
I looked at the rest of the townsfolk, who, for some reason, seemed pleased that the traitorous Xiang had met her cruel end.

"It seems you are all misunderstanding something..." I said to the remaining people who kept their faces bowed before me while I spoke.

"I didn't kill her because of any of you. To be honest, I couldn't care less about your moral obligations or whatnot. Whether your actions or her choices are wrong or right is none of my business."

At this point, they raised their heads, staring at me with fear. The people, mostly comprised of women and a couple of children stared at me with tears in their eyes, pleading desperately with me for mercy.

"You all wouldn't care if two goats happened to be fighting, would you? Or if two bugs were debating on their actions, those are of no relevance to you humans, correct? Right or wrong, none of those matter when dealing with livestock... and you all are no different"