"hey, what are you doing?" shouted chanakya at bheem.

"do you loss your mind, to talk back at mentor sumithra, if you have a wish for getting beat up go ahead don't involve us in it, did you forget about the last time, when she hanged up all of us to a branch tree for a whole afternoon for talking back her, when she is the one at fault. do you have grudge with us " asked bheem as he is wiping his sweat.

after listening to bheem, suddenly cold sweat started oozes at back of chanakya. after that he started to think how he forgotten about that incident.

everyone came to their dorms and fell on their bed as the effects of the powder wear off. they slept like as if not taken a sleep for a whole week, as their brain is over worked.

exactly after an hour gupta came to their dorms and as he is about wake up them, sumithra stopped him and said to let them sleep for one more hour as they had over worked themselves. sumithra started to tell about the things happened the class as they had learnt all the letters from the devanagari script by one go and they had practiced it as many time as possible and no need for repetition in the future. by hearing it gupta also surprised as it is not something a mortal can do and for that achievement he can let them have an extra break.

after completing the break time, by the shout of gupta everyone woke from their deep sleep and they don't have any weariness. they started to move towards the place for assemble. after they get their position, they stated their attendance. as everyone is assembled neatly gupta said that they have to move into the forest for collecting food for their lunch as it is helpful for them to survive in the outside world.

everyone moved towards the forest in a orderly manner behind gupta. sumithra also tagged along with them as she will tell about the vegetation on the mountains, because she is responsible for the knowledge implantation.

by the guidance of the viki's parents everyone walked into the forest and started to collect the food. as viki is able to use the energy in his body, he is able to catch small animals like rabbits and remaining members can only collect small edible plants and some roots, as everyone is collecting the materials if anyone is picking non-edible ones, sumithra will point out it and tell what is the down point of it. she will lecture on the food materials properties and the uses of them to the body. if someone picks even a low grade herb she will point out its uses in many ways. after they had completed their food materials collection. sumithra started to cook them in the forest in front of everyone to watch, as they had asked about it previously in the class. as sumithra is cooking the food, everyone is looking at her every movement without blinking their eyes, as it is their first time seeing one creating fire without any fire wood like in their house. sumithra didn't took so much time to cook, as she is an alchemist who usually deals with fire all day long. it has completed in only five minutes time to the kids disappointment, as they didn't have enough fun their eyes.

"don't get disappointed by it, some of you may be able to do the same in the future" said sumithra with a smile.

"some of us? that means not everyone?" asked bheem with confusion.

" yes, you have to compatible with that element" said sumithra as she put the food on the which was prepared by gupta previously.

not understanding what sumithra is telling, everyone looked at each other without opening their mouth as they are feared of her rage.

everyone moved towards the food and started to eat like a pack of hungry wolfs. after sometime everyone completed their meals and looked towards gupta for what they have to do.

" you will have to collect the food for todays night and following days morning " said gupta.

after that everyone once more started to collect food material one more time and as like the previous time as they collect the food materials sumithra will explain about their uses and the down points with everyone and they had collected the materials for two meals and after that they started to move towards the village and there is three more hours before the sun set so gupta told them start the exercise in the order by which they had done in the morning like morning they had completed the exercise and started run around the as the energy dog are chasing after them.

after completion of training they went to take the bath in the river and cleaned themselves and had their dinner with drooling mouth after completion of the dinner they had class conducted by sumithra on letters and the information they had learnt in the forest. after the class is finished they went to their dorms and fall asleep.

this life style had continued for up to six months and in this six moths without knowing their body started to become strong and the note worthy thing is that vasusena was the first one to start to sense the world energy present in the surrounding on the second month of the training and followed nakula, sahadeva, vishwakarma, bheemasena, yudhisthira, partha and lastly chanakya, as he took six months to sense the world energy.

after sensing the world energy, they have to nurture their pseudo meridians with the world energy and open their dantian, where the energy is stored. after the dantian is completely filled, only then they can start their cultivation journey. as viki has sensed the world energy six months ago, it took him three months to fill his dantian, as for normal it took only maximum one month for the first time to fill it, but as it looks like his dantian is more wider than normal person and after filling it, he used it to nurture his pseudo meridians and repeated it number of times as he is undergoing the training with everyone.

after two more months everyone completed nurturing their pseudo meridians and they are ready to start cultivation

"before we start the cultivation let me check your affinity with the elements and provide you with the required cultivation technique" said gupta with serious look.