"In the school area, I must request that both of you keep a safe distance. Love is not forbidden but please try to moderate your needs. If it is possible, keep it at least 2 meters apart."
The class rep crosses her arms, using one hand to push up her glasses.
The light then shines on her glasses, combined with her dignify look, it creates an intimidation feeling.
It is as if the back of her figure is filled with a fiery ominous aura.
"What are you doing here Class rep?" I give her a question instead of complying to her request. I still keep sitting right next to The Girl while holding her hand.
The eyebrows of the princess twitches then returns back to normal instantly.
"As the class representative, I have the responsibility to correct improper behavior of my classmates. Be it personal or not. If I may ask, what were you doing here with her? And what happened to this place? Who gave you the persmission to do something like this?"
"We were simply having lunch." I sigh. There is definitely something going on with her. "The place was renovated by my girlfriend here. We did not have a permission."
"What I just saw was not "having lunch". Please answer my question truthfully as this is important to me." The Class Rep immediately replies. Then she stops for a bit to think, and continues. "This is important to me as your leader." He face goes red after that.
The Girl feels that something is odd about the princess, so she intervenes.
"We were seriously having lunch. Please do not bother us. It's almost time for the afternoon courses. We need to finish our meal. I apologize for using this place. I will fixe it back to its previous condition."
The princess turns to The Girl.
"I'm sorry, but I'm talking to this guy over here. I saw his action. He was about to kiss you wasn't he. It was not your mistake. Of course not. You did not do anything wrong. It was his fault for coming close to you. I feel sorry for you. What he did was considered improper behavior. I will have him disciplined by the Student council immediatly and will have a private talk with him later. Do not worry, Ms. GIRLFRIEND. Don't worry about the small details. I will have him separated away from you right now."
She really puts an emphasis on the Girlfriend part. Her words feel like they were meant to protect The Girl from harm but I feel like the expression of the princess's face was hostile. Also, the way that she speaks left The Girl, who is already weak with conversation, speechless.
So she does not like couples that much. There are maybe more people like that in the class, too. We should be more careful to not attract more attention.
"What you did, my friend, was sexual harassment. You did not have her consent to kiss her, but you went for it anyway. That is borderline rape. What do you have to say for yourself? I will need to talk to you in private later this afternoon after school. We need to discuss this behavior before you turn into a criminal. We are at the legal age, do not forget about that."
"How is it sexual harassment?" I am bewildered.
"Did you have verbal consent? Did she ask you to do it?" The princess walks straight to me. Her beautiful face comes closer with each step.
The Girl then says: "I did ask him to take it from my lips."
Clearly not letting it go, The Class Rep fires back.
"You did say that. But he could have used any other method. He could have used his chopsticks, or his hands, even. Instead, he used his own mouth to do it. That is harassment, and we do not tolerate something to that extend in this school. I will protect you. This guy here will not bother you anymore after this."
"But he is my boyfriend..."
"Boyfriend or not, he must have your consent everytime. Otherwise, that would be rape. And the image I have on my phone was taken at the angle where anyone would think you guys were kissing."
The Girl starts having trouble with words. It is up to me now to solve this. I squeeze her hand to reassure her. She looks at me and then makes a small nod.
"Okay, I understand class rep. What do I need to do?" I give up arguing.
"Do you think this is simple as saying sorry? Do you know you can go to jail immediately if someone else caught you rather than me?"
Honestly I do not care. I know what I did. I am ready for the consequences. It is only natural.
"That's why I asked what do I need to do."
But I just got a girlfriend. She has been all alone. I truly wish that I could spend more time with her and to understand her more. If I am gone, she will probably go back to her old, isolated self.
"This afternoon, wait in the classroom until everyone has gone home. We will need to have a heart to heart conversation. The result of the conversation will determine whether or not I am going to report your actions to the school."
The princess says like she has already planned the whole thing. Her tone of voice is higher than usual. It feels like it is more cheerful than dignify.
"Um. Do I have any saying in this?" The Girl asks. I guess she feels responsible also.
"No my dear. There is NOTHING you can do about it. Please go home this afternoon so that I can deal with Mr. Boyfriend of yours."
The princess smiles. Somehow, I feel the air has gotten colder. The way she says "Mr. Boyfriend" is also weird. She makes me think that she had to force herself just to vocalize the word.
"And sir, do not run away. You CAN'T."
She turns back to me. Her eyes are filled with something really strange.
They have always been dark and beautiful. But in this case, it is dark and swirling like a vortex. By this point, her face are only inches away from me. I can actually smell the scent of her shampoo and body lotion.
She then whispers into my ears.
"Do you like it? There is more where that came from."
What the heck?!
"Please. Finish your lunch. We will go back to class after this. Do not mind me watching over. I need to make sure Ms. Girlfriend is safe from your attacks. We girls need to stand strong together afterall."
The princess then proceeds to sit on the bed watching over us.
"Did you eat anything?" Feeling the need to appeal to her so that she will go easy on me this afternoon, I ask The Class Rep.
"Are you asking because you care about me? Or are you asking because you had to do it?" She replies by another question.
"Because we are classmate. It is normal, isn't it."
"Then no."
No what?
Lunch time ends with a bit of a situation. The three of us go back to class with all sorts of thoughts.
At 3 PM, the school bell chimes again. It is time to leave. Students hurriedly pack their bags and head home.
I stay back in class and so is the Class Rep.
My girlfriend, although advised to go back home by the Class Rep, also stays.
After 1 hour of complete silence, we hear a ringtone from a phone.
The Class Rep picks up her phone.
"Is the perimeter clear? Okay, thank you. You did good. Make sure no one comes in. This is probably the most important event of my life."
After closing the phone, she then stands up and head towards me.
"I knew you wouldn't leave .There is no way that you would. Fufu." That is directed towards me.
She goes really close to me and inhales deeply. Now that she is close, I know this is bad since I can see heartshape pupils in her eyes.
"BUT I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO." She glares at my girlfriend and almost screams.
The Girl seems unfazed.
"Good. Really good. REALLY GOOD. EXCEPTIONAL. Fufufufufu HAHAHAHAHA." She starts to lose control of her voice.
"I thought I could make this end the easy way by forcing myself on him and just make a baby. Then I would have had him ALL to myself. BUT YOU. You just had to butt in and screw with everything. KNOW YOUR PLACE. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING."
The princess points her finger to The Girl.
"Do you know how long it took me to set today up? The amount of doctor appointments and checkups with medications to ensure the probability of getting impregnated? To make a life time memory with my future husband in the classroom, under the yellow petals season. Isn't it perfect? It is now ruined."
"You're crazy." My girlfriend says.
I agree.
By now. We know that what the Class Rep said at lunch was only a facade of her real intentions. She was obsessed with me and she wanted to have some alone time to "make a baby" in her words.
"No, he's not yours. He's not mine. He's his own. He is not anyone's property." The Girl speaks calmly with no hint of anger or hesitation.
The hysterical princess continues her rambling.
"What do you know about him? How would you know he has the heart of an angel? Someone like you does not deserve a speck of his love. Do you even know his scent? What about his favourite porn? His most inner fetish? How are you planning on pleasing him like that?"
Hey. Not cool.
"He called me beautiful. When everyone was like you."
"Hah. Trivial thoughts. HE SAVED MY LIFE TWICE." The Class Rep then screams in victory.
"Hoh? Twice? How come I have not heard about this?" The Girl glares at me. Her eyes change into the abyss again.
I need to do something somehow. Otherwise I am going to die here today.
"Excuse me. Class Rep."
"Yes, dear?" Her attitude changes 180 degree.
"I am need to tell you one thing. It was me who asked her out. It was my own will."
"Oh baby. You are only being deceived by this lowly being. Don't worry. When we are done with her. You will not remember a thing about this insect. And then, we will have our happily ever after." She uses her hands to caress my face.
"But I DO like her."
"Shhhh. Baby. It's fine now. Here. Let me give you a hug."
The princess opens her arms trying to give me an embrace. But I try to run away.
Words are meaningless to her.
"Wait. No. Don't hug me. What...what is that...no...."
Suddenly, smoke starts to appear in the room through the small crevices of the windows and doors.
I feel sleepy. I cannot keep my eyelids open.
My eyes grow heavy and I lose my conciousness.