Chapter 6 Berry Good

As a new day rises, the dead leaves of early winter fall off their trees. A cold breeze blows into Orbis from the Sernoon Sea. The sun's light creeps its way into the temple of Cognitios and begins to shine on the glossy green eyes of Alexander as they open. Pulling his white wavy hair back, and tying it with a stray piece of cloth he starts to get out of bed. Then, putting on a fit brown tunic, a pair of matted black trousers, a worn white and blue cloak with Cognitios' symbols on it, and a pair of broken in brown boots.

Alexander: (inner monolog) "Happy Birthday me. Six long years in the temple. Finally I get to 'choose' my name, and can freely roam the city. Alright, with the map I drew I'll be able to find my way to the apothecary in the southwestern district. Better grab my coin quietly and get a move on, It'll be about an hour and a half of walking"

After taking out the burlap sack, now having 400 copper and 6 silver pieces, then closing up the hole Alexander expeditiously leaves the temple before others awaken.

Opening up the map while walking Alexander begins talking to himself.

Alexander: (Common) "Ok, let's see here, the apothecary should just be on the outskirts of the Rudis Forum, it'll be at the opposite end of where I enter. I'll have to be careful of workers bringing in their raw resources. Hmm, probably shouldn't take any back alleys, I would be mugged most likely, so the main road it is."

As Alexander starts his first journey out of the temple a sense of liberty engulfs him. Well made multi story structures of stone and wood line the streets, gypsum plaster covering the walls while red clay shingle the roofs. Doing his best to not stand out, as much as a half-elf can, Alexander weaves his way through the morning bustle of Orbis. Horse drawn carts move supplies and crafts to their destinations, and civilians trudge to begin another day of work. In some locations the smell of breakfast seeps out of active taverns, in others housewives and some slaves can be seen doing chores. As he walks, eyes of disdain and suspicion are always affixed on Alexander, but nobody has yet to confront him. 

Alexander finally reaches the forum with an hour more of walking. Similar to the day of his birth he hears the movement of thousands of people in the area. Windmills line the top of a hill less than half a mile away.; lumber is being brought in and is turned into planks for ships and houses; stones are cut for better use; stalls selling game and produce; and a couple bakeries selling cheap breads. 

Gruff Voice: "Oi you, halt!"

Alexander stops and looks around seeing a human guard with brown hair and blue eyes start to approach him.

Guard: "Yes you pointy. I got a few questions for ya."

Alexander puts on his most innocent face.

Alexander: "Yes sir. I'll answer any question you have."

Guard: "Alright then, what's one of your kind doing with a burlap sack sneaking around for? On top of that, what's someone your age doing here in the first place?"

Motioning at his cloak Alexander exclaimed...

Alexander: "I'm on secret business for the Temple of Cognitios. The reason I'm here by myself is that I just turned six, and as a big boy I wanted to do this mission myself."

The guards eyes narrow at Alexander then down to the cloak. A look of recognition flashes across his face which soon sours.

Guard: "You're a damn lucky bastard you know that, most of you just get dumped in the slums or sold for coin. Must have been a pretty penny for them to take you in. Get moving mutt, but know that I'll be watching you."

Alexander: "Yes sir."

Alexander: (inner monolog) "Fuck you, shit for brains. Although, if this is how we are treated everywhere, starting my plan might be easier than I thought."

When the guard turns and struts away with little consideration of the insignificant child he just interrogated, Alexander quickened his pace towards the apothecary. After blitzing through the forum as to not be stopped again he arrived at his destination unimpeded.

A strange completely out of place hovel-like building is before Alexander. Walls made of yellow painted wood that are at least 10ft tall, and a roof with bright green grass instead of shingles that slopes into the ground. The chimney smokes with an odd discoloration signaling that the store was open. Alexander pushes open the green 8ft circular door which causes a bell to ring.

Low smooth voice: (Common) "Come on in, I'll be there in a moment, do mind your step."

Alexander moves down a rung of steps that create a distance of 12ft between the floor and ceiling. Looking around he sees a counter to the left spotting an assortment of potions, creams, and herbal medicines lining the wall. There is a sitting area with some chairs that seem to have grown from the ground, and looking up there are vines with red flowers coming from the ceiling. After a couple of minutes a humanoid around 10ft tall dressed in a plain brown robe, with a laid back aura, saunters from a room in the back. He has a bright red tufted unkept beard no more than a chinstrap and shaggy hair. Skin that is grayish-blue, hair on his forearms thicker than wool, ears longer than an elves, lime green eyes, and a pink nose that fades into his skin tone. 

"Welcome customer, to Mound of Potions, I am Genmar Birch, how may I assist you?"

Alexander: "Uh, was there supposed to be a name for your store somewhere?"

Genmar's face droops a little as he lets out a sigh.

Genmar: "Ahhh… gabergok, it got stolen again. Huhhh, now I'll need to buy another sign."

Alexander: "You're a Firbolg right? Don't your people usually live away from civilization as druids?"

Hearing this question Genmar's face perks up and a calm smile begins to form.

Genmar: "Not many people know about our culture."

He then looks down at Alexander's coat.

"Ahh, I see that you are from a temple of Cognitios. It makes sense now, well what can I do for you?"

Alexander: "Do you have a sprig of mistletoe, and perhaps as a firbolg do you practice some druidic arts?"

Genmar: "Yes to both questions, little one. The mistletoe will be one gold piece. Why did you ask if I am a druid?"

Alexander takes out and places 400 copper coins on the counter.

Alexander: "Can I exchange the leftover 300 for 1 gold and 20 silver? And, I asked because there is a spell I want to learn. The spell's name is Goodberry, and since I'm half wood elf I figured it should be relatively easy to learn. I don't expect your services to be free, every couple days the children at the temple head to the woods to pick herbs and the like. If you need ingredients from the forest I could bring them back to you upon my return."

Genmar takes the copper, then places the silver, gold, and mistletoe on the counter along with a medium leather pouch.

Genmar: "The pouch is on me, after all it's a bit conspicuous to carry stolen money in a burlap sack. Haha!"

A smirk crawls across Genmar's face.

"Now then, I like the deal you offered, but I'll add one thing. I'll give you some corked glass vials, and if you see any snakes harvest their venom for me. Do this and you'll be able to come to me every morning until you can learn the spell."

Alexander: "Sounds like a good deal to me. Oh, may I have one more request. Since I'll be heading here more often could you give me something that proves I have an official reason to be here, wouldn't want to be stopped and frisked."

Genmar: "Sure not a problem, I'll give you this token. It proves that you are under my tutelage. Now then I think you should head on back."

The token handed to Alexander has a tree on one side and a potion on the other.

"Alrighty, hope you have a safe walk back. And, thank you for your patronage."

As the firbolg disappears into the backroom again Alexander puts everything into his new leather pouch, and leaves the building.