" You are going to love our school cafeteria" Liya said as they walked into the cafeteria with Jace and Marvin " is the food tasty?" Marvin asked with a little smile which wasn't comfortable enough "not so much" Jake answered as they walked towards the counter where they were served pancakes with syrup "this doesn't look so tasty "Marvin said as they walked over and sat down on a table bench to have lunch " how was classes today? " Liya asked looked at Jace who was operating his phone " just fine , but I couldn't believe how Mrs Lucy explained everything about the animals kingdom by turning to nearly all of them" Jace answered as he turned to his right and saw Alicia walking in ( sorry reader's I changed Mel name to Alicia) wearing a pink gown which made her gorgeous with her brown hair
" Who is she? " Jace asked himself smiling rather ridiculously " who ? , She is Alicia the girl who scanned you in yesterday can't you remember" Jake answered in-between a mouth full of pancakes "but she didn't look this cute and gorgeous " Jace answered still looking at her as she sat down not too far from their table " well bro, if you like her it ain't gonna be easy to get her" Henry said cleaning his mouth with a sorvient " come on how hard could it be? " Marvin asked trying to back Jace up " well her dad is the vice principal and her boyfriend is bully Shane and he's One of the most dangerous in this school but I think their having issues coz Shane is always bossing her around because she is a cyborg" Liya answered
"What if I give it a shot, it just might work right? " Jace asked smiling which made Liya to burst into a round of sizzling laughter " dude you're cute and handsome I agree but you don't stand a chance against Shane besides you are not her type" Liya said as she continued her meal while feeding Jake affectionately"we'll see about that" Jace thought smiling
" Alicia ! " A loud voice screamed from outside as the figure slammed the door open " oh not again ! " Liya exclaimed as Shane walked over to where Alicia was and smashed her table causeing the food to pour on her" how dare you son of a mother fuxxing bitch" Alicia shouted as anger was written all over her face " who's that fool?" Jace asked confused " that's Shane the boy we told you about not to long ago" Jake answered feeling compassionate about Alicia wellbeing " well we are not meant to poke nose into their business so we have to back off as far as we can" Liya answered
" How dare you talk to me in such a manner" Shane shouted raising his hand to slap Alicia before being stopped by Jace who was visibly angry " Jace get out of there" Jake shouted trying to run after Jace " stop" Liya said freezing Jake in the spot " even you Henry " Liya said looking at Henry " I was not even going to help him" Henry said continueing his meal " just let me go he doesn't know who he is dealing he is gonna hurt him self" Jake shouted frustrated " just let him fight we can't know how strong he is by the way we need another Hunter in the squad he is a hunter so he will sort himself out" Liya said as all eyes were now on Jace and Shane