.

Shu XinYi realised his position and asked, "Yes?"

The man didn't enter after he opened the door and just dilevered his messege from the entrance of the lab, "HyunWoo, Mr.Min is on his way to the research center. Please make a thorough report of your findings during the last month and submit the report to his assistant by tonight. Mr.Min has announced that he will take over the mutation project, you know of his working methods. So all the unnecessary researchers will be evicted from the project."

Shu XinYi replied, "I will work it through. Thankyou for reminding me."

Once the man left, Shu XinYi could finally hear Snow. As the man had called him, Shu XinYi's name in this world was Kim Hyun-woo 22 years old, a pure breed rabbit. The people in this world had animal constitutions, while the actual animals didn't exist. Except of course insects, birds and sea animals. The animal constitution a person had was based on the blood of their parents, like when 2 rabbit constitution humans had a baby, that baby was Kim Hyun-woo. And because his parents were both rabbits, hence he was a pure breed.

But obviously, since they were not totally instinct driven animals but actual conscious beings, they could fall in love with anyone who may not be the same breed as themselves, like a polish rabbit with a holland lop. But that was still ok. The problem in this world occurred when different species wanted to be with each other, like a wolf and a fox. Falling in love wasn't where things went wrong, but when they wanted to have a family.

Two people of different species, meant different blood types. In 98% of the cases, the mutation of their baby wasn't successful leading to miscarriage and unwanted abortions, along with a severe decline in population along with mental health issues. The government refused to find a solution for this because they wanted to promote pure breed lifestyle so the private hospitals and research centers had to work on it. This was one of the very last research centers that had not given up on the mutation project. And this too was on the verge of closing down, when Tae Min-joon; Aka Mr.Min that the man just talked about, had decided to overtake the project.

Minjoon was a world class scientist and researcher. It was not just idle talk. He had no particular ambition but he was the only one who could achieve the impossible. MinJoon was also the one who made it possible for people without a womb to have a baby, by creating the E.G.G technology. So once it was announced that the mutation project is taken over by Tae MinJoon, the people started to gain some hope.

Shu XinYi listened to all this and took time to process as he questioned, "So this Tae Min-Joon must be one of the protagonist? And what breed of rabbit am I, like how do we even know, I don't even have any animal features."

Snow replied one by one, "Minjoon is only a potential protagonist, but he actually didn't become one. He actually faced a very bad fate. And you are a polish and dwarf rabbit's combined breed. Obviously, everyone in this world right now can transform into their animal self so you can easily recognize the breed. You do have animal features and everyone has a 2-18% resemblance to their constituted animal. But most people chose to hide it when in human form, like Hyun-woo does."

Shu XinYi didn't pay much mind to it and asked for Snow to tell the rest, meanwhile he read the research papers Hyun-woo had written.

Once MinJoon took over the project, he evicted most of the researchers, but Hyun-woo survived as his research papers were passable. After that the story was pretty simple, Hyun-woo actually came to the research lab with a purpose, and did his best to fulfill it. The purpose was to steal the final formula, that MinJoon recorded to disinfect the mutated genes. Hyun-woo did this because his boyfriend convinced him to do so. His "boyfriend" , Tae Eun-Seong; also one of the potential protagonists but he didn't become one.

Shu XinYi said with hope, "Tae Eun-Seong, Tae Min-Joon. Please tell me the surname is just a coincidence."

Snow broke this hope, "No. They are brothers and Hyun-woo is not unaware."

Eun-Seong did this to successfully get ahead of his all-knowing brother for once. But Hyun-woo is not the only one he sent to steal the formula. Actually Hyun-woo was just the distraction. The actual thief was another researcher who joined not long ago, Park Seok-Jin, a 20 year old pure breed fox. Also the first protagonist. He is also the one, Eun-Seong was actually going out with.

Seok-Jin was very cunning, he involved his sister; Park Hee-Jeong, who was a trusted nurse in the research center. Along with his sister, who is the second protagonist, he not only stole the formula using his twisted ways, he also deceived Eun-Seong and made Hyun-woo a very pitiful cannon fodder. Along with ruining Min John's reputation and career. Both him and his sister then took off in the world, becoming the most thanked people in the world for letting them love and start a family with their loved ones, without fear of mutation infection.

Shu XinYi rubbed his temples listening to all this, "So till now it's five people, who is the 6th one?"

Snow, "It's a pure breed cat, Lee Sae-Bom. She is the closest assistant of MinJoon, so along with MinJoon, her career was also sabotaged."

Shu XinYi read the information once again and asked Snow some, necessary questions before finally focusing on the matters at hand. This research laboratory, had other blood and infection related projects along with an hospital space. The rules here stated that you couldn't take any material, including files or research data out of the building. Security was very advanced here, so it was very hard to actually steal.

Shu XinYi decided to make some changes to the report. Shu XinYi hadn't worked in the biological or chemical science feild before. So this instance was new to him, but as he was Shu XinYi; it would take about 2 weeks to catch up. After setting up the things, since it was still day time; Shu XinYi decided to head out. According to Snow, Hyun-woo would inform Eun-Seong about everything important that went on about the mutation project.

Shu XinYi got in his car and left for the restaurant that Eun-Seong had decided to meet in. "So how's my relationship with Eun-Seong?" Shu XinYi questioned.

Snow, "For Hyun-woo, it's actually very good. Hyun-woo enjoys Bdsm play. But since he discovered this; Hyun-woo hasn't met 1 person that doesn't abuse him. Along with his physical weakness and his rabbit constitution, it becomes only worse for Hyun-woo as he is easy to take advantage of. When Eun-Seong met him 3 months ago, it was all planned. Even his actual boyfriend Seok-Jin, was aware of this relationship as he was also part of the plan. So Eun-Seong obviously gave Hyun-woo whatever he wanted along with money."

Shu XinYi listen to all of it and asked, "Isn't Eun-Seong broke? Isn't that why he wants to steal the disinfection formula? How come he can be like this to Hyun-woo?"

Snow corrected Shu XinYi's misconception, "Boss, Eun-Seong is also a renown technological scientist. But even being so, he couldn't beat Min-Joon with E.G.G technology. And even before that, Min-Joon who is only a research scientist, actually did better then Eun-Seong in the technological feild, on many occasions. So rifts were bound to be created. You can say that Min-Joon was naturally gifted."

Shu XinYi hummed, "That makes sense. But how come Eun-Seong didn't become the protagonist even though he is the one who initiated the whole plan?"

Snow replied, "Mostly because Seok-Jin decided to take everything for himself once the plan was put into action, and decieve Eun-Seong. Seok-Jin was the driving force of bringing all the other protagonist to cannon fodder, including Eun-Seong. But he really cared for his sister so he convinced her somehow to go along with his plan."