Nathan's Growth [Pt 1]

 " Well, I'm flattered." I said.

 His face turned to a frown and he swept forward with the thin blade aiming for my head. He was fast but not as fast as the light beams I had deflected earlier, not even close.

 I brought up my doubled edge sword and it was like a burly man next to a petite maiden when our blades clashed. My relic was forged by deities, his I doubt was even made by powerful men and so my sword easily broke his rapier startling him. He lept back but I followed, I raised my sword by my shoulder and brought it down unto his.

 A gash, bright red blood gushed out of the large wound. He wailed and fell to his knees. I pulled away my sword held between his broken bones and blood spurted.

 He cried but it was much too weak to alert anyone nearby.

 I ran forward leaving him and his blood pool. Next I heard were flaps of wings rushing from the two turns connecting to this one.