Flashy Plan

"So this is where your rats were holed up. Did you think you could escape my senses from this distance? Pathetic!" Aries' spat in contempt as he glared at the two party members of Rio.

Virgo had put him in a terrible mood, and after she revealed Rio's strength, he felt even worse.

The fact that Virgo insisted on trusting the man made no sense to him, and he felt a huge amount of suspicion toward Rio. Not only that, but due to his investigation, Aries found some interesting information and knew he was onto something.

Since he figured out Rio's Party members were trailing him, the perfect opportunity presented itself for him to exploit.

"Great timing. I was looking for something like concrete to get more information from anyway. Why have you been following me?" He asked.

The two people, known to him to be called Shamac and Ruth, stared at him with no regard or fear. Their calm faces depicted a level of indifference, as though he was nothing.