Almost everyone had taken their test except for bheem and viki.

gupta called bheem for him to take the test, as he is taking out a new affinity stone because of the previous one got melted and by taking the test with it will may not be accurate. he passed the stone towards to yudhisthira to purify it. after yudhisthira injected his qi into the stone it become transparent with no impurities.

after the purification completed, bheem took the stone into his hand and started to inject his qi into the stone and the stone started to glow without emitting any particular color and a picture of a vast dissolute land with numerous tornados are rampaging.

" looks like wind is your affinity element, as the wind is everywhere and the ones who cultivate in wind element are the fastest ones and they rivals the lightning element in speed" said gupta with surprise look.

as he is the one who is physically strongest in the group, he thought his element would be earth, but surprisingly it is wind and vishwakarma is not the strongest but he has earth element.

" okay practice hard and you had the strongest body with fastest speed, you may become a nightmare to your enemies" said gupta.

"okay now, finally its viki's turn. come and check your affinity" said gupta with anticipation, as his son is going to check his affinity.

not only gupta everyone is looking at viki with anticipation in their eyes.

viki took the affinity stone and started to inject his qi into the stone, as everyone is looking at it without blinking their eyes to see any changes in the stone, but to their disappointment it didn't showed any reaction. it continued for about 5 minutes and as viki is about stop, he is interrupted by his father and said to continue injecting and viki continued for about an hour as he has the rich reserves of qi in his body and after the last strands of the qi is injected he suddenly fell unconscious and is about to fell on the ground.

by the sudden change of the events everyone is caught off guard and sumithra is first to react and caught viki.

" what happened?, why he fell unconscious" asked chanakya and everyone.

"he had completely drained his qi in his body, it caused him to fell unconscious" said gupta with face full of disappointment and unhappy.

the kid are confused by seeing the look on gupta's face, as at that time, one will show concern, but he is not showing it in his face.

"you don't have to worry, it is normal for falling unconscious, when one drains their qi" said sumithra.

" then why did the stone didn't reacted?, what is viki's elemental affinity is?" asked chanakya.

" he doesn't have any elemental affinity" said gupta with sad look.

by hearing it everyone felt silent, as they heard about what happens when one doesn't have any affinity and how hard it is to cultivate, that type of people.

" okay, now everyone go to your dorms and take rest for today and tomorrow I will distribute the suitable techniques for everyone" said gupta.

without making a single sound everyone moved towards the dorms.

as they were moved out gupta looked at the stone one more time and kept it in space ring and as he is in sad mood he failed to notice that inside the stone there the flow of qi and the picture of the one where numerous mountains, rivers, trees and different types of land forms are present.

" what should we do?, looks like our son has no attribute, do you still want to let him cultivate you families technique?" asked gupta.

"absolutely, even if he doesn't have any affinity. I will let him practice that technique along with other one, don't forget my masters words. and our son has to work even more harder compared to others and who get to apex without working hard. so, let our son practice my families technique" said sumithra.

after taking with his husband for some more time about the kids and the techniques for them, she went into her room with viki in her embrace.

"looks like viki will have a hard time in the road of cultivation" sighed gupta.

In the dorms everyone is sitting around with a serious look in their face.

"as we all see, viki doesn't have any affinity, so after we moved out of these mountains, we have to protect him, what do you all say" asked chanakya.

"what? do you have tell us about it?, we all have the same idea, as we all know he will be of weakest of our group, we have to protect him" said bheem.

"right, we will protect him from any danger, when we are outside of these mountains" said vasusena

"yes, we have to protect him" said everyone at the same time.

after that they engaged in their own conversation about their elements and about the cultivation techniques, they were about to get tomorrow.

as gupta who is passing by near when they were talking about viki, that they will protect him outside of the mountains. by hearing their conversation he shakes his head at their words as, in the outside world if one doesn't have enough strength personally they won't survive easily even if they were being protected by others. but he have appreciate their thoughts for their friend.

viki is sleeping on a bed peacefully in her mothers room. sumithra who is seated near him is occupied by her own thoughts.

viki slowly opened his eyes and sat on the bed and looked around.

" mother why am I here? " asked vikias he see his mother, who is sitting near him.

" viki, how are you feeling now, did you have any discomfort anywhere?" asked sumithra with concerned voice.

"mother, I am fine, ahh right what is my affinity?" asked viki.

sumithra suddenly got sad and said "you don't have any affinity, but don't worry mother will let you practice with our family technique and you will have to work hundred times harder than the other. the reason why the people without any affinity are weak is because they need more time and more resources to cultivate, that is only the reason, not that they are unable to cultivate. so, you have to work hundred times harder than other for you to keep up with them"

"mother you don't have to worry about it. I will work not just hundred, even thousand time harder than other to make you proud of me" said viki with bright smile without any trace sadness in his voice or expression.

" I know my son well. that he won't be discouraged by this simple problem" said sumithra with a bright and happy smile of having achieving greatest desire in her life.

" okay rest well and tomorrow, you will start your cultivation with the technique I am about to give" said sumithra

"okay, mother" said viki as he fell in the bed.

the night passed silently.