

The gravel crunched under his dress shoes as he walked towards Annabelle's suite. She said to pick her up at seven. He was fifteen minutes early. As he bounded up the stairs he wondered if she would be ready. His hands were shaking, causing the roses in his hands to make a slight whispering noise as they bumped against each other.

He knocked on her door.

"I'll be there in a second!" Someone called. Not Jules. Must be one of her suitemates.

Sure enough, another girl opened the door, her hair falling out of the ponytail on the top of her head. "Oh hey Jamison. She's almost ready. Wanna come in?"

He thanked her, stepping in, and taking in the chaos in front of him. It seemed he had walked into the girls all moving back in. Servants were shuffling to-and fro with boxes, setting up the living area similar to how it had been the previous semester.

"I heard you guys are going to the opening night of La Symphonie des Roses. I'm so jealous. My father tried to get tickets, but they were already gone. You guys will have to tell us all about it sometime."

The two other suitemates chimed their agreement.

Jule's door to her suite opened. It was all Jamison could do not to drop the flowers on the floor. She looked divine. She smiled at him. Jules was in a red dress that fitted her torso to her hips,before the skirt filled out with more fabric, much of it resting on the floor. The bodice was embroidered with intricate golden lace and beads, matching the designs climbing up the skirt from the hem. The neckline went almost all the way up her neck, her hair swept back by two matching golden combs. Little rubies like teardrops sparkled in her ears.

"What do you think?" she spun around, holding her skirt with her left hand.

"You look stunning Jules." He breathed, his heart fluttering as she came to a halt in front of him. Her red lipstick made her lips look fuller. It framed her white smile beautifully. "You may be the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life."

She flicked his nose playfully. "Flatterer. Though," she looked him up and down in an exaggerated way that made something in his core tighten, "You're not looking too bad yourself. I'm glad I went with you to get the tie. It matches well!"

He kissed the top of her head. "The car is waiting out front babe."

They walked outside, the driver opening the door for the two of them. Jules shivered a little. "You know, I know the shawl goes with your dress, but you can get a coat if you're cold."

"No, mother and father would be most displeased if I showed up to an event wearing a coat. The shawl will do." She looked at him, something like anticipation and anxiety in her features. "So, my parents know that you are the son of Fahad-Khaled."

He nodded, fighting the wince. "At least they still agreed to meet me. I'm not very attuned to dining styles and rules of etiquette yet, but I did read the guides you sent me."

Jules leaned her head against his shoulder. "That means a lot Jamison. I just hope they see that you aren't at all like your father. You don't even look like him all that much."

He chuckled. "Luckily, I take after my mother a little more when it comes to looks. My father is an ugly bastard."

"Whatever happens though babe, I appreciate you coming to dinner. Just know, even if my parents can't get over what they think of your father, it won't change what I think of you. I love you Jamison."

"I love you too sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to her mouth, pinching her bottom lip between his a little. He felt her loose a breath when he did, so he wrapped one arm around her, the other hand against the back of her head, careful not to touch the combs. He felt her hands press against his chest. He bit her bottom lip, and her hands pushed harder against him. He laughed a low laugh, "you like that?" he whispered.

"Baby you can't have me getting to the restaurant in rumpled clothes." She said, but there wasn't any conviction in her words.

He cupped her cheek in one of his hands, tilting her head up as he pressed a line of kisses above the high collar of the dress. "You know, this kind of gets in the way. And we don't want it to get wrinkled." He slowly tugged down the zipper along the back of her dress, pulling the collar down and kissing her collarbone hard enough to make her breath catch. She ran her fingers through his hair, as he bit the same spot he kissed, slowly caressing one of her hips with his hands. He sat up with a laugh, running a finger over the faint mark he left on her skin.

Jamison reluctantly helped her put her dress back on and smooth his hair back down as the car neared La Symphonie des Roses. It looked like a ball the way the cars and coaches were lined up, letting the sparkling well dressed patrons ascend the marble steps covered by a deep red carpet.

With all the grace of a purebred lord, Jamison offered Jules his arm. "Shehzadi Jules, may I?"

She smiled, sweetly, "You really have been preparing for this haven't you?"

"I even practiced bowing in the mirror." he winked. "Hands over my head, incline the head?"

"I think they'll be quite impressed by your efforts." Jules shook her head. "Did your father never teach you anything of the court?"

He shrugged. "My father was too busy drinking and gambling. I was too busy paying off his debts." Hurt flashed on her features and he sighed. "If you want, I'd be happy to tell you more when we have the chance. I've had a difficult life so far, most of which is due to my father. But, things are really looking up right now." His eyes met hers. She had such expressive brown eyes. He loved her.

With a very polite nod, a server led them to the table where the Sultan and Sultana of the Eastern kingdom sat in all of their finery. Something caught in his throat. If his father had succeeded, Jules wouldn't be here.

His heart pounded, but he bowed to them, surprised to find the corner of the sultan's mouth twitch as if he were fighting the urge to smile. "Your royal highnesses."

"Please sit." the Sultan said, motioning to the chairs in front of him and his wife. His voice was surprisingly light and almost boyish for a sultan. It caught him off guard. Jules caught his eye and nodded, he followed her lead, sitting at the table.

"You look absolutely lovely, abnati." Jules' mother said.

"You must be Jamison, the son of my father in law's advisor." The sultan said. Jamison bowed his head. "And I hear that you are a friend of my daughter's."