The Forest Guardian

 Forest Guardians… Entities the entire world knew to symbolize nature.

They possess green bodies, constituted by vines of various kinds. Having a humanoid shape, they possess nearly every feature of a typical man. Two limbs and two legs. They, however, do not possess eyes, noses, and the likes. They use the Aspects around them to observe and interact with nature, spreading their senses throughout the area.

Their bodies are incredibly enormous, and they possess an immense density of Aspects, making them an existence that stands above most creatures.

The fairies worship them as an existence second only to the gods. They are like angels, divine beings who are custodians of the flora… Immortal so long as their duty remains.

A creature such as this, serving as the Boss Monster of the 5th Floor, of course, Talia would be shaken. The very entity she worshipped would now be taken as an enemy, subjected to subjugation.