The Mark Of Nimueh

Previously Naruto finally had found the way to the portal and he unlocked it by accident and then he got teleported to the throne room of King Arthur where he showed his letter and his purpose of coming her and in doing so he also showed his power to show his worth and now we go to Naruto waking up in a unfamiliar room.

Naruto woke up and went down that's here he saw merlin and a old man his name was Gaius he was the physician of the kingdom and he was very well known as well for being at Arthur's father side in the dark ages.Naruto was told by Gaius to fetch water with Naruto so that he could treat a patient who has mysteriously fallen ill and his skin had become so pale it was as if his soul was being stripped away.

Naruto and Merlin went to the well and that's when Naruto noticed strange things. A lot of people were getting sick with the same sickness as the patient in Gaius's place, something strange was acquiring. Merlin then filled up the bucket and was about to head out but then he got thirsty and went to drink the water and that's when it hit Naruto.

He quickly slapped the water out of Merlin's hand.

"The water is contaminated don't you see every person who looks sick has a bowl of water next to them and it can't be the bowls as they are all different it's the water we have to tell Gaius before he drained any"-Naruto

"Your right that does make sense I'm glad you're here otherwise I probably would have died"-Merlin

Merlin slightly chuckled and then the pair of them split up. Naruto went to Gaius and Merlin went to Arthur to tell him the news about the water.Once both the royal physician (Gaius) and the king was informed they speed word to the people living in the kingdom and now Arthur and his knights and Merlin are going to the wells source to see why truly is happening because the people need water.

Down at the source of the well it was strange there was this strange goo like substance on the floor they all assumed mud except for Merlin.

"Arthur this substance has remnants if magic in it and it's of the ancient type it's dark age magic something that hasn't been seen for centuries"-Merlin

"I see so we must be dealing with a creature of the ancients and that means it's powerful.Keep your guards up men we have no idea where this thing could be"-Arthur

The knights were instantly on alert; their formation is something Naruto has never seen before; it was a beautiful yet tough form. It was amazing seeing this much camaraderie; it was as if they were brothers bound by blood but in this case they were bound by blades.

Then suddenly out of nowhere came a claw of darkness before anybody could react Naruto tried to strike it down with Excalibur the claw was cut off but the beast was nowhere to be seen.Arthur thanked Naruto for his help he was the one the claw was going for and it came back again but it only targeted Arthur then that's when Merlin rose up and spoke.

"It's clearly obvious that this beast has its eyes set for Arthur and for it to only go after Arthur means somebody is controlling"-Merlin

"So a lot mages using beast have gone for Arthur"-Gawain

"Don't you see Gawain this is a ancient beast this beast is powerful and with that power it is also said to be uncontrollable and if a Mage is controlling it we will be doomed because they are very powerful and this is no joke we must stay vigilant or else Camelot will lose a king"-Merlin

The men now understanding this situation knew why they must form a circle around Arthur but the problem was the top was exposed and the beast could strike from above they don't know what it looks like or what it can do.That's when Naruto proposed an idea.

"I have a technique that could protect Arthur from above but when I do this you must not touch it if you touch it once it could kill us all"-Naruto

The group knew of Naruto's power and heed his warning that's when he uses his rasenshuriken and keepers it above the kings head so now he was protected from every where.This was getting risky so using the while keeping the formation they returned to Camelot and Merlin and Naruto went to Gaius to figure out what this thing is.

It's been a couple of days the water that was clean has dwindled there's only a days worth of or so but luckily with the aid of Naruto Gaius and Merlin together have figured it out it's was a Afanc, a creature conjured of the elements of earth and water the only weakness it has is the elements fire and wind.

Knowing this they told Arthur and he sent Naruto and Merlin with Lancelot to slay this beast Merlin had to go back and get a weapon to imbued the elements with as when he tried it on Naruto's blade it seemed to not have worked and Lancelot well he only got a bow and arrow as he didn't want to get close to it.That's when the beast striked and Naruto now knowing what he must do combines the elements of wind and fire into a rasengan and tried to blast it but it seem all it did was paralyse it.

Naruto thought to himself that chakra must work differently to magic,chakra is from within to create an attack but magic is using the essence of everything living or dead it's also seems that Merlin doesn't get tired form using but with Naruto his chakra is also limited this is now a battle of blades before anything could happen Merlin came and spoke a tongue that was very strange and a spear he had got and it launched itself at the beast and it burned up into flames and it was turned to ash that's when Naruto went to the well and checked around and found a egg with a strange symbol he went to Gaius and that's when he saw the symbol and rushed to the throne room that's where he spoke to Arthur.

"Arthur this is the mark of Nimueh she has returned"-Gaius

The whole counsel of Camelot and The king himself knew what this meant, this meant a battle of blood is coming and it seems they were late to the battle.