Aftermath Of The Tragedy

~Knock. Knock~

I heard a slight bang on the door leading to my residence.

Glancing at the location, I easily saw through the door and walls, seeing the person standing behind before it.

"Lord Rio... a minute please?" The woman asked.

Making a slight sigh, I stood from my study, where I sat, and proceeded to the door.

"I'm coming..." 

Tilting the doorknob, I opened the contraption and gazed upon the nervous woman in front of me.

I remained silent, but my expression seemed to pass across the message. 

"E-erm, the Guildmaster has finally returned. He wishes to speak with you." She said, bowing before me.

This woman, Liliana, was one of the Adventurers Guild's secret agents who monitored and regulated Adventurers. Of course, she knew better than to treat me the same as the others.

"Very well. I'll be there soon" I responded calmly.