A date for two turned into a date for three.
Normal sex turned into a threesome.
The three of us lie on the sofa of the boat, slowly drifting forward. Every single one twitches because of the orgasms. My girlfriend and the princess have the bleach-smell white substance all over their lower abdoment. And I have hickeys all over my own body.
The Class Rep saw the hickey my girlfriend left on my neck, and she went really hard on me. "Markings" she said.
In the end, I think I did it 2 times with each girl. So a total of 4 times. Lately, we have been exercising alot, so stamina is not really a problem. I just did it until they shut down their mind and give in to the pleasure.
My girls are very intense. Whenever I was getting close to climax, they always said to let it out on the inside, and I just could not do anything to contain myself after that. I pumped my seeds into the innermost of their bodies, it made them squeel out of the deep thrusts and drool as they hanged their tongues on the side. They are incredibly erotic.
They should be pregnant at this point. It is too late now.
However, even though we have been doing this alot, they have not shown any signs of pregnancy.
I need to ask the princess about this.
After drifting on the boat for some time, we start to regain our energy.
The girls then wipe themselves with a white piece of cloth already provided in a small cabinet of the boat. Honestly, how much did the directors and managers of the amusement park think ahead? They even have comdoms and energy drink on the boat.
"How are you girls feeling?" I ask them, looking at the two beautiful women.
"I'm good./ No problem, dear husband."
Nodding at their replies, I take the hand of The Girl.
"Great, now we need to continue our date. Class Rep, how about you go home?"
"No. I will go with you, dear husband."
"This woman..." She points at my girlfriend. "...has been provoking me the entire day! So I will follow you to stop her from doing that!"
"The entire day?"
"Come again?"
"I may have probably accidentally enter the amusement park not on purpose."
I sigh.
I should have known that she would find one way or another to chime in the fun. It is the princess. She is that type of person.
Now, it's too late.
"But we made a promise, that you would leave us alone, and then you would get your own date!"
"I'm sorry dear husband. But this...this skank promise me that she would not flirt with you too much because I helped her look better. And she didn't keep her promise. So now, I have to make sure that she doesn't do it again."
I look to my girlfriend. She makes a difficult face but nods.
"Is there anyway that you can leave us alone?"
"Well, if you insist like that,...I can stay in the security office and watch over you through the camera system like before."
She looks down on her feet. Her face is dejected.
For some reason, I feel bad about that look.
"Is it fine for her to come along? I know this is too much to ask for. This is our private time and now I am asking to bring in another person." I ask my girlfriend.
"It's fine." She says. "I'm in a good mood, today. You said you loved me. And that's good enough."
BOOM. A loud sound exploded.
The boat shakes violently out of nowhere.
"He just wants to make you feel happy, pig. Don't get your hopes up high."
The Class Rep looks at The Girl with her natural, terrifying vortex eyes. She clenches her fists tightly, and her voice becomes deep and hoarse.
"No matter. He said so. That's enough for me. Hehe."
Unfazed, The Girl looked straight into the princess.
I can feel the boat starting to get out of control. It must be The Class Rep's telekinesis. I need to calm her down somehow.
"You are a lowlife. You are not worthy of his love! Stop saying useless things!"
"But I got it first! Accept it. You. Are. The. Loser."
Her hair is now floating without the wind. Cracks start to appear on the boat. It shakes even more than before. How did she get so strong?
"Hey Class Rep."
I call out to her. She looks back at me with eyes void of light.
"I...don't hate you that much."
It is true. I used to despite her. She was the one whom I had contempt and I really wanted her to disappear. But after many things that have happened, I know that she is not that bad. We even fought together with our lives on the line.
But I can guarantee there is no such feeling as love I have towards her right now. My emotions are stronger when I think of my girlfriend.
"Tch." The Girl makes an irritated sound.
"Wa! What? What did you say? Dear husband? What did you say?" Her mood turns 180 degree.
"I'm not going to say it again. If you didn't hear it, it's your problem."
"Hiiiiii! No need! No neeeeeddd! I heard it loud and clear. Dear husband is just a tsundere, aren't you! Oh! I love you so much! Come here give your dear wife a kiss!"
She gets close to me, but I push her face away.
"No. Not now. Today is her day."
"Mou. Fine. In that case. I'll just follow you guys around and do nothing."
"Are you sure you can handle that?" Knowing her violent tendency, I give her a question.
"Hmmmmm. I don't know. Maybe if I could here what you just said, I can answer you."
"Forget about it. Let's go."
I take my girlfriend's hand and push the button. An exit opens right after and the boat gets closer to it.
"I'll be good. Promise." Smiling happily, The Class Rep takes me other free hand.
There is nothing similar between the girl she is right now and the person she was just a few minutes prior.
We get out of the tunnel of love after confirming our relationships. The schedule for today is still pretty long. Next up: The rides.
Our date continues as normal, except for someone who constantly barges into the conversation to make herself known.
Today, I learn a new thing about myself. It turns out I am weak to all the carnival rides. My sense of balance is bad, and I had a tough time doing everything.
I lie down on a bench near the central lake of the park after trying all of the rides.
"Are you okay?" They both look at me with worry eyes.
"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just...a little...dizzy..."
I can see birds flying around my head. One, two,...
"Why don't we take a rest?"
"Yes...please...ugh...my head keeps spinning."
"Dear husband, why did you insist to go on all of them?"
"Because, I wanted...you...to enjoy eveything...Are you happy?"
"Yes!" They say.
"I'm glad! Just...just go on without me...It's too late for me. Put it on my grave: He died doing what he loved."
"That's so cliche." They both laugh at my cheesy joke.
"Hey, can you life your head up?" My girlfriend asks.
I feel immediately something soft right under my head. It is the legendary lap pillow given by my girlfriend. My heart instantly feel warm.
I can see the princess looking at The Girl weirdly again. In the current state of mind, I cannot really think straight. In my mind, I just want her to stop looking at my girlfriend like that.
For some unknown reason, I reach out my hands to grab hers. Clearly a bad choice.
"Don't be jealous. Be nice to your friend."
She was suprised by my assertiveness at first, and then quickly intertwined my fingers with hers.
"Yes, dear husband."
And then she puts my hand on to her cheek. It feels warm.
I am being healed by these two people. This is bliss.
After a while, my consciousness comes back to normal, I take my phone out and look at the time.
At 7PM, the amusement park will do a firework show to celebrate the festival. There has been a rumor that if you could bring your love one to the park at the exact moment the firework starts, you would be happy forever.
Personally, I do not believe such suspersition.
However, fireworks are nice.
That is why I chose the amusement park in the first place.
It looks like people have already gathered here at the central lake. From the bench, I quickly stand up and hold both of their hands.
"This is the last part of our date." I look up the sky.
"Is it the firework show?"
"It is."
"Did you plan it for me to see?" My girlfriend looks straight at me.
"Yes, I did."
"Did you know the rumor?" The Class Rep ask.
"Yes, I did."
"And you are holding our hands right now?"
"Yes, I am."
At that point, the sky suddenly blooms in magical lights. Colors and patterns spread across the dim sky. Everytime it appears, the crowd holds the breath in silence to fully take in the beauty of the fireworls.
Red changes to orange, and orange changes to yellow.
The color display is simply marvelous.
The last firework is a pink one. It started small, but by the end, It grew into a big heart of love covered in pink.
And I hear on both of my ears.
"I love you."