After using the bathroom, I feel like now my head can actually think a little bit better. Just a couple minutes ago, I was a the middle of a cat fight, and while I somehow felt wanted by both girls, I did not prefer something like that to happen everyday.
Too many attention from the others. It is best that something like that would happen when we were alone.
I exit the restroom, and someone bump into my chest.
At first, I did not think the person was someone familiar, until she buried her face in to me while hugging me. Soon after, The Girl, suddenly appeared right behind me and did the same thing. I hope she did not use her teleporation ability out of nowhere
I can feel the softness of their chests. It makes my body hotter.
But I cannot let anyone know what I am feeling down there right now. I need to act normal.
I look at the princess and then turn my head a little.
"Are you two okay?"
"I'm fine." They both say at the same time.
I change my view, and there is a long smudge of black and white on the floor.
"Is that my cone bread?!"
Their body tense up after my question.
I am not mad or anything. I just want to know if that thing on the ground is one of my all time favourite lunch.
Ding dong.
The school bell chimes once again. Lunch time is now over.
"Well, just look at the time dear husband! We need to get back to class! Hurry hurry!" The Class Rep let go of me. Her eyes did not meet my eyes.
"Yes. The p...class rep is correct! We need to return soon! The next teacher is not very nice with tardiness!" And my girlfriend does the same thing.
I can actually see some cold sweats on their forehead.
"I'm not mad at you guys!"
"O..of course! Why should you be mad? If you're hungry, then I'll call our butler to tell the chefs and prepare you a feast tonight. How about that?"
" about before we go to cram school this afternoon, you and I go for a snack huh? What about ramen? My treat!"
There voices are distorted and their eyes are frantic. It was so obvious.
I sigh.
"Let's go for something before cram school. I need to have something."
"Ye...yeah!!" The Class Rep looks to The Girl with what I think is animosity.
"Let's go together!" And my girlfriend looks back smiling like she has triumphed.
I flick both of their foreheads.
"Owie!" They scream at the same time.
"That's for my cone bread. Never play with food again, okay?!"
Although I am not mad at them, it is still a bad thing for me to waste such good food. That is why I need to tell them to not do the same thing again.
"Yes!" Their voices mix together.
My stomach cries.
The two girls turn their face another way and pretend to not hear anything. I can see the shoulders moving because they are trying to hold in their laughters.
The girls each grab me one of my hands and we go back to class alongside with the occasional sounds of my hunger.
Three hours flew by. We are now at the end of today's lecture.
Coincidentally, the last period is taught by our homeroom teacher.
"Okay! This is it for today. You guys go home now. Remember, no lollylagging. The police have not caught the muderer yet, so if you can, head straight home or head to the cram school! Class dismissed."
"Stand up! Bow!" The Class Rep does her usual.
We start packing up our books after the teacher has moved out of the classroom.
Currently, it is 4PM. Cram school does not start until 6PM. So we have about two hours. I have not had my lunch yet, so I think I will ask my girlfriend to come with me to the ramen store midway to the cram school.
I turn behind to see The Girl has already prepared to go.
"Let's go eat some ramen!"
"Wait for me dear husband!" The Class Rep calls us out from the other side of the room.
Thanks to her, the whole class starts to look at me weirdly. If looks could kill, I would have been dead already.
"Should we wait for her?" I whisper to the girlfriend.
"Do you think we can lose her?" She does it back to me.
"Not really..."
"Then we just gotta accept it. Also, don't act like you don't want someone beautiful like her trying to get your affection."
"The one I am giving my affection to, is you. Not her. Not anyone else." I make a statement.
"I...I know. I'm just...messing with you." She blushes.
"You have been blushing a lot. Have you noticed?"
"It's all your fault!! Who told you to be such a lady killer?!" She glares at me.
"Lady killer!!?? Since when??"
My girlfriend then stays silent. Instead, her eyes gaze at someone in the middle of her class duty.
"That person is completely out of my control, you know that."
"Hoh! Boys will be boys! It's never their fault!" She squints her eyes to a thread.
"I swear I am totally one hundred and ten percent loyal to you!"
She covers her mouth with her hands and laughs.
But then, someone intervenes.
"What about me? How many percent?" The Class Rep points at her face.
"0." I give her a rounded up number.
She trembles in happiness. There is just no weakness in this person.
"Let's go eat! I bet you're hungry."
"Yes please."
To make it easy for moving, my family has registered my name into a cram school that is nearby. Everyday, after school, I would go there for another few hours and then go home.
The cram school is not a place of fun and games like the highschool that we are going to, but it is a place that puts its students into a fight day in and day out.
The amount of stress in the cram school is actually higher in my opinion. The work load is more, and the material is harder to digest. Which is also why not all students can attend. Some are fine on their own, some just lack the time to do so. The latter usually try to do something else like a hobby or a part-time job.
For me, I did not have such hobbies or a need to spend money so whatever my parents did, I just complied.
On the way to the extra class, there is a very famous ramen shop.
Lines of students going to the same school would always be visible around the same time.
As of today, it is also not any different.
Since the appeareance of the murderer, the students of my school have been going home sooner than usual. The only good thing is the fact that there is only students from my school at this time so the waiting line is shorter than normal.
After waiting for about 15 minutes, we are allowed to enter.
The interior of the ramen shop looks somewhat different to the normal aesthetic of the traditional ramen shop. Rather than having banners and shop keepers wearing white outfits with aprons, this ramen shop has a style like that of famous food chains. They have only one store, though.
The place is decoreated with red chairs and red sofa with wooden tables and yellow lights above. Every table is organized neatly to make way for the servers. The tiles are basic diamond-shaped white tiles with no patterns on them.
In short, they adopted the interior design of western food chains while serving local foods.
To me, it is something both odd and fascinating.
The three of us quickly find ourselves a booth and sit down.
With the size of the chairs and table, the booth should be good for four people if they tried to sit together on one side rather than squeezing themselves in to sit with me. When I moved out, they just pulled me down.
In the end, I just gave up. It will be hard to eat being this close together.
As we are trying to settle down, a person comes to out table to take our order.
He then gives each of us a special card and a pen. On the card, there are various options from the size of the noodles to the richness and spiciness of the broth, the types of toppings and beverages.
The Girl and I quickly circle our options and give it back to the man. I have been here a few times already, so I know what to do. I wonder how she knows what to do with the card.
Looking at the princess, she seems to have a little trouble deciding what she wants.
"What are you looking for?" I ask her.
"Um, sorry dear husband, this is new to me. I don't know what to choose."
"You have lived 2 lives but not knowing about this??!!" Sitting next to her, I can whisper something like that pretty easy.
"We share the same conscious mind, not memories. We can share them, but we can't remember unless we have physically felt the experience first hand." She explains.
"Wow! I really thought you guys were having everything together! Here, let me help you!"
"Thanks, dear husband!" Her eyes sparkles.
"Don't worry about it. So, let's start with the seasoning stock. This helps with the intensity of the flavors. Richness is richness, the heavy it is, the stronger the fat. Next you just need to choose the amount of greens and toppings that you like."
"Is there any recommendation for me?"
"I think you should go with medium everything for your first time to get what it is first."
"Then medium it is. Okay! There you go." She quickly circles the options and gives it to the clerk.
The guy was obviously stunned by her beauty, so he stumbled a little before saying thank you.
"Dear husband, so what you were saying earlier..."
"What about it?"
"It's not wrong, but it's not right, either."
"What do you mean?"
"So, the thing is, if we are talking about sensation and feelings. We do share them all time. However, one side can shut down their physical feelings to reduce mental stress for the other one. Imagine feeling like going into the bathroom while I'm in class."
"OH! Makes sense!"
"We have the same consciousness. This does not mean we are one person. We are two people with the same mindset. This means each of us thinks in a different way but we have one goal and that is to make the both of us better. We share our experiences but only the person who has had physical contact with the experience can remember them!"
"Why don't you think the same?" The Girl asks. I was about to do the same thing.
"Because we have two brains. They are similar in nature, but the capacity is different. Mama's head is filled with her medical and scientific knowledge while my head is still that of a 18 year-old girl."
"It's not like in the movie at all, huh?"
"No, it's not. It's very hard to do something like that without the help of computers."
"Then why aren't you connected to a computer?" My girlfriend asks again. It seems that she is for some reasons very interested in this matter.
"Right now, the way that we are connected is via signals from nano-receptors. If we are connected through computers, it would be better, but someone would be able to hack it. Mama is a genius, but she is not alone. Why are you asking so much!?"
The Girl shrugs her shoulders.
"No reason!"
"She's just curious!" I said in her defense.
"Hmph. At least, dear husband is more interested in me now! Fufu."
I did not notice that.
She is correct, why did I ask those questions?
What is wrong with me?
"Don't worry, dear husband. It is normal to understand more of the one you are interested in!" *Smooch*
The Class Rep devilishly smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Seeing that, The Girl sitting on the other side does the same thing while glaring at the princess.
"Hey, mr boyfriend, I think we should go on a date. Just. The. Two. Of. Us." The Girl says.
She has a point. It has been three days since I asked her out, and we have not had even a date. It feels like I have the steps all reversed. The last step has been finished while the first one has not been planned, yet.
"That's great! I have been meaning to ask you, but there has not been a good opportunity. I need to plan it first! Could you give me a few days to prepare?"
"No need to prepare. It's best that you go to my house and introduce yourself to my family. You know, since you're my boyfriend and all!"
"Hm? Not a bad idea. Then we can go out for lunch or something and go do some couple activities!"
"Not with the activities again?! You think of that only?" She talks loudly, but her red face betrays her voice.
"Hey, what's wrong with that? Dear husband is a man! He needs that! If you're not taking it, I will."
"Who says he's going with you?"
"I don't care, I'll do it anyway. You can't stop me! This is a free country!" She smirks at my girlfriend.
The air feels colder and colder. The guests around are looking at us wariy, some even have pale faces.
I feel like the whole incident at lunch time is repeating itself.
Please, bring the food out.
"Thank you for waiting! Here is your order!"
The guy from before returns. With him is a tray of three steaming hot bowls of ramen. He quickly puts the bowls on the table, bows and goes back. Thanks to the heat, somehow the air goes back to normal.
Before he left, I could actually see him glancing at the princess quite a few times.
Why am I paying so much attention to her? I need to stop that. I only have one girlfriend. I squeezed her hand to make the strange feeling go away.
We then proceed to continue our meal without any major events.
Except for...
"Could you feed me?" My girlfriend said.
"No, feed me. Ah..." The Class Rep has already opened her lips.
"I asked him first! Stay back, pig!"
I managed to put a spoon of ramen in both of their mouths at the same time before the fate of the cone bread once again bestowed on me.
"Let me feed you, dear husband!"
"It is the duty of the girlfriend to feed her boyfriend!"
Please, just let me eat.
Shut up.