
The two giant statues entered the room and grinned at the group of shocked Adventurers they found standing in the large expanse.

"Those are the statues we saw at the entrance, right? What are they doing here?" Jack let out in confusion.

The two colloidal structures were by far larger than the Boss Monster the group had just faced, and their menacing aura showed that they were vastly superior.

"What the hell?! Why are they here..." Lucy muttered nervously, gulping as she beheld their sight.

Nathan stood and observed the two Giant statues. Everyone else was talking about why they appeared after the Boss was defeated, however, he was more concerned about other matters.

"The Window... What does this mean? This hasn't happened before... Annihilation mode? Randomizer function? What do they mean? For these statues to have suddenly moved, it must be related to that notification... Just what is happening here?"