52. Cousin Meixiang?

Title: The Wicked Witch Wreaks Havoc Once Again

_Sacred Key

_Anne—Plant Witch

_Fairytale World

Book 1: On Hold


Once upon a time in a far away land, where the princes and princesses are living their happily ever after, a little girl was roaming around the land wearing her usual smile on her small beautiful face. But don't be fooled with her innocent beauty and harmless demeanor 'coz she is no innocent nor harmless.

Harmless? Not after she was tested as  a tri-talent at age ten. A talented Mundane, a powerful Elite Fighter and the rare Sorcerer.

Innocent? Not after the mysterious Sacred Key recognized her as a master as she was able to transmigrate to different worlds and accumulate experiences of different profession.

She was labeled wicked as she slowly unveil fairy tales are no full of songs and beauty. She cause havoc the moment she made the evil kelpie her beast companion. She even turn the world upside down when she turns out to be a Witch, the lost occupation that only in the legend exist.

She is the wicked witch that will wreak havoc to your childhood tales.


Chapter 1: Anne

A small group of children who just turned ten are on their line to test their aptitude. A little girl in her dirty dress was the last in the line as she stood there, her small face is frowning full of annoyance. The old aged prison guard accompanying her only sigh inwardly with the temperament of the little girl, if he's not begged by those usually lawless ruthless proud prisoners, he wouldn't take her out from the prison to test her aptitude. If not with those rascals putting this important stage of the little girl's life turning it to a bet, he is more than willing to bring her here.

One after another, the children will touch the sphere with both of their palms and the result can tell by what color the white sphere would change into.

Blue for a Mundane. Red for an Elite Fighter. Violet for a Sorcerer.

Children will then be tested before the school year starts of what are their specific future occupation of these three; Mundane, Elite Fighter, and Sorcerer.

Children tested as a Mundane will be place in a room full of books and different equipments. After going out of the room, they will touch the crystal of Mundane to know which exact occupation are appropriate to them. They can become a merchant, professional, leader, carpenter, blacksmith, butcher, minstrel, tailor, and other simple jobs not needing force and magic.

Children tested as an Elite Fighters would enter the tombstone of weapons where they can recognize the appropriate weapons for them. If the child is powerful, a weapon with spirit may recognize him as a master.

Children tested as an Sorcerer would enter the magical space to know which of the specific occupation they are fit to. Among the three, sorcerers are rare and the most noble occupation as they can become wizard, potion maker, spell scriber, and other occupations needing magic.

The small room is no longer quiet as they are already done in taking their aptitude test had no care of the peasant's aptitude result. The children are sorrounding a little boy who was tested as a rare sorcerer naturally the children from this remote area was amaze to his result as it is the first time they saw a sorcerer same age as them.

The little girl on her tattered dirty dress didn't care of other's indifferent treatment towards her and don't even care of the little boy being a sorcerer. The little girl in disheveled appearance is named Anne, an ordinary name in par with her ordinary background. Her father is a bandit while her mother is an ordinary lady from a small town. She is an orphan whom lived at jail eating and sleeping with prisoners the same cell his father was imprisoned.

She is forced to take this nonsensical aptitude test because of those idiots taking a bet of her aptitude. The whole small prison facility then started to bet of her aptitude test.

She grew inside the small prison facility and lived inside the prison cell where her late father lived. She was took care by prisoners and jail guards, naturally she overtook their temperament. Right now, she's beyond annoyed, she is pissed.

She's forcefully taken this nonsense aptitude test...if with either of any of the result, she will be needed to enroll to the academy that she never dreamed of. Forcefully doing what she didn't wanted to, she is indeed not on her good mood.

The moment both of her palm touch the white crystal, the little girl named Anne was drown to darkness. Opening her eyes once again, she is drag to an empty large area only she can see multiple closed and unlocked doors with different colors. Suddenly, a light appeared out of nowhere and only to find out one of the ten doors is now widely opened, her consciousness is forcefully taken inside.

She didn't count so she didn't know for how long she had been there. Entering ten doors, she surrendered to her fate. Opening her eyes again, her old demeanor was changed, how she thinks was now clearer and calmer.

Pulling her mind to the current situation, she observed where she is now. Seeing she is back to the small testing center, came out only a second passed to the real world, she had fully understanding of everything.

Lowering her eyes, her both palm are at the crystal ball. Knowing the process and trusting her result, she controlled the power inside her that was already rushing to the sphere.

The ball although lighten up, it didn't change to different color like the other kids.

While everyone was mocking her with their gazes of how her result is a neither Sorcerer nor Knight and not even the lowest Mundane, she didn't care. Anne calmly withdrew her hand and get out of the small testing center.

Blue for a Mundane. Red for an Elite Fighter. Violet for a Sorcerer.

Everyone knows this. What they didn't know, once the crystal ball lighten up to a white color, the kid is with these all result, a mundane, an elite fighter and also a sorcerer. Ignorance of the people of these remote area put Anne to advantage but this would not last long.

The quality of the crystal ball is too low, it can't support her power, good thing she controlled it before it reaches its core so the damage isn't visible yet. She have to get out of here now before someone notice the crack on the treasured crystal ball of the small province.

True to Anne's thoughts, the low quality crystal ball owned by the small testing center can't support the power inside her body. 

A power inside the crystal ball will lure all the power of the child for his first aptitude test to detect his real potential. This is the case for a crystal ball to detect the child's aptitude on her tenth age, to summon all his power inside as it is still feint. Anne is different, she was transmigrated to nine different worlds and taught by ten outstanding masters, naturally the low quality crystal ball can't stand her overflowing power especially she is with a Plant Witch potential, the lost occupation only in the legend existed.

No one noticed that in the middle of the crystal ball treasured by the small testing center is now with an unnoticeable crack slowly invading the whole crystal.

The next day, the only crystal ball of the remote area was now broken. The mayor have to write a request for another crystal ball for their humble place stating the details of what happened that day.

Little did the they know, the information in the letter would bring commotion to the main office.


Sample Scene from Book 1:

The prisoners, guards and even the warden of the the small prison facility once again at a certain area, waiting for a certain paper at the wall replaced by the latest one.

This is the time of the year unknown to them when it was started, they are crowded at the door excited of the arrivals of the new wanted posters.

When they heard the prison guard head's loud, proud and arrogant laughs, their eyes followed the now slightly crumpled paper with the picture of a little girl in the wall, at the lower part is her name, quickly lowering their line of sight, their eyes bulged with the new released amount.

1 000 000 000 000!!!!

A billion! Everyone was shouting for the now release new amount of that white eyed wolf brat, shouting how troublesome and how lawless she is. Clearly they are laughing and mocking her with words but their tone held pride as if she is their own child that they bring to life—which is not at all false.

It only took three years after she left the prison cell and now her ransom amount is with already 13 digits! Just how amazing that brat is?!

They thought nothing else of her future troubles would surprised them when the news of Anne breaking the most secured prion jail located at the notorious Gattione Island freeing the famous most wanted prisoner of the whole land but who could guess she's as troublesome without limit, no one expected she'll wreaks havoc at the south almost killing a prince of Valli kingdom, Prince Magaron, one of the most talented sorcerer of his generation and considered a treasure not only of his kingdom but the whole land!

Far from the prisoners rejoicing the new released wanted posters, the reason of the chaos of the group of supposedly scary men is currently on her deep slumber night.

After being disturbed by a 'creature' that she almost killed because of his loud voice that cut off her peaceful time of sleep, she's without sleep of twenty consecutive days.

Two weeks ago, she planned to sleep for the whole day after consecutive days of training when a noise disturbed her, seeing it's a creature with big mouth, she sealed its lips with a spell before throwing her afar that put her supposedly sleeping time not only delayed but completely forgotten when hundreds of palace guards hunted her with unknown reason to her not knowing and not caring the big mouthed creature is a Prince of a major kingdom.