
"We've been overestimating our opponent this whole time!" Ana declared, gazing at Gratiana who stood beyond their reach.

They were still surrounded by swarms of enemies who remained above them, waiting for the three to make their first move.

"Y-You mean…" Shamac muttered, slowly piecing his own suspicion and conjecture together.

If Ana was speaking the truth, then she had a valid point. However, it could also be nothing more than a desperate attempt to justify her actions. At the moment, being careless was an error to be avoided.

"Shamac, listen to me… I know you're thinking about it too. Gratiana was my mentor. I've known her for years, and I've always feared and respected her power… But that was then!" Ana sharply spoke, drawing Shamac's reason to her favor.

"I know her better than any of us… Only I can beat her!"