Accepting a quest

The hall master who had entered the test room didn't look at Chanakya who had passed the test. She is looking at Viki without uttering any single word. Chanakya and co were surprised why she is looking at Viki.

The elder who is only focused on Chanakya until this moment, looked were the hall master is looking. There is a single moment of confusion on his face and the confusion turned into astonishment and unbelievable.

"You…... you like this his voice has shuttered.

Both Viki and co were startled by the peculiar behavior of the elder. Up until he seems like a sane person but now, he is not even able to utter a single word. Chanakya thought Maybe he did go senile from old age.

"Elder can please stop it" asked the girl, who just entered the test room.


"Please, be quite for a moment."

"Elder can you prepare the required badge for this kid" asked Prathika who is standing on the side.