"don't ever think about it" said sumithra.

"why are you being like that ,didn't you see the will power of our son?" questioned his wife.

"that only natural because he is our son, did you forgotten about his talent when it is tested after his birth" asked sumithra.

"I didn't forgotten that's why I am saying that to let him cultivate" said to his wife.

"but looks like you forgotten about one thing, that my master had said after viki's birth" said simithra to her husband.

"what is it?".

"looks like you didn't remembered it".

"oh is it about cultivation technique your master wanted to give to him which he even not able to cultivate with" said with conforming tone.

" yes, he said it was from higher world and that to an ancient technique to deduct it he spent 1000 years and didn't get any useful information other than it being known as ancient one" said sumithra to her husband.

"then how come he said that he want to give it to our son, when he didn't even understand it even after 1000 years, or is it for our son to deduct it to deduct it" questioned his wife.

"no, when our son was born, master came to give his blessings to him at that the technique in masters space ring started to get agitated as if a life was present in it as he had searched for its deduction he came to know that the ancient techniques will choose their own suitable ones for them, so my master decided to give that to our son" clarified his doubts.

" but your masters life and death are at this movement are unknow and we are not in a position to search for him" said to his wife with sad expression.

"yes, no one knows where master went to and before whenever he went out he will at least inform to his wife without fail but when I asked her, even she is also unaware and she said he went to meet my sister and never returned" said with sad voice.

"that's why we have to let our son practice your families technique or mine" said with serious expression.

"what are you talking about if he were to practice here with that technique where can we find required resources and as for yours it requires a special pill and even I am able to produce it where can we find required materials" said with serious tone as if saying to come back to reality.

"why don't we send him to the outside world" said with low voice.

"absolutely not, don't even think about it" said with a angry tone.

"why don't you listen to me, it is for our son's own good. if he misses his right age to start cultivate he will not be able to cultivate to the greater heights, do you understand what I mean" said with serious expression.

"but if he has to cultivate he needs to go out of these mountains and beyond that is very dangerous to him and I don't want to see him in any dangers and not mention that group is searching for our son for the last thirty four years like some mad dogs. so, absolutely not" said with unwavering tone.

"why don't you understand it, if our son misses his right time to start his talent will decreases and it waste of heavens gift. don't you want to avenge for for your sister, even if stood still I won't be able to endure it any more, we had endured for thirty four years and I will not tolerate the ones who are responsible for my brothers death and don't you think our son has the right to avenge" said with gloomy expression.

"even if so",

as sumithra tries to reason out with her husband, he interrupted and said with determined voice that" our son will definitely starts his practice from now and no more words".

"then whose technique will he practice is now the question" asked his wife.

"chandragupta heed my words if anything happens to my son don't even think about seeing my face , because I will kill myself " shouted angrily towards her husband.

"oi, what do you mean by "my son", he is "our son", and if anything happens to you or viki can I be able to live a life" said with pleading tone.

"and how many years has it been, that you called me with my name, say it one more time" said with teasing smile.

"stop teasing me, so I will teach my family's technique for our son" said sumithra with great resolve.

"but dear, if it was know to your dynasty it will be problematic" chandragupta voice out his concern.

"you don't need to worry as it was only practiced by my brother, sister and my father and me sa now our son will also practices" said sumithra.

"and no one will be able to recognize other than the ones who practice the same technique, as it is impossible for them to cross the way" continued about the details of it.

"then I will teach him concealment technique, for not being other to find out it" said with confident tone, as if it is greatest under the heaven.

"then what about his friends who always tags along with him and he won't learn without them, can we teach them the way of cultivation" voiced out her worries to her husband.

"I have talent testing tablet with me, I will test their talent after they entered into their practice and starts to detect natural energy, I think it will takes some months before they can detect it as it is sparse and surprisingly 100 percent free of turbidity" said as he analyzing the surroundings.

"you are carrying that thing around with you, well whatever it is lets start their training after our son wake up and discuss some details with, then we will begin" said as she is looking at her son with full of worries in her heart.

"then we will do it according to way of training" said with grin on his face.

by looking at her husbands face she prying for the little kids life as he is well known as "devil instructor" in the outside world and feared by even the hard working type students also.

as sun is moving into embrace of west horizon, the lively village also engulfed into the rays of the moon light and the hard worked members of the village started to get some rest, to start their another day of hard work.

as viki is sleeping peacefully on his bed, sumithra sat beside him, as she is taking care of him as he is still unconscious state.

as everyone is unaware of greatest changes being brought to the world by viki and his friends, as it is the first step taken by viki's parents to make them the cultivators who in the future is known as nine pillars of the heavens.