1 AM, Kelin Bradshaw Estate. Halpern
We were in a terrible Situation with more Advanced Choppers heading our Way, Kelin Bradshaw and His clients were Already Dead, Shuu was critically injured and a third party was involved and is probably trying to blast this place too oblivion.
the point of the mission felt useless at this point because the Reason we Came here got assassinated by someone else. So the only thought that could come to my mind was to Still execute plan @7, take out the Choppers, expose Kelin Bradshaws Corruption, Defeat the assailants and Question them.
The Aircraft was Approximately 10 mins Away from us so I immediately Hurried off to the room which Contains the Evidence and Records of his Deals.
As I came close to the Room About 5-6 six soldiers were Standing there who Noticed me and started Firing at me as I immediately jumped off to Cover.
I immediately unpinned and threw my last Grenade and
and I came out of Cover and
My Gun Jammed so I Switched to my pistol and fired two shots at the stunned guards.
one person who was shot Seemed to be alive so headed to him and put a gun inside his Mouth.
"Now you're going to tell me who the hell sent you or you're not going to Have a normal Death. You chose."
He nodded with fear so I took the Gun out of his mouth.
"We were sent by Kadir Ahmed and Johnatan price who Kelin Bradshaw was at Bad terms with after he sabotaged one of Kadir's Weapon supply trucks thus I -."
That was enough information for me to understand what was going on.
I took all the Files from the Room and Headed back to Shuu who at this point was unconscious from all the blood loss.
I carried him on my Shoulders and Headed downstairs. Walking felt hard cause I was shot in the Foot. Every step hurt but I had to move on to live.
I heard soldiers rushing in through the First floor and immediately took Cover with Shuu.
We were almost cornered. But I took Shuu's Smoke Grenade and threw it.
The Dark and the Smoke provided perfect cut out visibility for our Escape out of the Mansion and ran Somewhere far from the Soldiers.
I put down Shuu and the Bag containing the Records. Sat near a car and took out my lovely Detonator.
"Bout time we Blow this up"
*Clicks* *Boom*
A Big Explosion Happened in the Mansion which was Set of by me killing most of the soldiers inside the Mansion.
This Definitely Alerted those Choppers so they Might be Heading Faster.
Amongst all this insanity I Tried my Radio on Sebastian's Channel.
"Sebastian Do you hear me over. bzz**"
Seems the Radio Jam had worn off
"Affirmative Captain. The Radio Jam seems to have worn off. bzz**"
"Okay Sebastian, Shuu is Currently Unconcious, I'm Hit and Can't Run properly at the moment. The good news is that we've got the Documents of the Deals Made by Kelin and The People behind All this Mess. bzz**"
"What do we do about the 2 Choppers coming our way, They are not your average Choppers. One Chopper is literally armed to the Teeth with Missiles and Machine guns like a High-grade Military Helicopter. They could take us Out easily if we Tried to Escape. bzz**"
"I have a plan Sebastian we're improvising Plan @7, send the Drones toward the Choppers to buy me some time. Plan @7 was made so We can Deal With the Choppers of any kind of firepower and Make sure you Have the C4 explosive and Give your Best throw. bzz**"
"Another one of your Crazy plans Captain? Roger That. "
With my last ounce of strength, I entered the already falling apart Mansion which was under flames with my Assault rifle towards the Roof where a Helicopter was there.
I reached the Roof and could see the Helicopter was surprisingly still there. The Cloudy Skies were Lit with The sounds of Firing between the Choppers and Drones. The Drones naturally Can't Take out the Choppers unless they hit the rotors and Their Aim takes some Time which makes them vulnerable. their Bullets won't affect the Chopper at all because those Choppers are military Grade Choppers.
Those drones were sent to be Destroyed, Too buy us Some time.
I picked up my radio comm and Switched to Sebastian's channel.
"Okay, Sebastian Got the C4 on? (bzz**)"
"Yes, Captain. (bzz**)"
"Do it. (bzz**)"
Sebastian Who was an American football player Before Joining Gave one of his Best Throws with all His Strenght and Managed to Reach the Rooftop Approximately 95 meters Away.
"Great Job Private. (Bzz**)"
"Thank you, Captain, Don't Die on Us here Comrade. (bzz**)"
"Bout time I get thrilled of Dying"
I Twisted the Helicopter Key
"Okay, Haven't gotten that much Flight Training but I know to fly somehow Through experience.
Now, Taking off in 3..2..1.."
With a slight elevation from the Ground.
I pulled the throttle and Took off. turned toward the Direction of the Choppers and maximized Throttle to Go at full speed.
As I rushed in that direction
I put My feet on the Throttle On Max somehow To maintain speed trying To crash my Helicopter on the Chopper. Took out My SCAR assault Rifle Raised my iron Sights and Started Firing at one of the Choppers at full auto.
I immediately Jumped out of The Chopper and took The C4 Detonator in Hand.
"Go to hell ya piece of Scrap."
I detonated the C4 right while it Was about the hit the Chopper and
Right as I was falling Sebastian Opened up The Pool cover and moments later I feel a rather Hard landing on the Pool and my Vision Seemed it had almost gone To eternal Blue with falling Parts of the Chopper.
"The Mission was Finally over"