Camden could barely pay attention at the meeting. They were bringing up a matter of general rebellion in the new territory.
"They've been blatantly stealing things, knocking over market stands and just causing general chaos." One woman said. "We've got to shut it down."
"I agree," Harry answered. "We've identified a few leaders. They were issued a warning this morning, but again, they still continued to outright rebel today. We need to now be good on our threats as well as identify the other leading members of this rebellion. What do you think Camden?"
Camden snapped his head to attention running over the conversation again. "Oh, um yes." He straightened his shoulders. "Early this morning before dawn, Frank, I need you to take Cleo and Erin to the first leader, Maston. He's the big one, but the three of you can get to him I'm sure." Camden assigned groups to different people, then a scout party for another problem altogether. His mind could barely keep up. More than once his temper got the best of him. Harry had to quietly remind him that they were all on the same side.
"We don't have him in custody yet?" Camden asked. His thoughts were a whirl. He needed to end this meeting before he did something wrong. "We had our chance this afternoon to nab him and you missed the window? What came up?" He slammed a hand onto the table.
"We just missed. The plan was poorly executed." Someone said, her shoulder length hair bounced with every shake of her head.
Maybe it was just that… "I'm sorry, I know," he sighed. "We need to postpone the meeting, there's something I need to address. I'm sorry everyone. Same time two nights from now." He reminded everyone of their assignments before most of them shuffled out.
"Cam, what's going on?" Harry asked when the two of them were finally alone, walking down the streets towards their apartment. "That's not like you."
"Maybe it was just a rough day. I don't know. The wind was awful today. I saw some kids getting batted around, a little girl molested, another woman dragged away… it's been a day Harry." Camden said, blowing into his cupped hands and rubbing them together. His breath was visible under some of the lights pouring from a few windows here and there.
"Every day is a day." Harry said without looking at him. "Camden, I know you're lying. You shouted at Lula today. She just got out of the house today for the first time in weeks. You've been trying to help her for weeks. You may have undone some of that progress in one moment. Tell me what's happening."
Camden shook his head. "Just a bad day Harry. Leave me be."
"No." Harry put a hand to Camden's chest, stopping him in his tracks. "You are hurting people Camden and I am not letting you continue without telling me why so that we can fix it. You're a great guy Camden, you're allowed to have bad days, but you can't take it out on people who are trying to help. What is it?"
"Nothing Harry." Camden said, his face heating. Why couldn't he let it be? He tried to step around him, but Harry blocked his path. "Move Harrold." His voice took on a vacant and hollow authority.
"No Camden. You can't go home until you tell me what's going on, or until you forcibly remove me." Harry stood firm.
"You're being ridiculous!" Camden almost shouted. He heaved in a breath. "One last time. Move, or I will forcibly move you." He didn't want to talk. He wanted to go back to their apartment and spar with the bag until his knuckles were raw. He wanted to shout at everyone. He wanted to—
"I'm not moving Cam." Harry said, pulling his watch off and setting his wallet in his hat, tossing them to the ground, stretching his arms out.
Camden shook his head. If that's what Harry wanted, then who was he not to oblige? He swung his fist at Harry's shoulder. Harry deftly blocked it, and Camden's foot that followed. Camden attacked with punch after punch. He sent an elbow towards Harry, who sidestepped right into Camden's incoming hammer fist. The streets were slick with something that Camden didn't care to know about. His feet slid as he dodged a kick.
Camden fought furiously with his friend who just let him continue on the offensive. Camden's thoughts blurred as he continued to brawl. He tried to kick Harry, but his footwork was sloppy, and Harry pushed him off balance. Camden caught himself in time to block the following punch. His hands slid against the cracked and broken cobblestone on the street.
He let out a shout as Harry hit him in the gut. Cam turned the tides, spurred on as his head pounded. He pinned Harry against the side of someone's building, kneeing him hard. Harry coughed as it hit his gut, but didn't try to escape as Camden pulled back a fist. He hit the brick building right beside Harry's head, before his face crumpled. He just stood for a moment, his chest heaving.
"She's gone... and alone Harry... and I miss her." Camden whispered, letting go of his pin. "Harry, she's…"
"Hey I know." Harry said, wiping the blood from his lip. "Come on Cam, let's… let's head home."
Camden looked over to his friend as his eyes filled with water. "Harry, I saw this woman that looked so much like her. She may have been a few years older at most. She wasn't doing anything but her job Harry." He inhaled a shaky breath, his heart pounding and his eyes still burning. "I circled back around to follow someone when I heard her crying, and I couldn't help but look. And she was surrounded by all these men, William Sykes and his crew."
"Cam you didn't…"
"No I didn't." his voice was barely a whisper as he flashed back to her crying and tugging at the large hand around her wrists. Begging. But it was futile. She was sobbing, digging her heels into the grass only to be pulled along. "I did nothing, Harry. I watched them drag her away into one of their little tunnels, and I ran after that person until I couldn't hear her anymore. "Harry… I left her."
"No Harry. She... she looked like Gisa. That could have been her. And I would have thrown myself at them. I would. But it would do nothing. I would be dead or tortured somewhere in one of his labs and she... Harry, I could lose her. I could lose this woman that I love. They could hurt her and I could do nothing. I couldn't stop it. I… Harry…"
Harry said nothing as he walked by Camden's side for a while. Camden let the tears dry from his eyes, calmed his breathing and his thoughts slowed as he walked down the darkening streets. Harry… Harry always knew exactly what was going to happen. He knew that Camden needed to work it out. And not in their home where young kids were now lodging. So he'd— he would've let Camden beat his lights out if he had needed it.
Harry finally spoke before they got to their apartment, "I'm sorry Camden. I know it's hard. I can see how much you miss her, but you'll be reunited someday. I know you will. How can you not? You both have given up so much for other people. You're sharing your rations with these children, up at all hours to hunt down these offenders and put them in their place. You're taking on all these jobs to make ends meet. All the while, you and Gisa are trying to improve life here for everyone. You're doing something amazing Camden… you and Gisa will find each other, I just know it." a small smile. "Come on, let's clean up before the kids see us. We don't want any nightmares tonight."