After 4 months of learning in school, now the students can actually have sometime off for themselves. Since the school year has a total learning time that lasts for about 9 months, every 4 months, the school council would make a special trip to relieve some stress of both the students and the staffs. Being moderate between studies and other activities is a must, especially for the seniors of the school who will be doing their university exams right before the summer break. At that time, everyone will be forced to study almost all the time, so until then, the seniors should spend a little time to play.
This year, they are doing a camping trip to a special park. Since it is a little far away from the city, it is also very near a part of The Walls. The student council went with the park because it is one of the more famous locations of the city from even before The Walls existed. It has so many trees and natural sceneries that were preserved. To call it by the park is actually not very correct. It has the quality of a forest, but with a really small size.
By connecting with nature, one can hope to reduce the stress levels. The scent of the trees and grass can definitely help with all the worries and thoughts that the senior students are having right now. As the final examination gets closer, each and every single one of them are certainly not having a time of their lives. A break is well deserved.
Currently, on the bus, The Boy is having an extremely hard time trying to fit three people on to the same seat.
He was suggested by The Class Rep to travel to the camping location by car, but declined. He thought that it would have been unfair to the rest of the class who was forced to go by the school bus.
Since he has the attention of the two famous girls of the school, albeit both are on two totally different side of the popularity poll, The Boy is having some serious staring coming from all of those around him.
On one hand is The Class Rep, who is excellent in almost everything that she does. Her dignify personality and her beauty cannot be rivaled by anyone in the school. In addition, her physical and academic capability are also top-notch. And finally, she is the sole heir of the mega corp that The Mother has built. Looks, intelligence and wealth, it seems that all of the good aspects from mother nature were placed into one person.
On the other hand, there is The Girl. After a certain person involvement to make her look better, she now knows what to do more or less. The usage of contact lenses, make up and most importantly clear braces has brought her ego up from "I look ugly" to "I look almost normal" which is a big change for The Girl. But for the rest of the school, they were stunned the first day they saw her after the date at the amusement park. Someone changed from gloomy, dark and bad looking suddenly better.
It is not like she went from zero to hero, from bully girl to goddess in a day. She does not look too good in their eyes, let alone be the same as The Class Rep. Yet the change was astounding. The biggest change was actually her atmosphere. Rather than having an air that was so heavy that forced other from talking, now the atmosphere is much less. Still, her straight forwardness is still there, so the amount of attention has not changed that much.
"Honestly girls, can you please just let me stand up?"
The Boy asked. His body is completely squished between the to young woman.
""No!"" They both replied.
"This thing is supposed to be for two people."
"Correct. So please, shoo. You are not needed here." The Girl looks to The Class Rep.
"Tch. Would you look at this girl? Such rudeness! Such arrogance! Come on, dear husband, let's sit by ourselves somewhere else and leave this woman alone." The princess pulls the arm of The Boy.
Seeing that, The Girl pulls his other arm.
"So has it become so usual for you to be by his side that you have no clue where your position is?"
"What do you mean?"
"You. Are. A. Third. Wheel. Always have, always will be. Now get off of MY boyfriend, or I'll fly you outside. Or how about an explosion in your beautiful face this instance?"
The eyes of The Girl changed into something sinister. Her voice is normal, but her aura if vastly different. The air around The Boy feels like it has drop to zero degree.
The bus shakes as if it hit a bumper.
"What was that?"
"What happened?"
"Did we hit something?"
The crowd goes a little wild.
"Fufufu. Hahaha. I'm sorry. Please, dear husband, excuse my rudeness for laughing like this."
The Class Rep covers her mouth as she laughs.
"Are you hearing yourself? Threatening me? Who single-handedly brought you up from you lowly, disgusting personality? Me? The one who made you like this?"
"That and that, and this is this. I have paid my debt to you."
"Ridiculous. You were supposed to leave us alone on ALL of our private occasions!"
As the discussion reaches a delicate subject, The Boy asks.
"Please keep your voice down. People are looking at us."
They both nod and keep their voice down.
"Are you incompetence? Deaf? Judging others before judging yourself? Do you even realize that you were the first one to leave US alone on ALL our dates together?"
"How many times are you going to keep doing this? Let me explain. Again. First. I am not a third wheel. Without your existence, I would have had dear husband for my own and he would pay his attention to only me. If not for the connection between us, I would have gotten rid of your pathetic life a long time ago. I am his dear wife. And you, you are merely a disturbance. Second. The reason for my intervention is that you would always try to cross the line. There is a difference between dating and adultery."
"Dates end with love making, for your information. Where are you putting all that intelligence?"
"Not when I'm not around. His seeds are mine. He is supposed to be my children's father. We are supposed to be the future of our kind. Not you."
It is definitely a weird scene. Two girls clearly having a fight but in a really soft and quite voice.
"I have a question."
The Boy raises his hand. He tries to break the argument as always. Or else they would keep on continuing this childish fight.
"Yeah. So we have done that many times. How come none of you are pregnant? It is not me, isn't it? Am I sterile?"
"Of course you're not." The Class Rep gives me a hug. "It's just that it is very hard for us to create an offspring. Why would I do all of the preparations everytime we are alone? It's because the both of us, or our kind, has a really low birth rate. And by really low, I mean really really low. The enzymes and the chemicals in our bodies comparing to a normal human is different because of the Neomites. The exact number is still hard to determine because there is little known case of pregnancy. That and the fact that we do not have enough males, too."
"Huh? First time I hear about this."
"That's why we should get down to baby making, dear husband! Are you excited for some outdoor, natural play?" The princess presses her breasts against The Boy.
"Stop doing that, you whore. Why don't you just leave him alone? He loves me, not you."
"He loves me too."
"I have to disagree."
"You're just shy."
"It's the truth. Stop bothering him."
"How about you just keep quiet for a while, okay?"
As the bus keeps driving, the view on the outside gradually changes. From the normal view of the buildings in the center of the city, to the lightly sparse view of houses in the surburb, and to the outskirt of the city, closer to The Wall itself.
Something as big as The Wall will always be visible when one is standing at the surburb. At that distance, it looks more like a wave of grey water than an actual wall. When the bus comes nearer, The Wall slowly emerges from the horizon.
It is not that they are driving directly to The Wall, they are only driving to apart that is closer to it. Usually, school activities are not allowed near the edge of the city to protect the people against whatever is out there, but everyone thought it was because of the virus, still living outside in The Old World.
Technically, those who are in charge are not wrong. They are only telling half of the truth.
The virus lives outside of The Wall.
But what they are trying to achieve is not just keeping them from the virus, it is also keeping them from the effects the virus brought to the Earth 18 years ago.
For many times, the governments have wondered how long until they can keep the secret that the world will never be the same anymore, and that the world that the people knew off was far gone. It is now dominated by mutated species beyond recognition, with dangerous abilities. The chances of reclaiming the lands are lower than ever before. And even more so, in their own community, a new type of human, the Homo emovere, are already living and displaying their abnormal conditions.
They knew it was a matter of time until the rest of the world finds out what is happening. That is why they created propaganda, fake zoos with animals created artificially with old genes from laboratories. All to keep the fact that they, the human, are actually living in confinement.
The higher ups know that the truth brings unprecedented chaos and consequences.
It is a ticking time bomb no one knows when it blows.
The day it explodes, will human continue their fantasy of ruling the Earth.
Will the people tell the governments to take back the world, or leave it as it is.
Will the Homo sapien allow the Homo emovere to survive, or to destroy them like what they did with the Neanderthal.
When will that day come?
How will it be?
That day, is today.
The time, is now.
It starts with a part of The Walls broken apart.
It starts with many weird looking animals running straight through the hole.
It starts with death. And death looks like a tentacle monster.