
"Rio. Please do not be upset, but we need to hurry!" Virgo stated, rising from her seated position.

I grinned internally, showing a surprised look in response to her words.

"What are you talking about?" 

She gulped, wondering how she would pass across the information she had to me.

"Well, the thing is... Aries sent me a message not long ago, about how he found two people tracing him. He mentioned how he was going to teach them a lesson."

She paused for a moment to judge my expression. I gave a blank look, causing her to continue speaking.

"I realize now that they would most likely be your party members. If we do not hurry, then-" Her pace increased, and from her tone, I could sense impatience.

Apparently, she was worried that Aries' actions would cause me to act unfavorably toward them, especially concerning her proposed alliance.

Her panic amuses me.