25. Will Wait

He is only one step away to completely exit the White Forest but when the burly man noticed his companion no longer moving, he stopped on his track. He look back and saw his companion standing in daze looking back towards the White Forest.

"Cao Ding."

"Let's go back."


"That young man in white mask, isn't he familiar?"

"What? What are talking about?"

"You saw him with your own eyes. That little girl."

"Are you not sober yet? Did you lost your mind?"

"That's why. I'm a sober now...that's why. That little girl and that young man wearing white mask, they are the same person."

"You---" the burly man was stupefied to the words of what the man he called Cao Ding. Thinking carefully, the body frame, no fluctuation of qi, and that aura. It's too much coincident. He frown and weigh things. If they are mistaken, if they encounter that young man in white mask they will die.

But he is familiar with his friend, he would either convince him to go back to the white forest or go alone.

The burly man sigh and said, "Let's enter from the east. If that man in mask is really that little girl, her companions must put out their camp there. Some are without cultivation, they wouldn't be far from the entrance."

When the burly man remembered the companions of the little girl, he can't help but be more confident with his companion's conjecture. Their group trusted a little girl and fearlessly entered a dangerous forest even with the accompany of other four non-cultivators. If it's real that the little girl have the ability to hide the fluctuation of her qi, those three he's sure they really are not cultivators. The aura they brought are nothing special compared to the little girl.

The two then travel using their mount to the east entrance of the White Forest.

Once the soldiers from Wei Kingdom returned, the news of a powerful existence inside the White Forest spread to the whole kingdom. The full story are only known by the Wei Royalties while the story known by the public are with blind spots.

Cultivators who intended to enter the White Forest cancelled their prior arrangement. Some cultivators who doubt the veracity of the news still entered the White Forest.

The powerful existence in the story outside the White Forest is currently unconcious being carried by Shi Jinhai to the direction of their camp. Meixiang who is unconcious is actually inside the sacred book.

Meixiang is currently asking the conditions of the phantoms and black deon gopher family to their new environment.

"This world is the same with the phantom world. Even better. We can cultivate here and the resources are unlimited so we don't need to earn points to get better resources." the bow phantom weapon, Wuxian stated happily. The sword weapon, Guang agreed.

Now that they are back to the world the same as the phantom world, they, phantom weapons, can now communicate verbally.

"This is even better! We can cultivate continously not thinking of a summoner opening a portal to delay everyone's cultivation." the satisfied phantom beast Huangye added. His rude demeanor is now diminished. "Hmp. If you said it in first place, I wouldn't be rude to you. I will not apologize."

Meixiang just laugh while petting the jaguar's big head. Huangye who was now stiff didn't move and let Meixiang do what she's doing.

Kiwi the phantom plant, TaoTao also stated his words of pleasure and gratitude, "We are thankful with the master allowing us to enter this sacred place. Rest assured, we will help the master on her future affairs."

"TaoTao need not to be formal. Just call me by my name."

Little Lotus, HuaHua then spoke, "We are still weak. Once we reach and surpass the human's cultivation, we'll be able to retain our original strength. You seem collecting seeds of phantom plants, once we reach our original strength, we can also produce our seeds. Retaining our strength wouldn't take a lot of time with this abundant resources."

GuoGuo frown. His plump cheeks squirm when he heard HuaHua's words.

When he saw the little boy Lotus, he can't help but have a bad idea. In the entire phantom world, him and his Big Sister MeiMei are the only phantom plants with an appearnce of a five years old so he stick to her like a younger sibling. Although taller than MeiMei, he still call her big sister because of the maturity of MeiMei. Now with appearance of another little phantom plant, he can't help but get threatened.

Meixiang who notice this patted GuoGuo's small head. "GuoGuo must be happy. Now that another phantoms are around, his big sister and big sister MeiMei are now more safe."

GuoGuo didn't speak. His fat cheeks are still bulging.

"Big Sister and Big Sister MeiMei hopes GuoGuo will help his juniors."

The four phantoms can't help but feel gloomy. What juniors? This little plant is not yet born when they are still existing inside the phantom world. But thinking carefully, this two little phantom plants are indeed their seniors if they base to this small phantom world. They just helplessly agreed and abolish their plan to voice out their disapproval.

GuoGuo when heard this heavy responsibility was given to him, he reluctantly agreed for the sake of his big sisters. "GuoGuo will not let down Big Sister and Big Sister MeiMei."

"Thanking Senior GuoGuo." little HuaHua responded looking towards GuoGuo, his small face is still stoic.

The four phantoms and the black deon gophers family almost choke to this scene. They are with HuaHua for a long time ofcourse this scene, they almost believe it's just an illusion.

GuoGuo get shy to this respond earned from HuaHua. His arrogance and displeasure towards HuaHua faded like it never existed. He tried his milky childish voice sound mature then said, "Little Brother HuaHua, rest assure Big Brother GuoGuo will help everyone to be stronger."

Meixiang noticing the funny faces of the four phantoms and black deon gophers, she restrained herself from laughing then said, "GuoGuo, just call him HuaHua so you can be more comfortable to one another."

Getting alone with the new phantoms got much easier for GuoGuo. MeiMei didn't mind getting close to them. The black deon gopher family is also comfortable inside the small phantom world as they already started digging to build their home.

Meixiang went back to cultivate while Shi Jinhai travelled by feet three days nonstop until he reach the camp.

When Meixiang arrived at the camp, she was welcomed by Ping Lei and Old Leng who are guarding the camp. Tian Ling, who just exited from the main tent sneaking Auntie Tian's cooked foods, shouted when he saw Meixiang. Everyone get out of their own tents when they heard Tian Ling's loud voice.

When they saw Meixiang, they excitedly run towards her and greeted her.

"Seeing everyone improved, I am satisfied. Let's go to the main tent and discuss some matters."

They then all followed suit.

When everyone was already settled, Meixiang asked Ping Lei about what happened while she's gone.

"We encounter three groups of cultivators. One is on their way out to the forest and the two are on their way to the inner most of the forest. They didn't harm us nor a threat to us.For the past two week, we somehow accumulated twenty six beast cores with sixth stage as the highest. This is all thanks to Little Little."

Two weeks ago. Without asking the consent of everyone, Tian Ling named the snow rain fox, Little Little. Days passed, unknown to them, they started to call the snow rain fox - Little Little.

Meixiang feintly look at the snow rain fox on the sideline who is raising his head full of arrogance waiting for compliment. Meixiang ignored this and turn her head to her right.

"Auntie Tian, what about our food supply."

"Xiang-er need not to worry. We still have a lot. Oh the water supply is almost gone. Good thing Xiang-er is wise to refill the jars before she went out."

Meixiang nodded and look at the small Snow Rain Fox on Xian Ji's shoulder again, obidiently standing there. She then look towards Tian Ling's direction.

"Brother Ling?"

Tian Ling excitedly recited, "Oh yeah. Little Xiang, your Brother Ling is now a second grade heavenly doctor. I already successfully concocted an elixir eight days after you left. Because I can't continue to read my third level prescriptions, I continued concocting pills for level two heavenly doctors. It was all successful."

"Good. I will give Brother Ling later the prescriptions for level three."

"Thank you, Little Xiang." Tian Ling nodded continiously his eyes full of smiles.

Meixiang inspect everyone and nodded, satisfied with what she sees, "The rest also improved a lot. Brother Ji's improvement is the most remarkable."

Xian Ji just smiled and scratch the back of his head. Little Little who is standing on his right shoulder raised his head more, showing arrogance.

"It seems the snow rain fox not only behave these past few days but greatly contributed a lot."

Little Little nodded continously and boast,"Ofcourse ofcourse. I helped the others to their cultivation by hunting beasts around. I also helped Tiang Ling once when he lacks trioness grass. At night I helped Master Ji in reviewing the books you gave him and tell him stories about those beasts so he'll be more interested."

Meixiang nodded. "A young snow rain fox that was already on his seventh stage cultivation, you must be the smartest and the most cunning in your entire clan. Using these things to help this group, this young lady will not forget to give you your present later."

Little Little take Meixiang's words as a compliment and was excited when he heard about his present. He nodded satisfiedly. This group is with continous supply of spiritual water from this little girl, he must know where did she get the unlimited supply of spiritual water.

"For everyone's award." Meixiang waved her hand and a big piece of black mione metal appeared on the table. Everyone was shocked with this sight. Meixiang smiled. "Good thing, your young lady is too good she got all the resources not only the black mione metal but also high grade crystals."

Everyone is too amazed to utter a word. Seeing her subordinates faces, she once teased,

"Now now, how about this as a bribe?"

Ping Chunhua recovered first and chuckled at Meixiang's words. Auntie Tian praised Meixiang. The men on the other hand are still flabergasted at the amount and kind of crystals and metal Meixiang harvested.

Meixiang after stating the properties and the amount of these minerals she said, "Brother Lei, start to do the design of their scepters. Old Leng, consider the resources I mentioned if ever it can help your research. To the martial artists, rest assured our weapons are made with this high quality metal. Once I reach the seventh stage I will start to hole our spiritual weapons with the best grade crystals and beast cores."

Everyone nodded stiffly. Yes! Their young miss is perverted to this extent! They never saw her practice refining but she sometimes visit Ping Lei way back at Feihan Mountain when he's still starting refining. Thinking about this, their young miss must have learn refining only by observing right?

Ping Lei, who don't talk much, didn't mind to explain. Ping Chunhua who knows everything can only chuckled inwardly at the weird faces of her companions. Naturally, she bug her brother 'till she learns her brother is learning refining from their young miss. Her adoration to their young miss risen to worship starting that day.

"Now we can only speed this things once we arrived at the eye of the forest to build our permanent camp while we're inside the forest. Rest for now. Tomorrow, we will continue our journey with the same pace as before."

"Lastly." Meixiang look at the direction of Little Little. "You can all go now. Brother Ji, I will borrow the little beast first."

The snow rain fox, Little Little's whole body trembled. The time he saw the black mione metal and heard Meixiang's words, he already had a bad premonition.

Everyone left. Meixiang brought the Snow Rain Fox to her tent and threw her inside the sacred book.

When she interrogated the snow rain fox before, he only said the location of the cave and the cultivation of the other party. If he didn't left out the identities of Lotus' group, Meixiang have not remove the possibilities they are not human cultivators and wasted three days speculating about their identities.

When met HuaHua's group, she learned they are scammed and robbed by a small white fox. This is the reason she gave them the honor to punish the snow rain fox. Remembering the black deon gopher family and Huangye's fury when talking about the little white fox whom they trusted but only betrayed and robbed them.

True to Meixiang's thoughts, the snow rain fox is indeed being tortured by the black deong gophers with Huangye's fangs and claws.

Night arrived, Meixiang was alerted by Shi Jinhai because of the hidden presence of foreigners outside their camp. Meixiang when learned the identities of the two, she went outside the camp and walks towards their direction calmly.

When the two men saw the little girl walking towards where they are hiding, they no longer hide their presence and face Meixiang.

"Junior sees the seniors once again."

The burly man look hesitant to Meixiang and to his companion.

Seniors. It means she already knew he's not alone when they first met. Detecting their presence and location, the probability of their suspicion is getting bigger and bigger.

They both didn't speak. The incessant flow of thoughts didn't allow them to think clearly. 

"Because our first encounter is not that bad, I will be benevolent to break my words and spare your lives."

The burly man gulp. Cao Ding on the other hand is calmly looking at Meixiang's face but his heart is in turmoil.

What Meixiang just said confirmed their goal here. The both of them didn't know what to respond.

Meixiang smiled and look at Cao Ding.

"Willing to sacrifice your life to fill your curiousity." Meixiang nodded slowly remembering a proverb from the other world she read inside the sacred book.

"Curiousity killed a cat; but it came back." she murmur that the two still heard.

"When I see you once again inside this forest, I would not think twice to kill the both of you." Meixiang turn her back to the two. Before her back disappeared completely she stopped from her track. Without looking back she said, "Eleven months." Meixiang's lips curled. "The central would no longer be boring after my group's arrival."

Meixiang completely disappeared in the dark leaving the two in daze.

The burly man gulp once again processing Meixiang's words.

"E—eleven months? Is that mean they will go to the capital five months from today?"

Suddenly, the young man Cao Ding chuckled.

"It seems eleven months from today, the Central would be livelier."

The burly man look at his friend's shining eyes. He can only sigh. "Cao Ding, shall we go back? You heard what that little girl said."

"Yes. Let's go back. Oh. Yeah. Remember not to tell to anyone what happened today or this young master would not spare your life."

The burly man's face twitch. This friend of his will always tell him when they are outside everyone's sight, they will drop the formality. What's with this? Using his position to threaten his life?

The two left with their mount. While in the air, Cao Ding is in a relax position at the back of his mount. He use his palm to pillow the back of his head, his eyes are close and with a satisfied smile, he once again remember Meixiang's beautiful face. He then murmur,

"Little girl, this young master will wait."