A Desperate Situation

"Huff... Huff" The young man heaved as exhaustion was beginning to catch up to him.

Still, he lifted his heavy sword with what little strength he could muster as he huffed even more. He had several injuries, as well as a severe wound on one of his legs and his side.

"Keuk....It's no use." His partner commented, returning to his side.

She was also bleeding all over her hands, with a slight bruise on her head.

The both of them glanced at the bodies of their fallen comrades. Three lifeless corpses were scattered around the battlefield, with blood staining everything around them. Some of their body parts were already dismembered and crushed.

"Our party of five is now... Urk..." The young man groaned.

His female partner looked at him with a sad look and then turned toward their foe... A monstrous creature of unbelievable mass and strenght.

"I should've known not to take the quest..." The man's voice quivered as he spoke in regret.