Drowning In A Shallow Puddle Of Blood

User: Kakashi Zue

Body Strengthening skills: 1

(Golden Bones Iron Organs) -Level 1

Martial Skills: 1

(Bone Crushing fist) -Level 2

Domination Points: 2

My cultivation speed really is frighteningly fast i never thought i would of already broken through to the 6th subcategory in such a small amount of time even being a half step from the 7th this speed was truly shocking i one again thanked the system i believed this was one of the many blessings i have received from it coincidentally observing the amount of domination points i have in the bank disheartened me slightly

thanks to fatty i was able to claim a few extra points although i had me eyes set much further on a skill that could outmatch the patriarch, what made this so dangerous was that i hadn't the slightest clue of what skills the patriarch had hidden under his sleeve leaving me wary i decided on a skill worth 150 domination points why? the answer being that i noticed the more points a skill cost the more time it would take to level up this worked against me as this needed to be done quickly the only other option would be to drain all my extra domination points into that skill making it increase level by force for this to take place i needed to start acting towards my goals as i've now settled in

although challenging people was encouraged between the disciples few reasons limited my chance to obtain points from it mainly being the dilemma of hiding my true strength and not bringing attention towards myself although i'd make great use of this challenging system in the future which will bring the demise of the patriarch hehe

anyway enough thought had gone into the future.. maybe too much perhaps i nearly forgot my goal for today, heading out of the living quarters strolling around the compound i took a map of the surroundings mentally ingraining it into my head still while looking for my opportunity to obtain points heading into as many alleyways and quieter areas of the sect as i could waiting for somebody to prey upon me a newcomer into the sect after strolling for ages i thought i might of been spotted by bullies a few times but to no avail

but suddenly after entering an alleyway near the old training grounds 2 rough looking disciples came closer i couldn't believe my luck they were not that weak hopefully meaning i'll gain a few more points from them

"haha brother look another newbie they are just easy targets for us masters" one of the brothers said "indeed younger brother looks like we'll have even more pills to cultivate with haha" two deep voices spoke emerging in front of me making me grin "hey kid hand over you pills to your masters and i might not beat you badly haha"

unfortunately for the these two bastards i didn't want to make this long so i flew out a punch towards the younger brothers shoulder instantly breaking it the best way to kill is to attack when the enemy's guard is down

a red glare flickering in the older brothers eyes exuded a dangerous aura glaring at me while his younger brother wailed about in pain on the floor catching a glimpse his hands movements sped up while he reached behind his back revealing two daggers in his hands without a second thought that fucker tried stabbing my neck luckily this was no special weapon and my body skill could just about graze off these daggers stabbing at me but only grazing my palms" what the fuck is this monster" stammered the older brother losing the light he had in his eyes replaced by fear maybe because i'd block every attack even the ones with hidden intent but still these fuckers break so easily i can't even enjoy them for that long haha well time to farm grabbing both daggers i threw them to the ground before the older brother could react seeing this trying to save himself he turned tail and actually tried running from me

slice!slice! two daggers flew through the air cutting through both achilles' tendon making him screech on the ground crawling around the ground i laughed looking at the helpless cripple i created in only a few moments two of the brothers were nothing but trash who are my points deciding on the maximum enjoyment and point gathering could be tackled with a simple game

the game was simple whoever ate their own fingers the quickest would be allowed to live!

hehe "both you fuckers dared to insult me so only one of you can live whoever eats all their fingers first can leave here alive if not i'll kill you and then your family so don't even think on running not that you can anyway haha"

that look of dread and despair appearing in their eyes could not be explained with words filling me with joy yet again "here look seeing as you've not started you can both enjoy a broken leg then if you don't start 5 seconds after i'll just have to kill you both" Bam! Crunch! Bam! Crunch! Bone Crushing Fist really was deserving of its name the sound it made was exactly as advertised haha, they must be brothers even there screams of pain sound the same but i suppose we should get this started off it's not like they will actually bite off there fingers without some more encouragement

grabbing the hand of the older brother i decided that i would start with him seeing as it would have more impact on the younger grabbing his hand i pried his finger from his fist, this fucker is really trying to hide his fingers from me haha "i've got you finger haha" i laughed at him placing his finger in his mouth giving his jaw a smack suddenly his finger disappeared looking at they younger i questioned "oh no where did his finger go?" the younger had pissed his pants at the sight what a dirty bastard i thought anyway opening the olders mouth i said "ta da now swallow it you fucker" as i spat a ball of spit in his mouth i shoved the finger in his mouth all the way down his throat looking at his face many expressions appeared on it as his own finger slid down into his stomach

"right no more playing about friends i'm getting tired if you don't start chomping them fingers off i'll kill you both remember" at that moment i could see it hit them they knew only one of them would survive "5…4…3" holy shit younger brother had some guts the image of the boy frantically eating his own fingers could been seen in front of me older brother seeing this had no other choice but to start eating his own fingers hahah, what amazed me the most was the sound of chewing could be heard from younger brother he wasn't just swallowing his fingers whole he was actually chewing them fuck me what a guy i'm starting to like him hehe younger brother only had 3 fingers left after a couple minutes it seems chewing was the better strategy somehow as the older brother still had 5 fingers left to much on

In what seemed like no time at all younger brother had won the competition leaving the two boys left with only a pair of thumbs each pretty amusing although i would of never left them both alive i took in the look on their faces once again i couldn't help but smile at their displeasure they both just couldn't believe they had become crippled and had no fingers they were of no use to anybody anymore just walking bags of flesh taking up space anyway i digress placing the two daggers in the respective brothers bloody mouths i could still see small bits of flesh in younger brothers mouth hehe "the final showdown will begin whoever's kills the other shall live" these simple words caused such disappointment in younger brothers face while older had a light flash in his eyes before i could countdown older brother already was crawling towards his younger brother making quick distance for a cripple

younger brother could be heard whimpering still not aware his older brother was pouncing towards him, heh guess he is pretty stupid still thinking about how this is unfair what the fuck this guy has no fucking intelligence anyway he'll die first a dagger stuck into his throat skewering through his neck that dagger had some force behind it shit

"well done i guess you won from killing your brother you fucking animal"

walking towards older many emotions portrayed on his face could be seen but mostly relief thinking i would spare his dog life "you are gullible you stupid cunt you even killed your brother like that haha wtf man your so fucked up" Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! slicing throughout the air my fist dismembered his four limbs blood squirting out from everywhere the ground around him formed a large puddle, that's pretty ideal hehe kicking his nugget body he spun around trying to force his head up to no avail he slowly died from his own blood haha drowning in your own blood in a shallow puddle was a shitty way to die