

Ron walked around the campus towards the dining hall. Jamison hadn't even made it to his bed, passing out on the couch after he got back. Ron could smell the alcohol on his breath from across the room. Blackout drunk, Jamison was still in the same position that he'd fallen asleep in. Ron wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but he sure wasn't going to try and wake Jamison.

Apparently he'd taken Jules' leaving pretty hard if he went to such an extent to forget so much. He couldn't even figure out how to take his tie off. Ron almost wished he'd taken a video for Jamison to see how stupid he'd been acting. He smirked to himself, kicking a snow bank.

The moon was reflecting off of the snow making the early morning much brighter than it should have been. Though the days were still growing shorter, something about the winter made Ron smile. He didn't mind the bristling wind or the sharp bite of the morning air in his lungs. Though he had no coat or gloves on the island, the dark shapes of the buildings and the freezing air were a reminder that he was still in the same world, just a different place, even if it seemed like a completely different planet sometimes.

He wandered into the dining hall to find it empty except for Gisa who was eating cereal nearly half asleep. "Hey weirdo." He dropped his bag into the other seat at her table, laughing as she startled. "I'll be right back." He chuckled louder as she made an obscene gesture with one hand, the other one accidentally flinging milk from the cereal on the table with her spoon.

"Why are you up so early?" Ron asked, shoving a bagel into his mouth. "I mean, you're usually up pretty early, but this is practically a witching hour. I'm the only one here."

Gisa shrugged, pushing around her cereal with her spoon. "I fell asleep at the library yesterday and nobody checked the room I was in, so I spent the night there." She chuckled. "I didn't want to go back to my dorm because I wasn't sure if Emma would be there or not. She's a light sleeper."

"How did the studying go?" Ron asked.

"Stupid. I hate math." Gisa laughed, rubbing at her eyes. "How is your studying going for that class?"

Ron smirked. "Good actually. Not to brag but uh… I have a B+ in that class."

Gisa's mouth gaped open. "Cameron shut up! There is no way!"

He opened up his laptop, pulling up the gradebook to prove it. He laughed loudly as Gisa swore at him. Twice. Three times.

"I hate you!" she said, her disbelief turning into laughter. "Ugh the final is coming up in three days. No matter what grade I get I'll pass the class, but well…" she shrugged, "This is the first time I have ever had a C in a class and I'm proud of it, you know? If I flunk the final it will bring it down to a D. I'll still pass but I really want to keep that C."

Ron shrugged. "I know you can do almost everything on your own, but have you ever thought of getting a tutor? I did, and I have a B. And we both know that I'm about as good at math as you. I can set you up with one for the last few days of this class and for your Algebra class next semester."

Gisa frowned a moment, "Is there even anybody who would want to tutor me for the last few days before the final? I mean, it is a weekend. Only idiots and people that try too hard study on the weekend."

"First," Ron laughed, "I'm hurt that you think I'm an idiot or trying too hard, and secondly, I meant what I said. You want to make sure you ace that test?"

"Fine." Gisa said reluctantly, "Let's find a stupid tutor."

"I appreciate your enthusiasm," Ron smirked. He ducked fast enough to avoid Gisa's plastic spoon flying for his head.

But a few hours later, when everyone else had begun to wake up, Ron had already set up a meeting for her in the library. "Good luck Gisa!" He said with a smile. Monday was the last day of finals for everyone. Most people were done already. Finding someone to tutor her hadn't been hard. Especially when the tutor had finished all of his finals. Ron waved to her off to meet his own tutor. He looked back to find Gisa smiling. Just a little.