73.Is it true they can fly?

as the energy shared by vikramadithya is a refined energy, so swamy just need to circulate this energy in his body. previously when vikramadithya shared his yuan energy with swamy the yuan energy that entered his body it moved on its own through a certain path which is ideal for the body.

when swamy circulates the remaining energy in his body every cell in his body felt energized. as he completed one circulation the yuan energy in his pseudo meridians has evenly distributed in his whole body. just after the circulation he felt every pores in his body has opened and started to absorb the energy from the outside world. as the energy enters his body, he felt the same sensation he felt when he first sensed the qi entering his body.

he felt like he is the strongest person and he felt like he can lift the mountains easily. as he is in his own dreamland, vikramadithya and others are observing the condition around swamy.