The Fateful Encounters

Naruto was on the road it will be a couple of months before he actually reached the portal so for now he would meditate and meet the lady of the lake and train with her on how to unleash Excalibur's full potential.That's when he came across a beautiful person but they didn't feel like a girl it was as if it was a guy?He went up to this strange person and asked them.

"If you don't mind me asking what are you doing here and what is your name"-Naruto

"Oh hello there my name is Haku and I was just roaming around I'm sorry if I disturbed you"-Haku

"Oh no need to apologise you weren't disturbing me if anything I was the one disturbing you so I apologise"-Naruto

"It's ok you weren't disturbing me I was just pick a few herbs for my master"-Haku

"I see if you don't mind me asking who is your master?"-Naruto

"He just a merchant who was injured because of a ambush"-Haku

"If he's injured I can help I used to study some healing jutsus"-Naruto

"Oh my that would be helpful"-Haku

Haku knowing that if Naruto tried anything he should be able to take him down so he leads him to Zabuza and that's when Naruto uses his blood to heal Zabuza as his blood has the same effect as the lake he found Excalibur in.After healing Zabuza with his blood they were surprised and asked him how he just replied with it's a kekkie genkai that's he can switch on or off he mostly leaves it off though because did the chakra cost Zabuza then spoke and asked him if he could do anything to repay the favour and that's when Naruto saw one of the seven deadly swordsman blade and he instantly knew who it was but played it cool.

"I want to have a spar with you using that blade and me using mine"-Naruto

Zabuza confused on this request agrees skeptically and get up and battles with Naruto they clash for half a day not once showing a sign of weakness in all honesty they were both enjoying this spar that's when Naruto activated an ability of Excalibur calls perfect copy he copied Zabuza's swords ability but to the others they didn't realise it and that's when Naruto said that if they go on any longer they'll be here for days and so they called it a tie and went to sleep.Before they Zabuza and Haku could wake up Naruto left and he wrote a note before he left and once they woke up they read the note.

"Dear Zabuza and Haku,

I know your identities and I am telling you I won't tell anybody but I had to leave because of my own mission and if fates allows us let's meet again and have a spar.

P.S Haku take care of Zabuza he's too reckless"-note

Little did Naruto know this was the last time he would see them ever again.

Naruto went around copying my sword abilities and some from the seven deadly swordsman sword abilities as well he was getting stronger every day and that when he met a man with long white hair who was looking into a hot spring bath.This man was a pervert so he went to stop him and that's when he noticed the sheer chakra pressure of this man he wasn't ordinarily his power was on par with a kage or even more.Naruto tapped on his shoulder and asked what he was doing the man replied with he was doing research for his new book.Naruto obviously knew what was going on as he was not oblivious to the truth but he needs to train with this guy his power is something else maybe he could teach him something.

"Old Perv I want you to train me"-Naruto

"Do you know who I am I am one of the three sanin Jiraiya the great road safe"-Jiraiya

"So I still want you to train me"-Naruto

Jiraiya was sensing Naruto's power it's was immense(Jiraiya didn't want to have another student as he was going to train Naruto but the word of his death went to him and he told himself that he was a failure of a grandfather to Naruto)Jiraiya also sensed that he had the Nine tails chakra and that's when he told Naruto if he wants to train with me he had to walk of water that's when Naruto took of his clothes just in case and walked on water hit Jiraiya didn't care about the water walking part he wanted to see if this boy had the seal and he did that's when he shed a tear and thought to himself this is Naruto.Jiraiya instantly gave him a hug and said he taunted his father so he shall train you Naruto.Naruto was shocked to see how Jiraiya knew who he was but this wasn't a bad thing now he had two people who truly knew him and was looking out for him.That's when the training began on Mount Myōboku he trained with Jiraiya for a year and learnt the rasengan date Jutsu and he made his own rasengans called the Voltage Rasengan,Rasenshuriken,Molten Rasengan and that's is what he as for now but he noticed he could combine jutsus with Excalibur and concentrate chakra into it making it more deadly.After the one year Naruto told Jiraiya everything and that's when Jiraiya pulled out the ancient Namikaze Origin journal and said as the last remaking Namikaze with a origin you must write your origin in this book and maybe see why your fathers origin could do as he also wrote about his origin in this book as well.Naruto studied the book and wrote about his origin he called his origin Thirteen.He the said goodbye to Jiraiya and gave him a big hug before he left.Only 2 months and he'll find the portal to Camelot