Return of The Evil One

I woke up with a slight headache. My eyes slowly opened and I felt a tiny, tingling sensation pulsing from my eyes. It was as though this was the first time I would be opening them and that was true.

I rose from where I lay and looked around me, still in a daze.

"Where am I? Who am I?" I wondered.

I was still feeling a sense of confusion concerning my existence when I noticed something in the dark, empty room. A book.

Other than the stylish, yet comfortable bed on which I lay, there was a table in the room and on that table was a book.

I paid no attention to the bed which I once just got up from. Although it seemed strange, I went towards the book, as though I was drawn to it.

The pattern that was inscribed on it was so familiar to me. I used my hand to feel the book, the texture felt so nostalgic as though I had a connection to it.

"Maybe this will help me discover who I am, what I am." I thought to myself.

As I opened the book, a brilliant flash of light shone, enveloping the room and blinding me for a moment.

As soon as the light penetrated my eyes and went through my nerves I could see it, memories upon memories and several information began to flood my entire being. I was flooded with stockpiles of knowledge that I never knew existed. It was overwhelming, and painful could not even begin to describe how I was feeling.

"Please. Stop." I pleaded.

It didn't stop. I wanted it to stop. It felt like my brain would explode from all that I was experiencing. Millions of years, eons, flashed through my mind as I experienced every second of it. I don't know how much time passed while I was in this haze, but it felt like an eternity.

Then all of a sudden, it didn't hurt anymore. The pain was gone, most of it anyway. There was only one pain left. The one in my heart. The pain of betrayal. I felt rage rise from within me, intense rage. It choked me and I felt overcome by it. I clutched my chest as my heart was beating with rage.

Then I slowly began to take deep breaths, I closed my eyes and calmed myself. Sooner or later I had to come to peace with it. And the sooner the better.

That very moment, I decided to let go of my feelings of betrayal and regret. Instead, I would turn those feelings and fuel my conquest of revenge on the ones who had wronged me.

"I remember now. I remember everything" I said to myself.

Indeed I did, those countless eons I spent with my siblings, the ones I spent with my comrades, the gods. Everything was restored, even my final moments, were all restored.

"Leviathan. Avalon. Sol. Gilga. Chronos." I mentioned the name of my younger siblings.

"I'm back!" I smiled with a wicked grin.


After finding the book and recovering my memory I left the room, destroying everything within it and not leaving a trace. Since it was designed that way, it wasn't too difficult. I had made the entire structure as a countermeasure in case things went south with my siblings, though I couldn't imagine them actually betraying me and me having to resort to it.

In simple terms, it was a body I made for myself to inhabit. However, unlike other beings which existed in the world, this was made without the contribution of the other Aspects, not even mine. I made a body that was not reliant on the six Aspects, and as such, independent of any interference from my siblings. The true definition of freedom.

I kept the body in a contraption similar to a coffin to preserve it and also sealed the entire room in which I had kept the body. I used so much power that even if the entire planet had been destroyed the room would still be kept intact. I also created a boundary and camouflage which prevented anyone from venturing anywhere within 50 meters of the location.

I spent so much time on its creation that being in this body now felt so comfortable. It suited my tastes in every way. I accessed my entire body and confirmed everything was just as I intended.

The features of the body included;

-Young adult male (19 years to be exact)

-Black hair, red eyes, and a handsome face (Intentional)

-A good body build, a bit over six feet tall with a well-proportioned figure

-A large pool of energy which had accumulated over a long period due to the cycle process I imputed into it (The more time passed after its creation the more energy it stored)

-Perfectly healthy and immune to natural physical ailments

-The most important feature being that it was entirely non-reliant on any of the six Aspects to exist or function.

A perfect vessel for me.

That said, compared to my past stature, this body was extremely weak. I had not only lost my aspect, but also all my divine powers and attributes. The only thing I had going for me was the knowledge of my past life as well as the anomaly of my body's existence.

"This much is enough," I said to myself.

"It might take me longer, but I'll definitely achieve my goals no matter what it takes and who stands in my way." I resolved.

"Well, first of all, let's take care of this shall we?" I said, thinking about my nakedness.

I immediately manifested clothing for myself. It was a dark inner shirt, a black and red cloak, and black trousers. My shoes were also black. The outfit suited me perfectly, and as much as I would admit, it looked really nice.

"This should be enough," I said to myself.

I walked away from the deserted underground region where I woke up, and following its destruction, I headed west. It wasn't long before I was in a forest-like region.

"As I expected, I feel no exhaustion even though I have been walking for hours now," I noticed. "It must be another perk of this body," I added.

I had gauged my entire form earlier before leaving the underground room which I stored my new body. Since it was something I made myself I could turn off certain features or add others to suit my taste. For example, turn off pain receptors or remove exhaustion from my senses.

My new body was perfect and I couldn't wait to carry out a test run. With that being said, it would be optimal for me not to get into any unnecessary conflict which had no bearing on my goals.

I estimated that it would take me a few more hours to finally leave the forest I was in, and I was steadily walking with that in mind.

Suddenly, I heard a voice.

'Humans," I told myself.

I enhanced my senses, especially my hearing and sight in order to better observe what was happening.

About fifty meters from where I stood, there were five, no, six humans clustered. They were all wearing armor and looked heavily built.

"Are they soldiers?" I asked myself.

They looked different from how I remembered them. They wore armor made with iron, and one wore a bronze-plated one.

"Interesting. Humans have advanced this far, just how many years have passed since I died?" I wondered.

However, the most interesting aspect of things was what they were doing. In their midst was a female. She wasn't human.

"Elf? No. She seems more like a fairy, but where are her wings?" I was a bit puzzled.

"Don't tell me...?" I considered the thought.

If what I thought was true, then it would be interesting to observe the situation even more. Back when I was a Primordial, soldiers were guardians of their people. While they were not as fancy as what I was seeing now, they were still impressive. However, from what I was observing, that didn't seem to be the case in this situation.

They seemed to be bullying the elf/fairy girl. She had bruises on her body and she seemed to be in pain. I felt no remorse or sense of compassion for the girl. It was just the nature of the world anyway. However, I continued to observe the situation.

I couldn't understand their language. That must have also changed over the years. I would have to learn it eventually, perhaps this was a good opportunity. The soldiers sneered and laughed at the weakness of the girl, who sat helplessly and rested against the trunk of one of the trees.

One tried grabbing her hand and saying words I couldn't understand, but as soon as he reached for her hand, she used her teeth and ferociously bit him. Blood gushed out of his hands as the bite was deep.

The man yelled and hit her head with his hard boot. She let out a painful groan but still stubbornly held on with her teeth sinking deeper into his hand. He kept hitting her until she had to let go of his hand. She looked weak, she would soon pass out.

"Hhuaie auhbw paoaue auuys kjaue" The soldier groaned in pain.

"The bite must have hurt for sure" I mused to myself.

Okay, I got bored of the situation quickly. None of what was happening was my concern. The last thing the girl did caught my attention, but what of it? Her fate was sealed. She was either going to be raped, killed, or tortured by the soldiers. Even the soldiers would have their reasons for being so rough on her.

I began to walk away from the scene.

"Not my problem" I shrugged.

"Why...? I trusted... You... Why...?" I heard her voice as she muttered.

"She spoke in the old tongue that I understood?" I asked myself.

Did she know I was present? No. She had no way of knowing. There was only one other explanation.

"I know all the languages of the old races, so she must have spoken in her native dialect. Interesting, so there are some languages that remain the same" I thought to myself.

I couldn't explain why, but I felt drawn to her. Maybe it was due to her desperation and her fragile nature. No, that wasn't it. Maybe it was due to the fact that she was in grave danger and she kept fighting. No, that wasn't it.

Suddenly, her face turned away from her assaulters and I had a clear glimpse of her face, and for the first time I saw it. Her eyes.

"Those eyes, they look just like mine did. You understand, don't you? What it means." I said to myself, turning back to the direction where she was.

"Uejen whjei koaeh" A soldier said, raising his sword at her, and from that angle, he was obviously aiming for her shoulder.

It would be a non-lethal wound, but it was definitely going to cause her pain. I had seen enough of that.

I quickened my pace and within a moment I was before the girl. The soldier noticed me, but before he could stop the momentum of his sword, it was headed for my chest.

"Pathetic" I stated.

The sword connected with my cloth, but before it could even penetrate, it broke.

"Uuwh ehha heywu wkwdet wiouns da" The soldier said with shock, and the look on the faces of the others were similar.

Surprise. Shock. But not fear. Not yet anyway.

"Those eyes are of one who has been betrayed by those they trusted the most" I said.

I looked at the unfortunate soldiers who stood before me. They would have to die.

"It's nothing personal"