18 years ago, The World was at the brink of destruction.
It was due to a global epidemic that almost drove the human race to extinction.
Because there was a lack of resources, patient zero was never found, the exact location was also blurred. Scientists could only determine that the source of the epidemic came from an area known as C.
Thus, they called it the C virus.
The C virus behaved like normal Influenza at first. It gave people the flu, some sorethroat, and light fever. Which is why people dismissed it.
"This is nothing."
"It's just like a flu."
"I don't have it. Stop bothering me."
The compliance had never been so bad.
Not many paid attention to the flu. Those who took notice of it like doctors and researchers were quickly relieved of their postitions, and that was a grave mistake.
Some time later, the virus started mutating at an incredible rate. At this point, many has gotten ill because of it. Being regarded as common as the flu, the C virus had already planted itself in many hosts across the world.
The infection rate started to dramatically increase. It was a sudden, unexpected spike. A million, then ten, then a hundred. It kept on building up thanks to the ignorance of humanity.
Until 3 billion people contracted the disease.
Yet, that was not the only problem.
The virus was very elusive. Not only did it evolve to many different versions of itself, it also developed a special, never before seen protective layer to combat the treatments.
Conventional medications started giving unfavourable effects soon after.
The rate of mutation was too fast, and the path of which was extremely clear. The virus was trying to infect everyone rather than harming them. As if a mastermind was behind all of that.
Some crazy scientist even thought that it had sentience. Those people did not end so well.
Money started pouring in by governments and capitalists to develop a cure, a vaccine.
But first, they needed to understand the virus.
The way for a virus to multiply is a very complicated process.
First, it attaches on to a designated cell, granted the fact that it has already broken through the immune system of the host.
Then, the virus travels inside that cell and injects its genetic code or DNA, into the nucleus.
The nucleus is the place hosting the DNA of the body. It is essential for the proliferation of the cell. Without the nucleus, the cell should as well be considered dead.
The genetic code of the virus, after being released from its previous body, then incorporates with the genetic code inside the nucleus.
In short, it hijacks the proliferation system with the intention to use that system to create copies of itself.
The C virus worked the same way.
However, something never before seen in the science community happended when the number of patients reached 3 billion.
The virus stopped creating copies. The infection rate hit a trough.
The nature of the virus was put on hold. To many, it was something like a godsend. A disease which 3 billion people contracted suddenly ceased its infection. People got outside and celebrate, as the days of social distancing were finally over.
With no death up to that point, everyone thought it was just a serious April's Fools joke that lasted for quite a long time.
To others, scientist, doctors, researchers, it was a sign of doom.
No one really understood the mechanic behind, but the mutation rate of a human after the incorportation with the virus increased to an unprecedented degree.
Cancer cells started appearing out of nowhere.
Death soon followed.
The mortality was 100%.
3 billion people out of 7 died.
Dead bodies were all over the world. The scene was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Hell was not even close to that.
There were concentration camps just to cremate dead bodies, concentration camps for near-death patients, and concentration camps for the unaffected. The smell of flesh burning regardless of the time was always present everywhere.
It was worse than the Plague, the Black Death, the Spanish Flu. It was worse than World War I and II combined together.
People started coughing again in settlements. Similar symptoms appeared one more time. Chaos was everywhere, people claimed that the end of society was near. There was rape, murder, even despicable thing like incest.
Luckily, a genius scientist of a major research company managed to develop a vaccine before the C virus killed everyone.
Her husband was also the heir of one of the most successful pharmaceutical corporation in the world at that time.
With all the power in her one hand and the cure in the other, she made the vaccine free for all, with obviously some conditions accepted by leaders all around the world.
Using her intellect, The Genius established branches of her company too "help" others and gather left over resources. Vaccines were distributed. People were saved.
She and her husband almost became the throneless King and Queen who brought peace and harmony back to the Earth. At the time, posters and images of them were even seen drawn by drone in the sky. Their reputation jumped to the level of celebrities none would have thought.
They gave birth to a little baby girl one year after the vaccine distribution.
The Class Rep was the child of that genius.
It was about 7PM when things were said and done.
The Boy, now has become a man, knows that he has no way to go back to how things were before anymore.
He feels broken.
Even after his cuffs have been removed and his limbs released, he still was unable to stand up on his own.
Not because his arms and legs are weak or he because he has no strength, but he feels his heart filled with dark and heavy thoughts.
It may sound like a hypocrite, but he feels dirty.
Just two days ago, he was someone who did not care about anything. He would have never felt attached to anything in this world. And now he has had sex with 2 women, feeling broken and dejected.
He should feel happy graduating for virginity. Even so, he just cannot get his psyche up to that point.
Although he did not betray his girlfriend willingly, he did it. He was raped.
There is no roundabout. There is nothing such as "reverse rape". He was raped by the princess.
In just a couple of days, he has been through so much.
He got a girlfriend, he got to spend time with her, and he took her virginity, and then there was The Class Rep.
One moment, he was that apathetic to his entire world, feeling nothing from them.
Then he felt a spark of regret if he had let The Girl go.
Then he would see her beauty that no one was able to see.
Then he would feel happy spending time with The Girl in their little escape shed.
Then he would be glad, to have his girlfriend as his first partner.
And then.
Sadness would fill his heart, regret would weigh him down.
Anyone looking at him, knowing his previous attitude as being indifferent to anyone and anything, would laugh at his hypocrisy. What a joke. They would say.
In fact, he would say that to himself.
You are a joke to this world. Where is your expressionless face? Where is your apathy? What is up with you? Being less than human and then human in matter of days?
He curses himself. He curses his uselessness.
Every steps he makes towards the bathroom are similar to walking with shoes made of lead. The Boy wishes for everything to be just a dream. To no avail. Of course. This is the reality he must face.
He now understand what others feel when they face something they cannot win. This is how human should be.
"I have only been feigning my apathy. I am not sick. Just stupid. Freaking stupid."
He says in his mind. His shoulders slump down even lower.
The butler has to hold him in order to keep him straight up.
In contrast to The Boy, The Butler feels immense joy. He has seen the blossomed face of the princess, he knows the deed was done. They can now feel relieved about the distant future.
Of course, than plan was not full proof, there was some plot holes here and there, but it worked out in the end.
The Butler looks at The Boy, and give a nod.
Not broken. Just dejected. Not hard to fix.
"Young Master, we have arrvived. It is time for your bath. Do you need my assistant? Or would you prefer the maids? They have quite the soft hands for massaging and also a good knowledge of 'others' techniques if you want to experience." Using his polite voice, The Butler talks to him.
He replies coldly but politely.
"Thank you. Please leave me here. I will do it myself. And I am not the Young Master. Please do not call me that."
"Certainly, Young Master. I am sorry that we can not oblige to that order. The Young Master is the Young Master. Always has, always will be." The Butler shows an apologetic face and bows.
"What do you mean by that?"
"All will be explained tonight, sir. Please. Enjoy your bath. The clothes have already been prepared inside for you." He bows one more time and then leaves the bathroom.
It has been nothing but mysteries and secrets since The Boy entered the chamber.
At first, he thought that the big chamber was for torturing or expirimenting people as it was painted a sick color of white.
But on the other side of the chamber, there are many other facilities.
There is a kitchen, a resting area with luxurious beds, gaming systems and pcs, there is also a big bathroom with a bathtub.
The inside of the bathtub is decorated with a modern or even futuristic touch. The walls are painted a metalic grey. On one side is the sink with wooden cabinets. Inside the cabinets, all the daily neccessities such as tooth brushes, floss, toothpaste, all kind of shavers and shaving cream.
There is an extremely modern bathtub with various buttons in the corner. Bubbles are being formed in the water and steam is already flowing up.
It seems that this place is well thought off. It is probably not meant to distress someone.
The Boy was having some worries about not being able to escape. At this point, he has even less idea of what was going on.
"Whatever happens, happens. I will protect her with my life." He claims, looking at the lighting on the ceiling."
Kidnapping. People saying weird things. Telekinesis. Teleportation. And me, telepathy?
This has gotten from being ridiculous to virtually impossible.