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The Date with The Girl

(From now on, everything in the [ ] is telepathy)

The first hurdle is over.

Onto the second one.

What should I do for my first date with The Girl?

It has been 1 month since our first encounter. I would not say I can now understand her thoughts completely, but I can guess what she would and would not like.

Thanks to that, now I have in front of me two major choices. A safe option and an adventurous option.

A safe option would be to do basic things. Going to the mall, watching a movie, going around, having lunch, and then go back home or possibly to the mansion and have some actions with The Class Rep.

It totally skipped my mind why I was thinking about the princess.

The good points of this method are in its name. Safe. Careful planning and deligent execusion would bring a good result in overall. The not so bad point is that it feels stiff and not very flexible. Some events may go off-track and make a mess out of the schedule.

Then, we have the adventurous option. Which would be not having a plan in the first place. We would do anything we like, and go wherever we want to. I my opinion, this is more fun because I can suprise my girlfriend with many things.

But there is a huge drawback.

It feels very uncertain and insincere.

What to do, what to do?

How about I set a destination with a relax schedule, and take it from there?

That might be good.

Then I must decide a place for the date. Hm. How about the amusement park? Many places to see, many things to do, I think it is a good choice. The amusement park is having some kind of festial, i think. And some kind of superstitious rumor about eternal love at the end of the festival as well. It maybe a little basic but not too much.

I take out my phone and started making notes.

After that, I send my girlfriend a message.


Luckily, this Sunday is a beautiful day. My plans will not be spoiled by the weather. We are off to a good start.

After waking up, I carefully check the schedule and confirm that I have everything. By everything, I mean the phone and my wallet.

Because today is a special day, so I try to dress up. I even put in my hair a bit of hair gel. I wonder what she would think of me when she sees me like this.

Last night, we agreed to meet each other at 10AM, but I am planning to get out of the house at 9AM just to make sure.

I say goodbye to my family, and that I will not be home until night. They just smile at me. They knew already that their son was dating someone.

What they did not know was that their son had another sex friend.

Walking out the door, I thought I was going early, until I see my girlfriend waiting at the door.

Her appearance dealt a heavy blow to my heart.

She still has her short bob, but it is decorated with a yellow hair clip. She did some light make up and applied a little lipstick on her rich lips, so her whole face feels like it is glowing under the sun.

For the special occasion, The Girl wears a short-sleeved white blouse and a black skirt with laces and folds. She also brought with her today a yellow crossbody handbag which is really cute. Looking down her feet, I can see a pair of black boots that goes exceptionally well with her top and skirt.

Her eyes are much more defined than usual. They look mesmerizing, the patterns of her iris, the color of them. Just breathtaking.

She is stunning. My girlfriend is stunning.

And her clothes fit her so well. The blouse and skirt is almost too tight. I can see all of her feminine aspects and curves.

It seems that she had some expert advices.

"Why are you staring so much?" My girlfriend says to me.

"Your clothes!...Y-your braces?"

"Oh! It's another type. It's the clear one. Looks better, no?" She smiles, revealing her new dental accessory.

It looks almost as if she was not using braces.

"You are more beautiful than ever!" I look straight into her eyes.

She blushes, but smile happily.

"It's just the clothes! It's not really me."

"Don't say it like that. You look great!"

"Heheh. I did this for you. I really like to hear your compliments!"

"Thank you. Sorry for being so plain though. I feel guilty going on a date with someone as beautiful as you!"

"Stop flattering me! I'm yours anyway. No need to say something like that. I'm not even that good looking. And remember, I was able to change into this because of you. And by the way, you look really handsome!"


"Really. On the scale of one to ten, I would put you at a two..." She stops in the middle of the sentence.

"Two only??!! My self-esteem went bye-bye!" I yell, clutching my chest with one hand.

She chuckles.

"...two million. You dumb dumb!"

"Don't play with my fragile heart like that. Please."

"Nope! I will keep making your heart go doki doki like that until the rest of your days."

"That sounds a bit ominous, doesn't it?"

"Hoh? What do you mean?"

My girlfriend glares at me with her sharp gaze.

"The rest of my days?"

"What's wrong about it?"

"It feels like you are trying to murder me or something."

"If I was going to murder you, I would have to kill myself afterwards. It would be a double suicide."

"How is it a double suicide when you kill me and then kill yourself?"

"Oh wow! Look at the time! We are late for our date!"

My girlfriend runs ahead of me, but she takes a hold of my hand before running away.

"Answer the question!"


The sounds of her laugh echo in my head, and the path that we are running on.

"So, Mr Boyfriend. What are we doing today?" She tilts her head and look at me with puppy eyes.

Cute! Too much! There is a huge gap between her usual demeanor and her current self. Why is it so different, I thought to myself. Is this who she really is? Or she forcing herself to have fun?

"First, we are going to the amusement park!"

"Going to an amusement park with my boyfriend. That's what I have always hoped for!"

"Just wait and see. I have many things planned ahead for the two of us. We are going to have a fun time!"

"I trust you."

I say nothing but squeeze her hand.

Currently, we are sitting on a bus. The amusement park is about 30 minutes drive from my place so we are not going to walk there.

For some reason, things have been moving quite smootly, which is why I feel strange.

With her personality, no matter how hard we tell her off, The Class Rep would always barge in on us.

She should be doing something behind the curtain.

Opening my 360 sphere, I check the passengers. No one I know.

Next, I look out of the window.

There it is, the infamous black limousine. Inside, a dignify lady is drinking a cup of tea.

She notices my glance and make a wink.

"What is it?" My girlfriend asks and looks at the window also.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Now?! Even when you gave her a date even when I'm your girl? That greedy bastard!" She startles everyone on the bus.

The Girl clutches the seat heavily like she is trying to rip someone's head of. The tips of her fingers look white because of the strength.

"Annoying! She should just drop dead! Vile, filthy pervert!"

Her eyes are starting to change, dark abyss color is rising again.

Seeing that, I immediately give her a hug to calm her down.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine! I'm not going anywhere!"

"But she will ruin it! It's the day I have been waiting for!"

"Today, I am yours. Tomorrow, also."

I give her a kiss. People look at us weirdly but do not say anything.

"Haaaaaaah. Okay. I'll let it slide this time. But that pervert should stay away from us! I worked really hard!"

"Let's just enjoy ourselves, okay?"


She is such an obedient girl.

I send The Class Rep a thought.

[Please leave. You promised that you would give us a day.]

[Don't worry dear husband! I'm just checking on you two lovebirds to prepare for my own date.]

She then signals her driver to go ahead of us. I just hope she keeps her promise. Otherwise this date would turn into a battlefield.