Dungeon Of Lust


A whisper of wind wafted through the air as the purple gate opened before us, giving us access to the new area we found ourselves in.

"Move it!" The monster behind us barked, hissing at every pause.

We stepped out of the warbling portal, treading on a hard surface. The ground was hard and stony, having a cool effect, similar to the surrounding.

After a few seconds, we were all out of the Portal which closed as soon as everyone was out.

"Where are we?" Lumia asked, partially with curiosity, and also apprehension.

She looked at me, but I gave no hint of worry, allowing her to calm her nerves.

The structure resembled that of a Dungeon, which it was. It was the one the Eastern Kingdom had been trying to conquer for so long.

"Quit your yapping, foolissssh humanssss!" The serpent hissed at us.

I used the opportunity to glance around the empty, vast space before us. I recognized it well.