The Creature has had a taste for human flesh and blood. It was delicious.
The pain on its body caused by fire and heat was completely worth it to the beast. It sacrificed many tentacles and wounds on its body so that I could kill and taste everyone in the theater. Instead of running away, it stayed and fought. Thanks to that, now it knows what kind of food it is looking for.
For the last soldier, his death was swift and painless. With its three tentacles with sharp points, it penetrated the military grade protective eye gear easily.
Underneath all of that thick skull and gear, a delicacy was waiting for The Creature.
Soft, rich and filled with energy, the brain of the final soldier was something that the pig-like monster considered to be the most exquisite part of the human body.
And so, it needed more. One brain was not nearly enough for its ever-growing hunger.
It turns its head to the others. Many of them are now covered in blood, some had their internal organs gouged out and only waiting for the demise. They are now its prey.
Thus, the rest of the soldiers was eaten. Their brains were sucked completely dry. Their organs were clawed out by the tentacles and feasted on. Everything was just grotesque. But the beast worried not. It cared for food, not etiquette.
After 6 people have already been consumed, The Creature was still not full. However, it can no longer eat the disgusting rotten meat filled with maggots and flies anymore. It wanted fresh meat, fresh bones, and more importantly, brains.
The pig-like creature had no eyes so it could not see anything, but its tentacles were sufficient enough. With the vibration of the appendages, a 3D image was created inside its mind with even heat signature. Currently, the monster can see that there is a huge fire behind it, and the fire is catching up to the surroundings, spreading unbearable heat. No place for The Creature to stay, it decided to leave.
Its head points to the huge hole in the wall that its mother had made when she came in to give birth to it. No hesitation, the tentacles all over its body gather at one point behind its body.
Whoosh. Whoosh.
It jumps forward like a grasshoper into the wilderness.
One week after the date with my girlfriend, it is now time for the first date with the princess.
Personally, I wish I could just stay at home since I am a little concern about what she is going to do to me. When we were talking on the phone to set up the schedule, instead of letting me chose the time and date, The Class Rep did it herself. Which was very suspiscious already.
In addition, the location is extremely ominous. It is the mansion. Nothing good comes out from there.
I mean the mansion has chefs that can cook really good food and possibly many places to stay in. She has also set up an identical room of mine for me to stay in every night if i wanted to. But that just made it even more uncomfortable. A house date was not what I had in mind. If I could, I would like to go to my girlfriend's house first.
Honestly, can't we just have a normal, lovey-dovey date like normal people for once? Why not go to the movie or something.
I unknowingly make a big sigh.
I know that it sounds pretentious, but I really wish I had only one girlfriend.
Wait, what am I doing? Am I thinking her as one of my girlfriends? No way. No way. I need to stop that. She is...
...What is she to me exactly?
I used to hate her to my core, that's for sure. But now, I do not hold such a big grudge anymore. The other day when I told her that I did not hate her that much, that was the truth.
She is not exactly a friend or a lover. She is more like a sex friend. But if she was to do that with anyone else, I would definitely kill that bastard.
As I keep thinking about someone else approaching the princess, dark feelings start to appear inside of me and I clench my fist hard. Another face appears in my mind. It is the face of The Girl. I also created a similar scenario where a different man touches her. That image makes blood in my body boil uncontrollably.
I feel like my mind is going crazy. I just want to kill, I just want to make the bastard who dares touch my girls suffer.
No, this is wrong. I am thinking weird. This is surely just a one time thought. I do not have a violent tendency.
I really need to organize my thoughts and feelings better.
I heard a knocking on my door. I wonder who it is. Usually my parents should be at our restaurant downstairs at this hour.
"Yes? Who is it?"
"Dear husband, I have come to get you!"
It's The Class Rep.
"Who let you in?"
"Your parents, of course?"
"How did they let you in?"
"Um? By telling me to go upstairs?"
She makes a devilish face. Clearly she knows what I am asking but pretends not knowing anything.
"How did you introduce yourself? Did you say anything like 'I'm here to pick my dear husband up' or something like that?"
"Heheh. Smart husband. Of course I did."
What did I even expect. She obviously should have done something like that. I really wanted to introduce The Girl as my girlfriend, though. That chance is probably gone.
"If you are worrying about me, then I did it first before her."
A familiar voice can be heard from outside of the door. I quickly stand up and open it. In front of my eyes, two girls are standing, dressing in beautiful clothes and make up.
"Can't you just shut your mouth for five minutes?"
"How did you do it before her? How are you here?"
"Easy, I teleported here when she was still on her car, met your parents and said 'Please allow me to have your son's hand in marriage'. As for why I am here, well, because someone broke her promise. So I can now join you."
"It was because you flirted with him too much, you skank!" The Class Rep looks to The Girl with fiery eyes.
"There was nothing agreed on the flirting section in our agreement."
"...A bit over the top but it's fine. I intend to take responsibility after what happended nonetheless. What about the time? How did you know when to come?"
"There are programs on the phone where you can read messages and track their location. Silly boyfriend."
"So you would always know where I am and who I am texting with?"
"Hey hey, dear husband. I have the same thing installed on my phone to track you. Can't you see how much I love you?"
"When did you two do it?" I put my hands on my face. My voice become a bit muffled.
"Oh! A long time ago. You know. THAT night." The princess sticks out her tongue in a cute manner. Well she is definitely cuter when she does that.
"For me, it was probably the second time we had sex. Please, forgive me, I just don't want to know what you're doing all the time, at anytime of the day and where you are."
Sighing has become a habit of mine, especially when I am with these two girls. I do it once more.
"Well, at least you are not installing cameras in my room. That would be a real crime!"
They both went silent.
"Look in to my eyes."
They look away. Their eyes frantically look everywhere. Sweats start to appear on their foreheads.
"Where are they?"
"We...don't know what you're talking about!"
I activate my 360 sphere.
30 hidden cameras.
What the heck!
"Look at the time, dear husband! We are late for our date!"
"How! And when! The bathroom also!?"
The two girls look at each other and mutter one word.
"Run to father and mother in law!"
It is not that I care too much about it. But this kind of surveillance is abnormal for my privacy. I need to give them a good lecture about my personal space. Come to think of it, how did The Class Rep find out about my fetishes and kinks. It must be because of this system. So it has existed for a long time already.
I have been a subject for their cameras this whole time and just knew about it today. Well, it is partially my mistake. I should have used my ability to check. But since it was present before my ability appeared, I probably was a bit ignorance.
By the time I caught up to the girls, they are already standing behind my parents. The family restaurant is still not opening at this hour so they are not too busy.
"Father in law, mother in law, husband is bullying us!" The point their fingers at me.
Little children they are!
"Hey, son!"
"Yes, dad!"
"Don't bully your wives! Today, let me teach you the best lession a father can give his son."
He takes in a big breath.
"Happy wife, happy life. In your case, happy wives, happy life." My dad puts his hand on my shoulder, making a thumb up with a dead serious face.
"Yes, mom?"
"Why are you having two wives?" Her face looks scary. It is similar to an oni mask.
"Um...that's..haha...I mean..."
"Well, mother in law, may I speak for him?" The Girl raises her hand.
"Please do." My mother smiles at her kindly. A clear difference in treatment here. I object this.
I wonder how she will reply. Maybe something smart or quirky.
"He planted his seeds in both of us. So he has to take responsibility!" She claims happily and look at me with a thumb up.
My parents faces drop cold right after hearing that.
"He did not force us in doing anything weird. It was us who forced him into this relationship!" The Class Rep says, further hammering the nail into my coffin.
'Is it true?" My father asks.
"Well. It is. We did it." I have no idea how my face look right now. Maybe bloodless.
"No protection?" Mom asks.
"Son!" My father looks at me with eyes fill with envy. "You. Did. Good. GAH!"
A sliper hits his face. It was mom's. My father drops on the floor.
"Hoh? Dear husband? So you want another wife that much, huh? Probably you have some stress that you can say something like that right now. Okay, I got it. Let's go upstairs. Let this wife of yours give you a nice massage. No need to open the store for today! Let's take a rest okay?"
"No. No. Please. I'm sorry. Nothing but that! No massage! Dear wife, forgive me!"
My mother's smile becomes cold with the temperature of absolute zero. With her ungodly strength, she grips onto my father's legs. No matter which item my father was holding onto, he could not escape his fate of being pulled upstairs. It is a surreal scene. His claw marks are on the furniture.
His screams echo throughout the house.
I say a word of prayer.
"Son?" My mom calls.
"You better treat the girls right. Or I will personally CUT. IT. OFF."
I unconsciously touch my thing. Cold sweats appear all over my body. For some reason I can actually feel a kind of phantom pain down there.
The girls open their mouths in surpise. I guess they have an ally now. In my parents eyes, they are now my future wives. Maybe they love them better than their son.
How is it so easy?
This is not like in the manga and anime at all!