Fame Spread Throughout The World


Screams from the undead's echoed throughout the entire hall.

The Destroyer Pavilion and it's people were advancing with the lead of Fire Dragon. The huge hall look old and ancient it's also filled with undead's from zombies, skeletons to ghouls. The group of 500 people continue their advance without being hindered, even after facing a hoard of undead's that tripled that of their number with 2 ot 3 level's higher than they are. The group stand strong against it's enemies as they keep advancing, this shown the might of a transcended guild.

"This undead's never learned a lesson, they're just giving off their lives and providing loots for us" A Shaman spoke as he destroy another skeleton.

"just as you stated these undead's are idiots, they keep swarming even do they they don't stand a chance" A hunter reply.

"didn't they say that monsters in this game possessed high intelligence, why do all the monster's we faced so far were idiots" A Elementalist spoke as he looked at the swarm of undead skeletons nearing them.

Even do the group in the back was chatting merrily. that couldn't be say on the frontline as their were the one's that's suffering.

"My armor was about to run out on durability. This damn undead's how would we supposed to reach the boss room if they keep swarming" A guardian stated being frustrated.

"tank's prepare to intercept prepare for collision" Fire Dragon order.

Since the time their group reached the middle layers of the dungeon after defeating thousands of undead's. The undead's level rise exponentially even a normal low rank skeleton is at level 15-20. If they were to encounter a high rank undead with such level they would face a disaster.

"Big Sis fire dragon. These monsters is wearing us down, by reducing our frontline fighters and tanks combat power" Ice dragon comment worried at the current situation.

Even do on the side they looked like they were benefiting from this onslaught, but the truth is that they were gaining losses after losses. Dozens of equipment's had already turned to dust after losing their durability and while the undead's drop good things they were all materials.

Compare to a full fledged equipment materials were secondary. One could only used materials if they had the required lifestyle players moreover some materials were high grades that needed high rank lifestyle player.

Lifestyle players were hard to come by at the moment as it's just the first day of the game in real life. Even do four days had passed in game on real life only a day had passed as the time conversion is scale to 1-4.

The group continue their advance even do their losses were huge as they were on a quest.

They were lucky enough to acquire a hidden group quest in the library.

So the group were reluctant to give up on the quest after such losses, if they were to give up and comeback they would one's again gain losses doubling their expenses.

While they were advancing the group felt a strong suppression ahead of them. After a second had passed a skeleton riding a skeleton horse appear in front of them blocking their advance.

The group immediately halted instinctively.

Name: Skeleton Chivalry

Level: 25 (Four Star)

HP: 20,000/20,000

Fire Dragon immediately issued orders at this development. "Tanks U formation insure the agro, fighters backed the tanks, support's ready you DE buffs, range damage dealers get an opportunity"

Finishing her orders the group of 500 people begun to move. But before they could finished their preparations five huge silhouette appear with countless shadow's tailing them.

Name: Skeleton Chivalry

Level: 24 (Four Star)

HP: 19,000/19,000

Name: Skeleton Chivalry

Level: 25 (Four Star)

HP: 20,000/20,000

Name: Skeleton Chivalry

Level: 23 (Four Star)

HP: 18,000/18,000

Name: Skeleton Chivalry

Level: 25 (Four Star)

HP: 20,000/20,000

Name: Skeleton Chivalry Commander (Guardian)

Level: 25 (Five Star)

HP: 50,000/50,000

Seeing the newly arrive monster's. Everyone's expression darken for the worst. More than so their were also thousands of lesser undead's following the cavalry.

Realizing the severity of the situation. Fire dragon immediately issued a order for the group to retreat. "everyone quickly pull back, tank cover out path" the group pull back immediately" no one questioned Fire Dragon's orders as they themselves wanted to run themselves.

Fire dragon pull back her group while in full alert.

Then she saw the Skeleton Chivalry Commander rising it's sword, followed by a black smoke enveloping the ground like a locust it immediately swarm the area.

Warning: Player had fallen to a state of suppression all attributes would be weaken by 30%.

"isn't this unfair!" Ice dragon voice out falling into frustration.

"support's used life saving spells on the tanks, other's run for it"

She and the other just reach level 15 the highest level in the group is their guild leader that had reach level 17 because of a quest. How would they supposed to contend with a monster that ten level's higher than them. Ice dragon wracked her brain for any possibilities for them to escape this endeavor, second's passed by however she still couldn't figure out a way in this situation.

Then….! The sound of a system announcement sounded in their ears.

[World Level Announcement: Player Name: Nameless Devil. Had successfully slayed a Demon Lord singlehandedly. World Fame: +100]

[Continental Announcement: Player Name: Nameless Devil. Had successfully slayed a Demon Lord singlehandedly. Continental Fame: +1000]

[Regional Announcement: Player Name: Nameless Devil. Had successfully slayed a Demon Lord singlehandedly. Regional Fame: +10,000]

[Kingdom Announcement: Player Name: Nameless Devil. Had successfully slayed a Demon Lord singlehandedly. Kingdom Fame: +100,000]


"What a player killed a Demon Lord at this stage of the game"

"isn't it just fifth day of them game"

"wow that's cool who is Nameless Devil"

"Nameless Devil please train me I'll play you 10,000,000 credits"

"aren't demon's current out of our league. How did he defeat not just a demon but a demon lord"

"he might be exploiting a bug"

"wow cool a world level announcement"

"another hidden expert hade emerge"

"the guy might have did it by a quest. I gain a quest hunting a wyvern it should be impossible at this stage of the game but I was able to complete it. When I confront the wyvern it's in weaken state, plus the systems is suppressing it"

"Wow cool, how lucky can you guys be"

"I completed the quest but me and my teammates suffer heavily and it's just that the wyvern is only a lesser one . On the other side that guy solo the demon lord, just how hard was that"

"I read a note's in a library even when weakened demon still possessed all their skills in a fight. Then how did Nameless Devil succeed"

"This is the guild leader of Frozen Emperor's we would like to recruit Nameless Devil"

"This is the Vice Leader of Thousand Blades we would like to recruit honorable Nameless Devil"

"wow is this true two Transcendental Guilds at the top is recruiting a unknown player"

"lol this is amazing another hidden monster had appeared"

"I hope I can become like them someday"

"dream on nigga"

{Exit Forums}

Hearing the World Level Announcement the Destroyer Pavilion's members was momentarily stunned. Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon were on a similar state.

They possessed great knowledge about monster's so they knew how powerful a demon can be even a lesser one at level 15 could probably wipe their entire party of 500.

They couldn't believe how can a human solo such a monster. Even if the demon lord drop to tier 0 a single skill from it could annihilate a entire legion of thousand tier one's. moreover the demon lord possessed many rage skills and wide scale destructive spell's there is also the tricky racial ability mana amplification and instantaneous movement.

The system is also different from other one's the destroyer pavilions possessed a great deal of intelligence about it. Even do the game is full of mysteries it's a fare game where humans could not intervene. Moreover the system would not gave a quest that would result in such rewards if it was easy enough to be dealt with.

The reason they have this information was thanks to the book they purchase. A Monster Encyclopedia from the nameless shop. That they gain thanks to the quest the town mayor had issued.

Even do the Encyclopedia wasn't completely concrete and only a small portion out of the countless number of monsters in Genesis Era were shown.

One of the information's there was about a Demon Lord.

These was also the reason why they dint hesitate on giving up the quest, even do they had the chance of winning against the Skeleton Chivalry Commander if they gave their all.