
I often thought about it... How to fully create an intelligent being with no limits or bodily constraints.

Of course, since I do not possess the Aspect of Creation, it's impossible to use my powers to make an entity.

That's why I studied the structure of creation and every intelligent life that had been created by Gilga and the rest of my siblings.

Using the structures made, and my vast knowledge of Aspects, I was able to mimic the design, however...

"I can't make my own being from scratch!" I groaned to myself in frustration.

Being able to only copy designs, I can't create an original. My attempt to make them caused certain deformities.

Wrath, as well as the remaining 6 of my Generals, are good examples of them.

While they are indeed artificial intelligence made by me, they all require a physical body to exist.

Also, they are all failed experiments, though the 7 of them remain the highest of my intelligent creations which exist.