62. Deadly attack.

As vikramadithya recounted the incidents that happened and the fact that are in these incidents the group of teenagers from the four prominent families suddenly fell silent. they don't know the full truth and they were just ordered by their family elders to confront the pandava family girl who they had never met before.

the four families appointed the bulky person as these teenagers leader. He is a proud fellow as he the only one who is able to reach the late stage of yuan condensation in the whole history of the four prominent families. He felt reluctant to participate in this quarell. but his family head had said it of a life and death matter and he needs to be the one to lead these peoples. but when he saw sucharitha he has mesmarised by her beuty. even though sucharitha is just kid 14 years, she gives a sacred aura which is combined with her flawless face, she is like a divine being. he had forgeted his mission.