Chapter 15 The Invocation of the King Being Amaimon, Gaap, Paimon or Zodimay

"Great – Powerful Amaimon, who exalted in the Power of the Spirits in the Kingdom of the East, (South, West or North) I invoke thee in the name of Darkness, from the dwelling of darkness and in their power of illumination. In the name of Primeumaton who reigns over the palaces of the Sun and the Moon – I invoke thee to appear before this circle, in this triangle – the very gathering place of spirits

Thou art fallen and perfected Angel, who hath tasted the ecstasies As above and So below, Sun nourished Djinn who drank deep of the shadows, whose sword tortures those who would obey me not -. I call and Command o' king N. to bring this spirit unto me without violence or harm – This is my Will. "


"I do conjure and summon thee, Spirit N. by the flaming essence of the Forked Stave of the Sun, the Adversarial Shadow and Burning Fire which is the Prince of Spirits, Angels and Daemon. Come thou forth and without delay to me, Spirit N. By Adonai, the Lord of the Earth, By the Axis of the Sun and the Moon I summon thee. By the Eternal Fire, come now unto this Circle…Be welcomed unto me."


"Welcome Spirit N. You are welcomed in this meeting place within the Crossroads. I have summoned you forth, to join with me, by the union of Heaven and Hell. I bind this within this circle, take flesh and desire within thy Sigil of Calling, which I shall give unto thee life. Thou shalt not leave this circle until I am satisfied, for I shall bring you forth into the world of flesh once again.

By the sacred center of the Arcanum of Shadow and Light, within the Ourabouris Circle I am bound and free, yet as you are Spirit N. shall you enflesh my desires of which I speak. By my command and Will do you bring forth that which I have called you for, that I shall also seek your servitors, those whom obey your command.

By the Pentacle of Solomon have I summoned thee! Give unto me a True Answer" COMMUNION

Depending upon the technique of the summoning, being Sexual Congress, Ceremonial or Meditative (Black Mirror), you will want to envision this spirit outside of the self, in the summoning triangle of spirits. Notice the attributes of the spirit, what makes it powerful and what it represents to you.PREPARING THE MATERIAL BASIS One may now focus upon the sigil of the Spirit, by enflaming the self via envisioning your sexual desire in the form of a black serpent which rises through your spine – starting at the base. As it moves up you will enflame yourself more. If with a partner, they shall envision the same to materialize the spirit. Begin visualizing what this spirit looks like, feels like and what form it takes. Visualize how it speaks to you and the familiars of which it governs. As you reach climax, you ascend into the Celestial Heights of the Luciferian Sabbat – When the mind is led through the Axis of the Point of Light, the solar force of Azazel. Annoint the Sigil in the Sexual fluid of either yourself (if solitary) or both yourself and your partner. At the moment of ecstasy, you shall take the flesh of the beast and along with the Djinn – spirit, descend unto the Infernal Sabbat of the Death Posture, from which you shall emerge in the flesh of the circle. The ensorcerling of belief is significant unto the practitioner who by self-enchantment and the combination of WillDesire-Belief, have transcended the separation of flesh and spirit.

After you have consecrated the sigil, close the circle and the spirit form, while weak, will remain in essence. When the mind becomes interlocked with this force, and the sinking from ecstasy into the Infernal Sabbat of the Waking Self, then it may bring inspiration of what you seek, which shall emerge later. Seal the vessel and bury it in a safe place in the darkness of the earth. You will then wish to keep it buried for Nine Nights, which holds its basis in Vampyric folklore. You may go to the place of where it is buried to burn a black and white candle in the night hours, and envision the Angel or Daemon while it grows in being. In the tenth day, at Dawn, dig up the vessel and clean the exterior. You will then summon the spirit in the Evocation Circle, and then either perform an Invocation to call in the force, which will remain connected with you in dreams until you destroy and burn the vessel and contents. You may also summon the spirit in the Black Mirror, and meditate upon it until communication is gained.

INVOCATION The Sorcerer may invoke the spirit at certain points of the rite, after the Vessel has been created and the Spirit is bound to it. Initial Evocation and creation rites do not involve this process. At the moment of envisioning this force, summon it now within the sacred circle of self, call the spirit into your self, by Will alone. Some magicians have actually entered the circle, and by their enflaming of self can then possession occur. Let the spirits and shades dance within your mind, filled with the ecstasy of invocation. Control and understand the spirit, never surrender complete control. When you have reached beyond the peak of gnosis, the mind will forget the summons of the spirit and you will close the circle. You may recall this force when you are in need. This is specifically why the mentally ill or weak of mind should not conduct such workings – the self may seek to destroy itself in such a manner.


"Hail to thee Spirit N., thou hast answered my questions, and has caused no harm or danger to man or beast. You may depart now unto your place of rest and repose. Be with me in dreams and in flesh as I desire, yet thou art free to leave this dwelling at Will. So it is done. One may command the spirit in the vessel within the triangle, just as one would summon the spirit into visible appearance."