Sin Of Sloth [Pt 1]

 " Hmmm hmmm...." He cleared his throat and returned to mount his horse.

 ' That man's reaction was akin to awe, do I remind him of someone?' Wrath thought.

 In about thirty minutes, Wrath, Lust and their escort now approached the large distinct hut.

 They all stopped when they got close enough and the leader got off his horse and went into the hut.

 " This hut... it's. .. I can't put my hand at it but I sense a vague modicum energy in there, one I find familiar, I can't fully tell until I get closer."

 Soon later, the guards' captain came out, with him was a very old woman, her skin was so wrinkled that looking upon hard was a test of perseverance, she had no hairs on her head, and she wore what seemed like brown fur.